View Full Version : What are you doing tonight?

12-31-2018, 01:08 PM
I hate New Years Eve.
People expect you to go to parties and stay up past your normal bed time.
I don't drink, it doesn't react well with my medicine.
I guess I'll stay home and go to bed as I normally do.

So, to the rest of you have a good time, be safe and I'll see you next year!

12-31-2018, 01:10 PM
Happy New Year to all from Gail and I!! We will be sound asleep long before midnight, just like always.

bullet maker 57
12-31-2018, 01:26 PM
Out to dinner at 5:30. Home to a fire in the fireplace and wait. Maybe we make it maybe we don't.

12-31-2018, 01:28 PM
Most likely reading on this forum, then watch something interesting on U-tube, then try to stay awake till 9:30. No wonder I wake up at 3:30 most mornings, then maybe read or go to mancave and size cases or bullets, ready for a nap by 8 but have to go out and do chores.

12-31-2018, 01:38 PM
Cast Boolits read, B&W old TV Movies, and watch across the Valley as those who like to entertain others shoot their fireworks off. Dogs are going to be up till the free fireworks end as some of the noise bothers them, so we'll keep them company.

12-31-2018, 01:43 PM
Stay at home. Steam shrimp with Old Bay seasoning. Eat Honey Baked spiral cut ham, cold salads and treats and watch Hallmark holiday movies with the children, grandchildren and mother-in-law. Been doing it that way ( with exception of the Hallmark movies) for 40+ years.

Probably asleep in the recliner by 9:00.


smoked turkey
12-31-2018, 01:46 PM
It will be pretty much the normal bedtime schedule around here. We may make some popcorn and play a game or 3 of Rummikub this evening while listening to some cowboy music. Our law enforcement son works the 2pm-10pm schedule today, so hopefully he will be off before the fun and games begin. I always rest better knowing he is home safe and tucked away for another day.

12-31-2018, 01:50 PM
feed cows this evening and have to be at work by 3 am so not much celebrating going to happen around here.

12-31-2018, 02:03 PM
Wife's making a pork roast... We'll snack, watch old episodes of NCIS, and hang out with the kids until.....?

12-31-2018, 02:14 PM
I will be in the Reloading room

12-31-2018, 02:31 PM
Either up in shop reloading/casting/building or inside watching TV and having dinner with my girl. Gave up on New Year's Eve 25 years ago....too many butt heads out....and will be asleep long before midnight!



country gent
12-31-2018, 02:37 PM
Im going to stay at home watch / listen to the Indiana jones movies on TV and tinker with some projects. Fix a nice supper right now thinking a ham steak, potatoes and cheesy peas. THen later off to bed and stab Myself ( its injection night for me).

white eagle
12-31-2018, 02:42 PM
New Years Eve is for rookies
I seen enough of them to know when
to stay home and stay warm

12-31-2018, 02:44 PM
were like most others,we'll have a good meal with some black eyed peas for good luck,then watch tv or be on here till bed time.havent been out on new years in 25 years atleast

762 shooter
12-31-2018, 02:56 PM
Prep 30 carbine brass.


Tomorrow eat stewed tomatoes, black eyed peas over rice with ham steak and collards on the side. Yippee!!


12-31-2018, 03:03 PM
New Years Eve is for rookies
I seen enough of them to know when
to stay home and stay warm

Well said!

12-31-2018, 03:14 PM
Slicing Prime Rib since I’m catering a friend’s party, then having a glass of champagne with the better half at midnight. Spending the night at his house so I don’t have to drive!

12-31-2018, 03:16 PM
Considering I was off the last 2 weeks (I'm in education) my sleep is messed up to say the least, have to get back on track by Wednesday. Back in the day of the wild parties and blowing up propane tanks with a British 303, used to keep Anheuser Busch's stock real high and party till the sun came up. Can't do that anymore. So it'll basically be another year, hopefully a prosperous one! HNY!

12-31-2018, 03:52 PM
I’ll be working to save idiots from themselves.

Happy New Years to my fellow brethren here.

12-31-2018, 03:58 PM
:lol: Staying home tonight,away from all the drunks and dope heads,and **** fools.Same for all day tomorrow and tomorrow night.
Wishing all here a happy,healthy,safe and prosperous New Year.
Good luck.have fun.Be safe.

12-31-2018, 03:58 PM
For about 15+yrs we have stayed home. Almost got killed by a Drunk driver coming home from a party back then. Got hit by a Drunk driver 2yrs before that.

So we stay home, watch movies, snack on small goodies until about 2300hrs, then sleep.

12-31-2018, 04:06 PM
Well broke up with girlfriend yesterday but wouldn't have made a difference. Staying home. Did the NYC thing as a kid plus parties. I like peace and quiet. Happy New Years folks.


12-31-2018, 04:13 PM
We will have our traditional New Year's Eve dinner of crab legs and steamed shrimp.
Probably watch college football bowl game...expect my wife to fall asleep pong before midnight. We stopped the party thing years ago and don't miss it one bit.
No alcohol required... I no longer drink other than a beer once in a while with dinner when we eat out. We eat out fairly often... I think I had two beers this year.

Love Life
12-31-2018, 04:20 PM
I’m taking the wife out to dinner and dancing. Plan to be home by 10:30.

12-31-2018, 04:29 PM
Work from 1800 to midnight then off to room up again at 530 new years is always a work day

12-31-2018, 04:41 PM
I hate New Years Eve.
People expect you to go to parties and stay up past your normal bed time.
I don't drink, it doesn't react well with my medicine.
I guess I'll stay home and go to bed as I normally do.

So, to the rest of you have a good time, be safe and I'll see you next year!

Hang tough Hickory.
I'm flying solo too.
I'll stay up for the ball drop though.
Have to meet the new year with my chin up, gleam in my eye and a smirk that says go to hell.

12-31-2018, 05:12 PM
Currently brewing an American Blonde Ale. I plan to drink one homebrewed Hefeweizen later sitting on the couch with my four canines climbing on top of me. My dogs are afraid of fireworks and most everyone near me loves them.


Wis Tom
12-31-2018, 05:25 PM
The weather here, will slow a few folks down, I hope. Freezing rain, right now, and then turning to snow soon. It wouldn't have made a difference here, as we are long past the party stages of life. Playing scrabble with my wife, and then going up to the shop, to reload for alittle while. Might make it to midnight, but I wouldn't bet on it.

12-31-2018, 05:29 PM
Staying home, like usual. The missus has to get up to go to work at 5 AM anyway.

Our "partying" in the New Year ended long long ago... Don't miss it one bit.

Happy New Year! everyone, regardless of if you celebrate or not!


Butler Ford
12-31-2018, 05:37 PM
Prepping a couple of thousand pieces of 38 Spl. brass and starting to cast the bullets to fill them with.

12-31-2018, 05:40 PM
Bought some Jagermeister. Going to have a bonfire, drink up and shoot guns in the air. :holysheep

Kidding about the guns. Got the bonfire ready to go but we will be in bed about 2100 latest and we won't be doing much Jager. Got to work in the morning.

12-31-2018, 05:41 PM
Currently brewing an American Blonde Ale. I plan to drink one homebrewed Hefeweizen later sitting on the couch with my four canines climbing on top of me. My dogs are afraid of fireworks and most everyone near me loves them.


What's your recipe?

12-31-2018, 06:33 PM
I heard years ago, that the LAPD Cops park their patrol vehicles under the Harbor Fwy overpasses at 2345hrs to 0015hrs. Protect themselves from all the bullets coming down that are fired up into the air by gangbangers.

Wheelguns 1961
12-31-2018, 06:33 PM
Pretty much like the rest of ya’ll. Just made myself a ribeye and baked potato. I worked today. Have off tomorrow. If I make it to 9:00 it will surprise me. I quit drinking about 15yrs ago.

12-31-2018, 06:45 PM
I'm a drinker (Wife is Not) and we often go out but not on amateur night. Prolly be in bed early like most of you. We've had a fire going in the fireplace all day. Been a rainy dreary day. May pour myself a BA Stout after while.

12-31-2018, 06:51 PM
Had pizza for dinner, watch a little TV and asleep by 10:30. Happy and safe New Year to all !!!!

12-31-2018, 07:07 PM
Done partied out years ago, watch a little tv/ youtube, drink my usual 3 or 4 beers and be in bed by 8:30 to 9pm.. Don't know how I did it in my younger days..

12-31-2018, 07:53 PM
I'm thinking I'm gonna get the Prime Rib special at the local cafe'
a couple decades ago, there were famous for their prime rib, they had it every saturday night...I'm not a regular, and I haven't seen prime rib mentioned in the newspaper ad for many years...Same family owns it...So I guess I'll see if the Son has learned anything from Ma and Pa?

Also, I have one Minnesota legal firework fountain...if I'm still up at 12 ?

12-31-2018, 08:02 PM
Actually going to a buddies house with the fam, have some food and beers, almost 18 year old daughter got her license so she will be driving us home.

12-31-2018, 08:06 PM
Loading up some 60gr 5.56 boolits I made from 22lr brass. Trimmed the meplats all uniform and tried to re-tip a bit. Going to run them downrange and check the speeds and spreads with the labradar tomorrow...if it ever stops raining.

I'd rather shoot on a range full of the clueless than drive on the roads tonight.

12-31-2018, 08:26 PM
Staying home with my buddy Jack Daniels. Probably spend some time out in the shop tinkering.

Don't like getting out on rookie night.


12-31-2018, 08:33 PM
No longer go out on New Years.
To many irresponsible people driving around.
I'll be sitting at home, watching all the illegal fireworks, wishing I had some to set off myself.

12-31-2018, 08:53 PM
I will go to a party for a couple in my area that are good friends to say good bye as they are moving to southern utah. Then home to watch a couple of movies and eat some snacks and see how long I make it.

12-31-2018, 09:00 PM
Don’t do anything different never did. I don’t now nor never did participate in amateur night! People who don’t drink or go out all year long feel I have some kind of free pass on New Year’s Eve! Frankly it scares the heck out of me.

Tom W.
12-31-2018, 09:16 PM
Suffering. I must have eaten something that wasn't good sometime this afternoon.
Lori and I did go to Red Robin for a burger. I wasn't feeling grand to start with, then she drove us to the Publix grocery store. I stayed in the car. It took me a bit to get back into the house, as I thought I would loose my dinner in the yard......
Happy New year!

12-31-2018, 10:00 PM
We just got done with dinner king crab legs and shrimp fire going in fireplaces my lab at my side life is good Happy New years to all

12-31-2018, 10:05 PM
Watched a few hours of fairly decent TV with the wife. Currently doing my ussual evening trawl through Cast Boolits forums.

After that is done I will slip into the David Weber Safehold book I am reading. #3 in the series, 5 more after that one. LIFE is GOOD.

Staying home, staying off the roads, off the booze. Its amateur night. I want no part of it.

Done my share of drinking, partying, always woke up hurting the next morning.

I may have a drink once a month or so. I happen to have a case of good burbon in quite large bottles in storage. It has taken me almost 4 years to almost empty the first.
That is just fine with me. Alcohol has its place but its wasted on the young. Moderation can be a good thing.

After the first 2 or 3 times is there really anything you can't do sober what you can do with a pair of drinks in you? Just my opinion, YMMV.

12-31-2018, 10:14 PM
baby sittin so the Daughter and Son in law can go act stupid! I drove a truck far too many years and saw first hand far too many times what mixing alcohol and gas gets you! You all have a happy new year and we'll get back together in 2019!

12-31-2018, 10:40 PM
Just finished casting and sorting 40's and 9's. Just ordered an NOE mould and chilling with the kids and wife.

12-31-2018, 11:14 PM
Well here it is 10:10PM on New Year's Eve.
Dinner is long over with, my wife is asleep on the couch, one Lab laying beside her. I am sotra watching a the Gator Bowl while I sit in my recliner with the other Lab laying on my feet.
We be partying hearty!!!

12-31-2018, 11:30 PM
Grilled up some steaks, baked a greenbean casserole, and mixed/mixing up a few cocktails. Browsing the forum as the girlfriend binges through season 4 of McClouds daughters...looking up every now and then to see the eye candy onscreen and trying not to be overly obvious...

12-31-2018, 11:39 PM
Had a cold and a cough for about 1-1/2 weeks, it's been raining off and on all day, so I' m going to bed. Getting up early to enjoy the last day of our late doe season. Happy new year everyone!

01-01-2019, 01:02 AM
Went through and sorted some paperwork from 2018 glass of wine with wife (which almost guarantees she won't be awake again until midnight) The ball is dropping as I type. I have spent night with friends over the years but won't drive on amateur drunk night. Good time to reflect on the year past and consider the year to come. Wishing you all the best for that coming year.

01-01-2019, 01:50 AM
Finished repairing my water line to the house. Watched a little TV with the wife and then headed here. Probably will hit the hay in about an hour. If I wake up in the morning I will have turned 73 years of age. Man, where did the time go???? Happy New Year to all!!!!!!!!!

01-01-2019, 02:15 AM
Quieter than I expected here tonight.....actually managed to get 4-500 .40 loaded up before bourbon and pork time. New Year's Eve bonus!! :)

01-01-2019, 07:49 AM
Happy New Year all you silver streamers. I went on and still on a John Wayne movie fest since yesterday. All of his westerns from the 70s and 60s are on the menu with seeing a bunch of the silver streaming slingers in action. Also, reminiscing wonders if I still had my 92 38 WCF from being stolen 20 years ago if an about a 220 gr Accurate mold boolit pushed by a full load of 296 to Rel 7 would have been good 100 yd deer medicine. Oh, and I pulled a cork on a mini bottle of Jameson.lol

01-01-2019, 08:14 AM
Happy New Year everyone!

01-01-2019, 12:00 PM

Reverend Al
01-01-2019, 12:31 PM
We're out in Manitoba for the holidays with my wife's family and for New Years we traditionally set up a few tables in my brother in laws shop / garage, fire up the wood stove, have a bunch of snack foods and play the family game ... Canasta. We kept playing until nearly 2:30 last night!

01-01-2019, 01:18 PM
Did the Jax Landing walk.. Bought a 1/2 pint of Jim Beam,, Walked around three hours ,, talked to a few LEO I know.. Drove home almost forgot about Mr. Beam.. Had a drink stayed up to about 2am..
Between fireworks & gun fire ,,animals going crazy.. All in all 'Not bad , with my wife of 33 years..

01-01-2019, 06:48 PM
Yesterday we visited my mother-in-law, then came home and dozed on the couch while watching old movies, until midnight.


01-02-2019, 02:57 AM
Sippin a double shot of Jack Daniels.....reading the threads on this site.