View Full Version : Need help with an 1886 Winchester original

01-08-2019, 05:54 PM
The hammer will not cock at all.



More pics of the gun here: https://imgur.com/a/xb41oRu

James Wisner
01-08-2019, 06:46 PM

You have an 1886 with a SINGLE SET TRIGGER


Either old oil and etc is all dried out and gunked up things

Or the sear spring is in wrong.

Or the sear spring is broken.

Or the tip of the sear is broken

Or the adjustment screw has been monkeyed with and now things are out of adjustment not allowing the sear to engage properly

You also need to double check to make sure the fly is in the Hammer correctly

These are a real finicky, I once years ago had one in the shop that I got all adjusted, then the customer took it apart to have it blued, when he put it back together it would not work, called me up really ticked off. I had him slowly change the tension on the screw that holds the sear spring in and once he got it the same tension as I had it everything worked fine.

01-09-2019, 12:37 AM
You could take it apart. I disassembled mine a few months ago. If you dont take every little pin out there are about 7 big parts, not bad at all. Just beware! To get the lever, extractor, bolt, firing all lined up perfectly took me hours because they are all attached with a single pin.You'll wish you had 3 hands. But there isnt any crazy springs or anything.

John Taylor
01-10-2019, 10:56 AM
Before taking it apart try spraying some cleaner in the workings. Carb cleaner may cut the old oil. Blow it out with compressed air. Try setting the trigger first and then cock the hammer, could be out of adjustment.

01-14-2019, 05:54 PM
Just send it to me. Ill fix it and then test shoot it for about 20 years and then send it right back your way :)