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View Full Version : My Nephew's 6 year old son has cancer

01-19-2019, 04:00 PM
This post has been okayed by No_1.

Please help, if you can

My Nephew and his wife were told the first week in December, that their 6 year old boy, Ryker, has Hodgkin Lymphoma. It is Stage 3. His Christmas Eve was spent getting chemo. He is currently undergoing his second run of chemotherapy, and has lost all of his hair, but is handling it as only a 6 year old could!! Brave little man.
My Nephew lost his job in August (company downsizing), and his wife is losing hers with a different company, for the same reason. They have 2 other children, ages 2 and newborn.
I've been a member of this board for a long time, and have been instrumental in running, or contributing to running, 3 different fundraisers for board members when they were in need. If I could support them, I would, but the only thing I could think of doing to help them, is to ask for your prayers, and share their GoFundMe with as many people as possible.
By the way, they would never think of having a fund raiser, or asking anyone for money, a friend of theirs started it.

A link to the fundraiser, for you to check out and contribute through, if the spirit moves you:

https://www.gofundme.com/ryker-strong?member=1474198&fbclid=IwAR1bMdreBe4OTaLyiPS54APGhEuO7sTWa0mXw6YPs CN8NG4ZGoGLNTQdDvU

A link to the Facebook page the family has set up, so we could follow Ryker's progress:


You are all the best bunch of folks that I could ever ask to be a part of, and your prayers are just as important as any donations.

Thank you,

Don Collingham, Jr.

01-19-2019, 04:29 PM
Did it...

01-19-2019, 05:00 PM
Prayers sent

MT Gianni
01-19-2019, 06:54 PM
Don, sorry to hear that. Prayers sent and funding will follow.

01-21-2019, 09:22 PM
Praying God's best blessings for him and the family.
Ole Jack

01-21-2019, 11:39 PM
Done and prayers too.

01-25-2019, 12:05 PM
Thank you, gentlemen.

This is Ryker on Christmas Eve:


Ryker playing video games after chemo on January 14th (the food was his parent's!)


02-01-2019, 07:48 PM
Thank you so much for the support, guys!

Here is an update from their Facebook page:

Round 3 - FIGHT!!!

All settled in the room and started on fluids so we can start round 3 out of 4 on the chemo treatments. The oncologist said that they will be taking a closer look at the PET scan/images from Wednesday but from what he’s seen so far, Ryker is on track and no radiation is needed. We’re SO thankful but also taking it with a grain of salt since this could change anytime
Ryker’s classmate, Gabe, has relapsed with his Leukemia and is also undergoing chemo treatments so it’s been a blessing for Ryker to have a familiar face around when the boys go in for chemo treatments at the hospital. Earlier today they went to the hospital school together and played the Wii for a while


(Ryker is in the yellow shirt)
Please keep the prayers coming, and if the spirit moves you, they could use the financial help too.

02-01-2019, 10:33 PM
I had just recieved that update in email. Great to hear he may not need the chemo. Good luck

02-01-2019, 11:52 PM
Am so sorry to hear this. Will pray for him.

Big Tom
02-02-2019, 12:08 PM
Glad to hear that there is some light at the end of the tunnel and wish him all the best. Also hope the parents find a job soon and get a break from all the stress - can't imagine being in their position. Donation and prayers have been sent.

02-03-2019, 07:43 PM
I wish the best for the young man. Has his mother and dad contacted St Jude’s? Every part of the treatment is free.

Preacher Jim
02-05-2019, 07:18 PM
Praying for his healing. No child should experience cancer.

02-05-2019, 08:55 PM
Prayers for all concerned.

Sent from the largest mountain range in Florida.

02-23-2019, 12:19 PM
The most recent update from the Facebook page they set up for Ryker:

"Ryker’s friend Gabe and his parents recommended Ryker as an honoree for the leukemia lymphoma society Eagle Firefighters Stairclimb Team. The Boise Fire Department team has been participating for around 13 years, raising $500,000.00 in that time. The Boise team was approached by Sean Marvin from Eagle Fire to see if anyone knew of an honoree that Eagle Fire could have as their team honoree since Gabe is already one of the honorees for the Boise Firefighters team. We have been in contact with Sean and organizing a visit for Ryker’s next hospital stay.

Today was supposed to be spent being admitted and settling in at the hospital so Ryker could get his 4th round of chemo as well as a visit from the Eagle Fire Department. After accessing his port and checking his blood counts it was determined that his neutrophil (white blood cells) levels were too low to do chemo and it was rescheduled for next week. Initially we were disappointed - it’s a lot of moving parts for gathering everything we need, dealing with schedules and getting Scarlet settled at the in-laws during these treatments. But, since we had already pre-arranged a first time visit with the Eagle Fire Department this afternoon and we just had Ryker and Miles, we went to them instead!

The Eagle Fire Department team gladly welcomed us and we met each one. They were excited to meet Ryker and his family - to have a connection to someone, as it makes teams learn more about what they are fundraising for, and the real human effect this has. Their kindness and generosity were mind blowing as they led us on a tour of the building, showed Ryker all of their fire trucks and cool tools/equipment, let him climb into several of them and also took us on a ride in one 🚒 😱 And after all of that they gave Ryker some treats that he enjoys as well as a lot of Eagle Fire Department memorabilia which included patches, coins, hat & t-shirt and a bonafide firefighter hat that was decorated with encouraging words by many of the firefighters and some police officers as well 👮 We are humbled and honored to have such outstanding people behind us as we battle this cancer ✌️"

If you have a Facebook account, and want to follow his journey, you can find it here:

https://www.facebook.com/rykerstrong6/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAg8iMI3hrdl5JSB2x2feap9-x1RyYXpzv_oqg5nzVGuy04q35CKVFvdkp3Bp-bUZmbkUF2M8G2k0_i8wQUqCKsmqnAcRx-eBaks2_KC5fObCU52OefUFuAGOMYy6d6xNcjzIMJU1s0bygZme sbn4LEvl_nEtb9I3NhwgVZS3NK53gGFe4Fv-_ICXTtUVikgeHgDLZv-Yw2pZ2TNQOBxePDpUv1D5gta3vSyvpb33BB5BizoF7EzNZpKEK 7VCgqRn7EKdakS33POsxKeI_Q0jYjlowbrWn72l9pqLccbX-jmhGt82uwv_9DoMbau39Tb375Q3oNrSUt9AIYbveWzCaJSE3Lv rrtEsNs6gQHIvodt-cG_8Od_mQ

02-23-2019, 06:04 PM
Prayers sent not only for Ryker but the whole family.

02-23-2019, 07:24 PM
Prayers sent for all involved! <><

02-23-2019, 07:49 PM
Prayers sent sir..

04-18-2019, 04:43 PM
Update from Ryker's mom, for those interested, but not following on Facebook:

Ryker has been recovering well from the port removal surgery. On Tuesday we met up with the school nurse, counselor, hospital teacher/school teachers and principal to go over safety measures and any health needs that he might have. They have all been so supportive and were so happy to see him and hear that he was coming back to school ❤️

So this morning I dropped off my sweet, happy boy at school. Unless any changes come up he will finish 1st grade with his classmates on May 24. And in about 2 weeks he will be 7 years old...I just can’t believe how fast time has flown by. We are so blessed

Continued prayers for the next follow up CT scans and review on July 8 would be appreciated


Gofundme link for those that would like to help:

04-18-2019, 06:33 PM
Awesome update, Don. Praise God for his mercy, grace, and healing.

04-20-2019, 04:35 PM
That's a good update. Several years ago I went through that with my daughter. She had Leukemia. It was a long battle, but now she is 23 and doing well.

Hope things keep progressing for Ryker.

Preacher Jim
04-20-2019, 05:03 PM
Praise the Lord, we are still praying

08-17-2019, 11:33 PM
It's been about 4 months since I have updated this thread. For all who believe that prayer is a conduit to miracles, and who have contributed their pleas for Ryker's healing - Thank you, for everything!
Here is Ryker's latest update from his Mom:

"Ryker’s PET scan on Tuesday went well. He was calm and brave during the early morning hour that we were at the St. Luke’s Imaging Center. On Thursday afternoon (in the midst of our daily chaos) I received a phone call from the MSTI nurse. Any previous concerns of hotspots in the spleen and liver are gone - all of the scans are CLEAR!"

Link to the Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/rykerstrong6/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARCPDXRnvNUu8SDbu58nPFo6WiZKTUjWnaH9WYZOkJ7XLf wS8VMmG4j8KjQeSu0seRfg5g5WlKZOgQ6W&hc_ref=ARQSHqtYaioyAd_0UYASZrc1Dl_IDgkcC6Zh8OiV7Kj JMloBZ9bSg7QKH41iLesFM6g&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARBplTNSz0jMrTw5f6hLPLC9uvL-hOQxVbbr5iYMrc03SRLOAPKQ5QQ-putWvoXefbhOzkz50edS1Kyf-tQaL-MZykUrqafEgVS1rzn8fXWJ1u64yunWYgvpH1j03-tq_AXumnX0nTZAmUjirkEkndjQt_yCuc2tU8a2lihxM3Ss2Zag C5K68bnNLh-B1SPSopKsn9EMv5ZTC1secFXbKlV5aiasoOvGjbN6z7X3fU57m 4_PZSP2SsbdmD0hJFqS7JCNV98JioNBUUzxNvhzZXKvwcCmigP 83149p5iwxAD0K6t4gAPc4L4MWFxhYK8lGBBr5D3E7qF2nNGjV xSgNCAF0EmLsgEHTls39gaudz8I64xe9A8r2Q

08-18-2019, 12:42 AM
Awesome!!! Thank you for the update!

08-18-2019, 10:12 AM
Amen! Good news is good to hear.

08-18-2019, 10:47 AM
That is great news. Thanks for the update.

08-19-2019, 10:44 AM
Healing prayers for Ryker, may he continue his path to full remission.

10-12-2019, 11:53 AM
Another wonderful update!!

Ryker had his 3 month appointment with Dr. Meeker at MSTI this week. He is doing great ���� ��

Sam (pictured below) has always been the one to take his height, weight, blood pressure and temp, etc. He is so good with all of the kids �� We love him!


https://www.facebook.com/rykerstrong6/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARCVo-ystrH-ZSB_kDHqXFaZuqwNuhJf6nT6wkXA9D9-1EKLX2-Vzn7L-9zuo7JP0NNRkBSugi1lwo22&hc_ref=ARSQRst3oQowx1VThVPVx8jGKeWg7ESuv65obhkl10T _CL2J1KoC-mrQlqt5y2zuuzI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDbiI17qlT_ILi0m3Yu14-Zn5sJoRjMRgCbydS0GxNnFid6o3GSj6eGJMdndx2qjJUi3jban eCi4_okW8ERC5x0Sx_hnRRHP8Wxh7nNXiT7kGfqxH6jNQxkh4b vlI9iOLJ_CynFfk1VgspcmXTGeuBs8RqH1XRU9r39UtrsIP_0t 51HnovSrCYjYXhvw2qHp3sr9G9Ekz6bf9UAQNBh_yRZMaDUrUy s4-NbbKbs7W1Wjd1iF3VvjFi7y36NoH_XKOpwiWePOpoFAsLA8uwe Jc-UHIEESDCM192HDgkmwA1Wg8Z3ByeBYHCsHagoOaQzNLo0vIpHV nVMygMC2q0AZbLeOJwTKYAQWlXuPrmh0U4S8o8UfhbFxMg

10-12-2019, 12:31 PM
I've been following Ryker and saw that this morning when I woke up. Great news indeed.

Continued prayers for Ryker and family.

My daughter is a leukemia survivor, she is 10 years post treatment now, and just turned 24 last week. So I know how those hospital visits and treatments went.

10-13-2019, 07:01 PM
Great News!