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View Full Version : Thoughts on the lake... rev. 21 v 8

01-06-2019, 09:12 PM
“But the cowardly, the vile, the unbelieving, the murderers, the sexually immoral,the sorcerers , the idol worshipers and all liars - they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

In rev 20 v 14 death and hades are cast into the lake of fire. Being inanimate, would it be safe to interpret this as meaning both death and the Hadean realm will be brought to an end?

01-09-2019, 06:18 PM
Could it be that those described by 21 v. 8 are also brought to an end? Satan along with the beast and false prophet are to be tormented forever, but this is not said about men.

01-09-2019, 08:05 PM
It's my prayer but not my belief

01-09-2019, 09:17 PM
Could it be that those described by 21 v. 8 are also brought to an end? Satan along with the beast and false prophet are to be tormented forever, but this is not said about men.

There really is no word in the Greek New Testament that means "forever" in the way English speakers understand it. The New Testament writers wrote "unto the ages of ages." Whether of not that means forever is debated when it comes to God's dealing with the unsaved.

In my mind, unending torment for the lost is incompatible with God's character as revealed in the Bible. So I lean toward thinking the unsaved will be obliterated.

"Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?" (Gen 18:25) I know he will.

A man named Edward Fudge has written a couple books arguing the belief (from Scripture) that sinners are obliterated rather than tortured forever. He really makes some good points and was worth the read. Hell a Final Word is his shorter book.