View Full Version : Broken Sav. 340

10-08-2008, 12:27 PM
Got lead on a 340, 30-30, But the bolt is locked in. Whats wrong and the fix it, Thanks- Joe

10-08-2008, 02:25 PM
Could be a number of things. Summa them are scary possibilities. I'd ask for more info from the owner, or that he take it to a smith and find out why the bolt won't open.

10-08-2008, 03:26 PM
Do you really expect anyone to know what's wrong with it without even looking at the rifle? Could be as simple as a screw being too long and pressing against the bolt, or rust, or something a lot more complex...

10-08-2008, 05:09 PM
Need a bunch more info Joe.

Cactus Farmer
10-08-2008, 05:21 PM
With no more info than we have, how much is this "pig in a poke"? If it's cheap enough do you want to place a bet of that size on it being repairable? Or is it a prop to keep the chicken house door closedat night? Not worth a lot if it's working...........:coffee:

10-08-2008, 05:22 PM
My brother bought it yesterday and wasnt cleaned up very good.He got the bolt out and then put it back in and now cant get it to move. I said I would buy it for a cast bullet shooter. He lives 100 miles from and today said he was taking it to a smith, I figured maybe the extractor maybe locking it up. Thats all I know for now, Thanks

10-08-2008, 10:42 PM
The bolt on the 340's is two or three pieces depending on the caliber and time it was made.

These guns had 5 or 6 different extractors! So it a good guess that that's where I would start.

Your Borther may have also turned the bolt head when he put it back in and it's locking up on the ejector screws?

Again not enough info! If he's taking it to a good smith they'll have it figured out in no time.

Numrich has the last of the parts for these things!

10-09-2008, 02:02 PM
Well, if it did come apart once, it can be gotten apart again. There's not a case welded into the bolt face and chamber (for one thing), we know that now. I suspect that a complete disassembly complete with "custom" techniques might be necessary. And when you put it back together - do it right (this time ?)!!! Not to be a smart @$$ but, I'd go for it, but others must gauge their abilities, or whether they want to pay (and how much?) for a smith to fix it.

10-09-2008, 03:26 PM
PM Me with an E Mail and I willl send you J B Wood's repair data on the 340 series.