View Full Version : PP Boolits for Sale

12-24-2018, 02:21 AM
I don’t know if others know about this site. I found it posted by a member. They sell boolits paper patched. I found that interesting.


Don McDowell
12-24-2018, 10:55 AM
Their bullets are to large in diameter, and wrapped in heavy paper, for decent use in blackpowder cartridge, alright for smokeless I guess. They are a good place to get examples of grooved bullets before buying a mould.
Sage Outfitters sells a .444 diameter slick that could be useful.

MT Trapper
01-01-2019, 10:11 PM
They have a 500 grain out of a Brooks mould that is .451 dia after wrapped in 9#paper. I bought a box when I started out years back. They shot pretty well in my 45-70.


01-02-2019, 09:31 AM
Ah well, you can use groove dia. bullets too with BP. It just eats up more powder space, but they will shoot. Although I would consider the paper too thick indeed for a groove dia. PP bullet. I use a bullet at .451, patched up to .458. 20# paper is way too thick...

01-02-2019, 09:52 AM
paper patched for what? bore rider or over bore? what's the completed diameter?

their patching covers the base - i don't like.


01-02-2019, 03:42 PM
Covering the base protects it, similar to a gas check doing the same

01-02-2019, 04:09 PM
Covering the base protects it, similar to a gas check doing the sameMakes it not as accurate as well.

01-02-2019, 04:14 PM
at least for me, definite consistent accuracy issues if a PPB base is fully covered, no matter whether the slick is flat or concave based.

Red River Rick
01-02-2019, 06:20 PM
Covering the base protects it, similar to a gas check doing the same

That's why BPCR shooters use a card wad under their bullets............so you don't have an ugly folded or twisted tail.


Lead pot
01-02-2019, 06:37 PM
It depends on the type of bullet your using to cover the base or leave a spot open that makes a big difference with accuracy.
The sharps rifle company of old made cup based bullet moulds for their rifles and also made moulds the the Maynard and a few others and they were mostly a cup based bullet designed to tuck the twisted patch tail into. Those bullets were common back then when they loaded a PP bullet and it also served a purpose to protect the thin skirt those bullets had when the charge was lit and the accuracy was good.
Now flat based bullets are popular at the match line and getting the most out of the flat based bullet requires a patch that is not twisted into a ball or cut off close to the base. What that twisted tail does is like shooting a bullet with part of the base band not filled or broke off, it lets the gas blow by when the bullet reaches the end of the muzzle and this causes accuracy problems.
Shooting a cup based PP bullet with just the patch covering the thin skirt will damage it where the paper gets folded under to the point they look like the bullet was dropped on the concrete before it was wrapped. I looked at a lot of undamaged bullets recovered from the snow that looked like this.

Lead pot
01-02-2019, 07:00 PM

A friend sent me some patched bullets with instructions how he wanted them loaded in the case with his powder load and wad stack to see why the accuracy was not the best.
This is what a thin skirt cup based bullet looks like with just the excess patch folded under without a twisted tail. These I shot 100 yards and the patch riding with the bullet is typical with just the excess folded under. This you don't see when the excess is twisted into a tail and folded into the cup giving the wad support from pushing into the base deforming it and most generally having part of the patch riding with the bullet.

01-02-2019, 08:10 PM
was there a wad(s)? if so, what material and thickness? i never got good patch confetti with full base patch covering, let alone decent accuracy. but that's with flat base bullets. lotsa dependencies, as always.

Lead pot
01-02-2019, 08:15 PM
There was a .060 fiber under the bullet 1/8 lube and a .023 over the powder.

01-02-2019, 08:53 PM
Leadpot what is that alloy? BP or white? Did you see any "rib" on the bullet from the bullet expanding into the paper overlap seam?

Lead pot
01-02-2019, 11:16 PM
You have to look close. The patches looked good and you can see the grain in the paper the whole length of the shank. The alloy was 1/20 T/L and black powder was used.