View Full Version : Quick Cinnamon rolls

12-25-2018, 07:41 PM


Just took some out of the oven.

Merry Christmas to all.

12-26-2018, 08:15 PM
Looks good. I make dough on the manual setting of my old bread maker, divide batch, roll out and use butter, cinnamon and sugar (chopped nuts/raisins optional) on each batch, roll it up like a log and slice into 1 inch thick pieces. Put in the freezer and, when ready, pull out, let rise and bake about 15 minutes, 350 degrees. My glaze is 3/4 cup confectioner's (powdered) sugar with a little milk. You just add like 2 tbsp milk, stir, add a little more til you have the right thickness/consistency. Add a tsp of vanilla extract and mix thoroughly. I'm a cinnamon freak, so I use a lot of it in the mixture. Like 1/4 cup cinnamon, 3/4 cup sugar and 1 stick of butter in each log.

12-28-2018, 12:50 AM
I’ve wondered if I could make and freeze a bunch for later use. Sounds like I can. Do you know how long they will last frozen?

12-28-2018, 09:46 AM
Depends on who knows they are there. Up to six months if wrapped, but they do not last that long around here. 2 weeks max.

Greg S
12-29-2018, 03:01 AM

I've made these three times in the last month. Stick the the quick acting Red Star Yeast. These are gooey. You add a 1/2C of cream after they have risen before you put them in the magic box.

Lead pot
01-29-2019, 03:58 PM


Just took some out of the oven.

Merry Christmas to all.

your post did not get unnoticed :) I had to make some, just to cold out here in the NW corner of ILL. to do much else outside.


Reverend Al
03-11-2019, 05:12 PM
Best Métis Bannock

Preheat your oven to 375 or 400 degrees (ovens vary), and while you're waiting assemble the following ingredients.

Dry ingredients

2 1/2 cups of white flour (or optionally 1 cup of Whole Wheat flour and 1 1/2 cups of white flour)

6 tsp of baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

2 tbsp sugar

1/3 cup of any suitable shortening (lard, bacon fat, butter, margarine, etc.)

Wet ingredients

2 large eggs

1 cup of sweet milk

Combine first four dry ingredients and mix very well. Add whichever shortening you'll be using to the dry mix and use a pastry blender to blend until the mix forms fine well mixed crumbs. Combine the 2 eggs with the milk and mix well (I do it right in the measuring cup), then add to the flour mixture. Stir with a spatula to form a soft dough, and kneed as little as possible after placing the dough on a hard surface dusted with bench flour. Add a bit more bench flour if needed to form a soft or "satin" looking and feeling dough that is no longer sticky to the touch. Form the dough into a rough square or rectangular loaf and place on a baking sheet or in a suitable size baking pan. Parchment paper placed underneath the loaf will help to prevent scorching on the bottom. Using a fork, prick holes onto the entire top of the loaf. Bake on an upper rack, well off the oven element, for about 20 minutes or until lightly browned on top.

Best Metis Cinnamon Rolls

To make Cinnamon Rolls, use the same dough recipe as above, but add an extra two tbsp of sugar to the dry mix. Roll out the finished dough to about 1/4" thick to form a large rectangle. Dust the surface with cinnamon, brown sugar, raisins or currents. (I sometimes add Nutmeg as well.) Drizzle a bit of corn syrup or honey back and forth across the top of the dough, and then roll up the dough, sealing the end "flaps" shut. Using a sharp knife, cut slices about 1 ˝” to 2” thick from the rolled up dough and place them onto parchment paper on a cookie sheet or in a baking pan. Again, baking for 20 to 25 minutes at 375 to 400 degrees yields a batch of tasty home made cake style cinnamon buns.

Note: When I use currants with this recipe, I soak them in warm water to swell them up, then add the flavoured drained water to the milk/egg mix for a bit of extra flavour in the dough. I also add a Tablespoon of vanilla for extra flavour. Just keep adding bench flour to the wet mix until the dough is no longer sticky and has a "satin" look and feel to it before you roll it out and add the inside ingredients.

Best Metis Double Chocolate Rolls

To make Double Chocolate Rolls, add 4 heaping Tablespoons of Fry’s Cocoa powder to the dry mixture, roll out as normal, drizzle with corn syrup or honey, and substitute a layer of chocolate chips instead of the cinnamon and raisins

Adam Lee
03-12-2019, 06:48 AM
OK now I am going to have to bake some of these bad boys - I'm drooling!

03-13-2019, 08:34 PM
Lead pot. Thanks for the info.
To late for the full recipe that takes about an hour longer, if you have any mashed potatoes left over, keep about two tablespoons for the next recipe. The real cinamon rolls from my spouse will be posted soon.

Lead pot
03-14-2019, 09:05 PM
Lead pot. Thanks for the info.
To late for the full recipe that takes about an hour longer, if you have any mashed potatoes left over, keep about two tablespoons for the next recipe. The real cinamon rolls from my spouse will be posted soon.

My Mother used to make potato donuts using mashed spuds.