View Full Version : BSA/ Parker Hale martini sight adjustments

01-19-2019, 08:46 PM
I just got a BSA martini international MK1 with a Parker Hale #25b rear sight on it. The rifle is great but the rear sight is kinda making me nuts. If I want to change the point of impact to the right I have to move the rear sight to the left which is just opposite of what one is supposed to do to adjust the windage of any rear sight. The elevation is normal in its movements just the windage is backwards. Iv'e been able to find out how many clicks per inch on line but nothing about the backwards windage adjustment. I was also able to find out there were several variations of the # 25 sight but nothing about its adjustment controls. Anybody out there know about this issue, is the b for backwards :veryconfu

01-19-2019, 10:22 PM
there is no possible way that is correct. it defies physics . rear sight moves the direction you want to move the shot, any gun any sight, period. You must be confusing the stationary bar with the markings with the moveable sight section, the piece with the markings in front is whats moving.

01-19-2019, 11:53 PM
Yep I know. Sounds like I need more familiarizing with it. I could've swore the sight was moving and not the base reference marks. Iv'e got two other BSA's I should know better. Although they both have P/H #7a sights on them. Thanks for setting me straight.

01-20-2019, 09:09 PM
Sorry if I sounded crotchety , I know what you mean about it looking like the base is moving ( I went and checked my MK1 to make sure I knew what I was talking about ). I have some other BSA's with #7 and #8 sights and they are simpler to deal with ( can you imagine what you would have to pay for one of those if they made them today ) ( and they would be made out of plastic and aluminum I would imagine )

01-21-2019, 12:21 PM
Yep it got me,darn those things with too many moving parts. The reference marks are just the opposite between a p/h 7 and a p/h 25 as to what moves and what doesn't. Let the ammo testing continue:oops:

03-17-2020, 09:35 PM
I know this is an old thread but hoping somebody may be able to assist.
I also recently purchased a Martini International with a Parker Hale PH25B peep sight fitted.
My question is the adjustment knobs--
If my rifle is shooting to the right do I turn the windage knob clockwise or anti clockwise?.
Similiarly if rifle shooting to high do I turn elevation knob clockwise or anti clockwise?
Sorry to ask such a silly question but at the moment just trying to get rifle "on paper".

03-18-2020, 04:25 PM
Sprint, I'm not familiar with the sights on your rifle, but in general for iron sights remember the acronym --FORS, Front Opposite, Rear Same.

If your rifle is shooting to the right (as yours is) you want to move the impact left, so you move the rear sight left, no matter which way the screw turns. You can give it a few clicks while watching (or better yet measuring) the rear sight to make sure, or you try it by moving it a few clicks and shooting a group. Adjust as needed.

Good Luck


03-21-2020, 01:18 PM
Old thread, but I think I've got some helpful intel on it.

I've run into what I THINK the OP is talking about on the Anschutz match sight upgrade to my Marlin 2000. On those, the MARKINGS are opposite of what one - at least an American - would think. In other words, following the arrow with the letter "R" on the windage knob moves your point of impact to the left, and following the arrow with the letter "U" on the elevation knob moves the point of impact down. Crazy, right? Drove me nuts until I figured out the threads moved the sights in the directions I was used to, but the markings were wrong.

My understanding of this is that there's a difference in how the shooting disciplines in different countries PERCEIVE sight adjustments. I think the Germans possibly regard the SIGHTS as the thing that does not move, and that you are functionally adjusting the bearing of the RIFLE underneath them, which is technically correct and makes a great deal of sense when you stop and think about it.