View Full Version : To ream or not to ream

01-18-2019, 07:39 PM
I have two 12,7x44R rollers. One is of Remington manufacture for the Swedish military and the other is a husqvarna also made for the military. I'm thinking of having a good smith ream the Husqvarna out to 50-100, or if the case will chamber, to a 50-110. This is strickly a black powder loading I'm thinking of doing with a 300 gr round nose. Also thinking of using Fg grade powder. Other than the long case not fitting and me not going crazy with the powder any real issues why I should not ream this chamber out? Your thoughts are invited.

Or, just have it reamed for 50 Alaskan, and use only BP for fuel. A 50AKBP

01-19-2019, 12:10 PM
Can't think of a reason not to do it except recoil. But I would love to have one in the original chambering but then I'm not thinking of hunting dinosaurs. For punching paper or deer hunting the original should do a pretty good job without burning lots of powder.
OTOH I understand doing something like that for the fun of it as well.


01-19-2019, 12:45 PM
Or make 12.7x44 brass from .348 Win....and keep the ole girls original?

01-19-2019, 01:46 PM
Or make 12.7x44 brass from .348 Win....and keep the ole girls original?

I plan on keeping the Remington as is..but,

The Husqvarna (which I think has the better steel ), is the one that is ripe for a rechambering.

I started right off with the 50 Alaskan brass for the 12,7x44R because it can be used as is. Also, because there was no real change in the neck area I didn't have to anneal the Starline brass, and did not suffer any splits. I just trimmed to 42mm and ran thru a 50-70 die and load and fire.

I got 100 pcs of starline brass from graf, and I will keep the Remington unchanged, but was thinking of doing the rechamber of the Husqvarna so to launch some 500+ grainers a little further. Then I would have two fifties to play with. I still have about 60 pcs of the 50 Alaskan unaltered, so if the 50-110 or the 50-100 will not chamber due to length issues I'm thinking I could just ream the chamber with the 50 Alaskan and use that case full length. I might have to use the 50-70 sizer to bring the mouth back closer to size for my boolits but will cross that bridge at that time. The length of case for the 50-110 is 61mm, and the 50 Alaskan is 53mm, while the 50-70 runs 44mm.