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View Full Version : Interesting day at the range

12-24-2018, 03:18 AM
Talked to an interesting guy at the range today.
Two adults and two kids shooting on the table next to me.
Older guy was visiting from Florida with his two sons.
They looked to be 13 to 15.
Got to talking to him, and found out he used to live here.
Moved out of the islands because it was getting to much like kakafonicate.
I could relate to that, and agreed 100%.
He said he was having some quality time time his three sons.
I asked if he meant grand sons.
He laughed and said no. All three are his sons.
He said the older son was from his first marriage.
The other two are from his wife now.
He told me his wife is one year older than the other son. Who is 49.
I think he told me he was 70.
We laughed about it, talked about the old days, Daytona speed week, storms in Florida.
He was in Viet Nam in 1964, made it through in one piece.
He was born in Puerto Rico. Came here when he was young.
Used to have a flower broker. company here.
Made a good living. Retired now.
Moved to Florida, bought a big house, married a young girl, had two more sons.
Wife makes a good living, so he takes care of the kids and house.
He's happy as a clam in the mud.
We had a good time talking.
You never know who you'll meet at the shooting range.
Funny thing is, I never got his name, and I know he doesn't know mine.

12-24-2018, 03:31 AM
Great to read/hear about.

I like stories like that.

Thanks! & Merry Christmas!


12-24-2018, 09:51 AM
I could easily shoot in my woods but I do enjoy many of the folks I meet at the range.

12-24-2018, 06:01 PM
I have met some real good people at the range over the years now i mostly shoot on my land so it is just me maybe a guest .
I help at sight in days at my club some nice people there some i would rather not be in the woods with too!