View Full Version : flintlock doe ended in hand to hoof combat

RU shooter
12-30-2018, 01:04 PM
It's our flintlock season went out in the cold and wind yesterday morning , along comes a nice doe at about 30 yds perfect shot 65 grs of 3F and a 50 cal cast round ball . Stupid me out of habit set the back trigger took aim and touched that very light front trigger with my gloves on . Boooom I see her hunch up through the smoke and take off I hit her a touch too far back not gut shot but close . I hurry and reload as I know darn well she's heading for the 45degree hill that's about 75 yds away , I lose sight of her over a little rise . Should have just waited 15 minutes or so but . Anyways I head out on the tracks I go about 15 yds and see her laying . I take two step and her head lift up ! I take aim at the back of the head . Boooom a miss! She gets op stumbling about 10 yds from the edge of the hill I don't want to drag her up . I set my gun and bag down thinking ohhhh no you don't ! As I'm running the 20 yds at her I pull out my 3" pocket knife a Ontario rat 2 she's thrashing around as I jump on her caveman style stabbing numerous times into the neck finially getting it in deep and the throat cut through and she lay still . It was some scene I'm sure I was covered with blood and hair ! But I didn't have to drag her up that steep hill . It's one deer I won't forget

12-30-2018, 01:34 PM
:) I think many of us would pay to see a video of that :)

12-30-2018, 01:41 PM
I have had to use a knife to finish off a deer or two. I don't go for the throat, just stab them in the lungs repeatedly.

12-30-2018, 01:42 PM
I once hurried to keep a small buck with the back of his head blown off from a 12 ga slug from rolling down a steep bench...grabbed hold of a rear leg and promptly got mule kicked by the other leg. I bet you will always remember that one.

12-30-2018, 01:52 PM
Oh, my. Reminds me of a buck some years ago. Windy - so windy my tree / stand is swaying back and forth. I realize that 25 yards away a buck in laying down in a briar thicket. Only see him every 5 or 10 minutes when he lifts his head briefly and then lays down again out of sight. I wait, shoot and see him thrash and disappear. Took forever to push my way through the thickets when I see him upside down / antlers in the ground. It's so thick I have to back my way in against the briars. I get to him, grab a leg to start to pull when he wakes up and just about knocks me over as he rushes past. I just knocked him out with the 20 slug that grazed the top of his head. It was so thick, I couldn't bring my shotgun to bear. At least you were able to get your deer as where I just fumbled around. For sure, you have a memory for life with that one. Well done.

12-30-2018, 02:06 PM
Next time you have to finish one caveman style you need a spear!!!

RU shooter
12-30-2018, 02:22 PM
Next time you have to finish one caveman style you need a spear!!!
Lol indeed ! An attached bayonet would have been nice too

Winger Ed.
12-30-2018, 02:32 PM
That's one to remember!

Stay close to the phone, they might be calling you to star in the next Tarzan movie.

white eagle
12-30-2018, 02:59 PM
congrats on the deer
I to would have paid for a video of that
I once came up on a deer in the middle of the road
someone apparently hit I drove by and turned around
to pull the deer out of the road so no one would run it over
one car had already passed it while I was turning around
pulled over to the side and went and grabbed deer by hind legs
and could feel her pulling away so I got her to the side of road
far enough off so I could pull my truck along side of her and waited
bout 2-3 mins she starts to pick up her head and a min or so later
she staggered out into a cut corn field and walked away

12-30-2018, 05:23 PM
Did something similar way back in my early bow hunting days.

12-30-2018, 06:17 PM
That's a good story. Memories are something nobody can take away from you. My Brother in law and I had a very similar incident, but it was 2 on 1 so it went a little more smoothly for us.

12-30-2018, 08:21 PM
Lol indeed ! An attached bayonet would have been nice too

Good story! I have had a similar situation years ago and never thought of this solution, since I generally hunt with one of those old military rifles!

6.5 CM
12-30-2018, 08:29 PM
More hunters are killed by deer than all other big game animals combined.

12-30-2018, 09:43 PM
you know they make bayonets for flintlocks....

that must have been some hill.

RU shooter
12-30-2018, 09:50 PM
you know they make bayonets for flintlocks....

that must have been some hill.
Yes it is ! I've drug several up it over the years when I was younger . As I said 45 degree and about 75 yds to the bottom . No more for me thanks .

Texas by God
12-30-2018, 11:22 PM
I agree with the spear method. I'm glad you weren't injured.

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12-31-2018, 09:35 AM
So a model 44 Mosin is the perfect close in deer rifle?

12-31-2018, 10:57 AM
Had one bad experience like that several years ago, buck facing me at about 100 yds shooting through a hole in an old tobacco barn using 7mm mag BAR shot through the brisket area bullet hit the edge of the rib cage and ploughed between skin and ribs all the way back to the hind quarter, after walking the 100 yds the deer was laying motionless on the ground didn't move when poked with rifle barrel layed rifle down and pulled my shrade belt knife to cut its throat knife in right hand left foot on bottom antler and left hand on top antler leaned over to cut throat and deer came alive and tried to gore me had to hold him off with hands on antlers until he bled out not a fun thing started to carry a revolver with me after that incident to shoot them to make sure they were dead. Had a hunter almost killed by a gut shot buck across the road in the river bottom a few years later. If in doubt shoot them again.

12-31-2018, 11:59 AM
So easy a caveman could do it :)

MT Gianni
12-31-2018, 03:38 PM
I was hunting with a percussion TC in or around 1979. I scared up a 4 point mule deer that started bounding straight away from me. I shot him and he went down after 506 steps then his head would raise up then drop. I reloaded and put another one in his neck at 15 yards, boom flat. I set my rifle on my pack, grabbed his horns to tilt the head back so I could cut his throat and the left horn came off in my hand. He on the other hand, wasn't having any of it so I had to reach across with my left hand and grab a sheathed knife on my right hip. After too long of a time I got him bled out and dead. I had an easy drag down to my jeep of 1/2 mile or so but couldn't get him over a 15 foot high hump. I drug him down the long way to a 1 1/2 mile walk back to the jeep from a forest service road.
Deer weighed 140 on the hook, no hide, head or guts. It may have been the largest bodied deer I ever shot and the last neck shot I ever took. That bullet missed the spine by 3 ". First shot hit the left antler 2" from the base and knocked him down and probably concussed.

RU shooter
12-31-2018, 07:19 PM
Yeah it it would have been sporting antlers I never would have attempted a knife take down . Figure I already know what it feels like to be kicked by a horse figured how bad could a 120 lb deer kick ! Lol

12-31-2018, 08:00 PM
I about died laughing at these stories!! I look down on nobody for this sort of thing but I have to admit, if these were my experience, my self image would require that i take these tales to my grave. :lol:

12-31-2018, 10:49 PM

RU shooter
01-01-2019, 01:43 PM
I about died laughing at these stories!! I look down on nobody for this sort of thing but I have to admit, if these were my experience, my self image would require that i take these tales to my grave. :lol:
If I can't laugh at myself over this who can I laugh at . I got another deer in the freezer and a good story to tell my grandkids some day .

RU shooter
01-01-2019, 01:48 PM

Lol see what happens when you go on the defensive and lay on the ground ! The deer kicks the **** outa you !

01-01-2019, 02:32 PM
Many years ago...
I had a PE teacher in High School who shared (bravely shared) his crazy encounter. This teacher went out one day to a woods not far from his house as an after thought...wasn't prepared. Just grabbed his shotgun, threw on his hunting jacket (with slugs in pocket) and head in to the woods. Posted in a little clearing and saw a buck. Took the shot and knocked it down. (single shot break barrel shotgun). But in his haste to get out there did not check the pockets to see how many slugs he had...ONE! He shot his only round. Now the deer is laying needing to be finished off...was going to finish it with his knife...NO KNIFE (true story folks). Going through his pockets all he can find is a rope. So he starts to hog tie the still breathing deer when it decides to get up. Turns into a wrestling match. Teacher getting bruised up by the horns, hanging on. he actually got dragged by the deer and nearly hoofed. Finally wrestles the deer down and gets it hog tied...goes back home and gets more slugs, finishes off the deer and all is well ... only a few bruises. The story was even printed in the local paper. The teacher was also the wrestling coach and had a reputation as being a tough guy. Lot of smirks and chuckles when he went back to school after that.

01-01-2019, 05:26 PM
I have had to use a knife to finish off a deer or two. I don't go for the throat, just stab them in the lungs repeatedly.

This the way to do it. I never approach a deer from the "kicking" end or side, always from the back and the first thing I do is stand on an ear or horn and of there is any indication of life left the knife goes between a couple of ribs,into the chest not the neck, a deer's front feet can kick you at their throat faster than you can imagine and a deflected knife has a good chance of ending up in your leg or other wrist.

01-01-2019, 05:36 PM
If I can't laugh at myself over this who can I laugh at . I got another deer in the freezer and a good story to tell my grandkids some day .

You did good in my opinion. Just a very unique & amusing event while hunting.

01-01-2019, 08:50 PM
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed that and got a good chuckle.
I'm glad we have a "safe space" :-P here for stories like this, most other places you'd have someone taking issue by now.

02-06-2019, 09:30 PM
I've delivered a coup-de-grace with my Buck 110 a few times. Amazing how well it works and seemingly painlessly to the animal.

For safety, eapecially with antlers, put your weight down in the antler and hold the animal down with your weight not just your arm, and cut the throat with the other hand. If you don't they can get a final wind and get up and poke you, but if they have set down they don't have the strength to go against 150 lbs+ of bodyweight.

02-07-2019, 07:43 AM
Well...a Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.....an' you done it!!

02-07-2019, 05:13 PM
Pro stalkers are allowed handguns for humane dispatch over here .always told to touch their eye to make sure they are dead .

Lightning Ross
02-12-2019, 09:30 AM
Many years ago in the coast range of Oregon. Our local game warden.Ex WW2 vet. Stopped by and said old granny down the rd needed some meat. So if I found a good road kill drop it off to her. We helped our neihbors back then.So that weekend I had a spike buck tangled up in my woven wire fence. I thought I will cut him out and let him grow a couple of years. Went to the barn and got my wire cutters. Snuck up on him and proceeded to cut him out. That ungrateful little runt and I got into a battle that I looked like I insulted a NFL linebacker. He was cut up enough that I gave up went and got a gun and finished him off. Got him to the barn gutted and skinned him. I took him down to granny . She looked at me and said you must have been riding a motorcycle when you hit him.The gamewarden heard I brought granny some meat and that I looked like I hit the dear with my face so he wanted to hear the story. So I gave him the blow by blow details . He laughed so hard he bought my breakfast for me. Good old days.

02-13-2019, 02:28 PM
Someone mentioned briars. I have always thought it was amazing how a deer could run through an east texas briar patch that would stop a small dozer.

When we were just kids, a friend shot a small buck with his single shot 20 gauge and a slug, he grabbed an antler to turn it's head and cut it's throat, when that little buck came alive. It kind of looked like ke was steer wrestling in a rodeo, with both hands turning his head and his heels dug in, but that little buck took him probably 20 yards into a briar patch, that you couldn't even think about walking upright in, he got the buck, but sure was some scratched up. lol

02-14-2019, 02:28 PM
Never, I mean never jump on a big bucks back and attempt to pull his head back by the antlers while your buddy tries to cut his throat. Believe me it won't end good !

02-14-2019, 03:20 PM
I had to finish an automobile hit and wounded one off with a ratchet strap once! Held her head and neck down with my foot until she quieted down.

02-16-2019, 07:45 AM
Driving semi through a part of Wyoming when a deer snuck out in front of me. Busted out my headlight. Backed up and found him way over by the fence line. Nice little buck. Decided to harvest the horns but didn't have a saw. So grabbed my 5 lb hammer to knock off the one horn as one was already loose. Swinging away on his skull and I paused, look up hammer high in the air and make eye contact with a van full of horrified kids slowly riding by.

MT Gianni
02-17-2019, 06:51 PM
A friend watched the car in front of him hit a two point buck and the young lady out crying at the sight of the broken backed deer trying to move. he had pulled over, grabbed a knife and proceded to stand on an ear and cut it's throat until the police arrived. When he got back to his truck his employee said "That was real nice Dave but most people would have put down their sandwich".

02-19-2019, 09:54 PM
What's the spirit of the bayonet?

762 shooter
02-20-2019, 07:50 AM
A friend of mine shot a nice 8 point and put it in his truck to show off in town. As he was going down main street, he looked in the rear view mirror and the buck was staring at him. He stopped, the deer jumped out and ran off.


04-17-2019, 02:16 AM
Back just before Christmas 1998 I was driving my brother home and an obviously stupid spike buck ran into the side of my truck and got it's right rear leg hooked by my back bumper and I obviously had to stop the deer was sitting in a sphinx pose and looking at me as I approached but couldn't get up because it's back was broken just forward of the pelvis but it tried mightily and fell down again and my brother said "enough is enough" and whacked on the head with my a tire iron and the deer just glared at him, so I hit it with my three-cell maglite and instead of a hollow "thunk" it made a dull sound like breaking a glass jar wrapped in duct tape and the deer was "departed" and no longer uncooperative about getting into the back of my truck.

But the Better story is family legend my uncle and a buddy found a deer in the middle of the road and swiftly tossed it into the trunk of his car and started to drive home to where they lived on the other side of the Delaware river across the Milford toll bridge back into NJ and somewhere around this time the deer which was apparently only stunned woke up and stuck it's head out of the trunk into the back seat (His car was a 1963 Pontiac Tempest convertable) he became aware of this a few miles down the road when he felt it breathing on the back of his neck! But the toll gate area was brightly illuminated, SO After they finished the job of dispatching the deer (which had three broken legs) and got it out of the trunk, the Toll takers shift had ended and he drove down to the farm and demanded a share of the deer... (it was a rural area where everybody literally knew everybody else) this all being back about 1968 so the Statute of limitations is LONG expired...

white cloud
04-21-2019, 08:57 AM
This is the best thread. Thanks to all for some good laughs.

04-21-2019, 09:29 AM
I was coming home from town on my motorcycle driving the speed limit, it was just before dark one November afternoon. There was a semi doging me when a deer ran out in front of me. Semi's are not known for their quick stopping abilities so I couldn't just slam on the brakes. I applied the brakes and swerved almost missing the deer. I hit its hind legs with the front tire and spun it around.
The oncoming car struck it and throw in into the windshield of the semi truck behind me.

05-19-2019, 03:01 AM
I have also "dispatched" a road injured doe under the watchful eyes of a State trooper that had already tried (and failed) to dispatch it with his 40caliber service weapon, by the simple expedient of decapitating with an axe (Estwing camp axe), I had in the back of my truck.

AS for going into the woods while hunting without a knife? Unthinkable, I have Three lock blades (One serves as a money clip) just to walk to my mailbox, and If I'm making that walk after dark I typically have a 10mm 1911 pistol!

I don't entirely trust our neighborhood Bear... as long as it runs away It will live a long life,
the day it doesn't I'm going to shoot it!

06-13-2019, 12:03 AM
Years ago I had a place at the end of a 4 mile private road on n the trinity river in texas. I rode a bike all the time in those days and was working almost 200 miles away, so would leave very early on monday mornings. I had a new 83 750 honda magna at the time and before I got to the end of the road a deer came across the basically one lane road on a dead run, it went under my headlight, and the forks broke its back, a small 4 point. I cut its throat and turned around and went to get my pickup to get it and dress it out, tasty little critter it was. lol
The way it came out of the woods and under my light, I was not even sure what it was until I got stopped. lol

I had a great uncle that lived up in Erath county on a 160 acre homestead all his life, never had any electricity, he was walking down a draw that he had piled a bunch of cedar brush in, carrying an axe over his shoulder, about the time he got to the brush pile a buck jumped over it right on top of him, he automatically swung the axe and hit it square in the head and killed it.

07-13-2019, 04:58 AM
Amazing how many of these stories there are!!

07-14-2019, 09:12 AM
Great thread, it appears a lot of these stories have been kept under wraps for awhile. Confession is good for the soul, it is said, and the confessional is still open! :). I haven’t belly laughed like this in a long time! Thanks!

07-22-2019, 11:25 PM
[smilie=s: The old saying"Bring enough gun"applies to what happened to a friend in Florida.Seems like Yogi decided to want to check out his kitchen one morning when he was fixing breakfast,and wanted some too.Started to rip up the door to get in.Definitely my friend used enough gun.The only one to hand.A .600 NE double.Did not end well for Ol Yogi.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.