View Full Version : NEED vs NOT NEEDING

12-23-2018, 02:21 PM
Who on here ONLY HAS what they NEED?
Does anyone here have anything they DONT NEED?
What does need have to do with it since I would say most on here have many things they dont need.
In the Thread on a 510 gr bullet in his Marlin a poster wanted to know about loads. Some told him a lighter bullet would take care of anything he would need his Marlin for.
Lets say a 350 grain will do that. It may surely be all he needs but he wants to use a 510 grain.
Should he ONLY be concerned with what he needs?
Or, should he play with what he wants?
Who determines what makes his happiness?

I have two 500 S&W's. I dont need them. But I have them.
I have a 14 inch Encore 458 Win Mag. I dont need it but I have it.
I have a BFR 45/70 revolver, a 15 inch 45/70 Encore single shot, a 14 inch Contender 45/70 singleshot.
I dont need them but i have them.
I have an Encore 12 inch 454 Casull and a FA 4.75 in 454 Casull.
I dont need them but I have them.
So what does NEED have to do with it.
How would the firearms and ammo manufacturers do if we all only bought what we NEEDED?
So NEED vs NOT NEEDED? Please explain it to an old dumb person like me.

Again I mean no hurt, harm, anguish or turmoil by my post I have posted on this posted subject. I am not baiting, trolling or calling out anyone. I am making a post based on my experience, knowledge and/or belief or opinion. That is all.

12-23-2018, 02:32 PM
Need has no place or consideration beyond the two or three guns I use for home defense and hunting.
I have many things I don't NEED. I have many things I want and use to have fun with and increase my skill level.
When you are talking about a HOBBY, need should never be considered.

Wheelguns 1961
12-23-2018, 02:44 PM
I have more guns than I need, but not all the guns that I want. It all comes down to discretionary spending. The money that you spend that you don’t have to. Everyone needs a hobby for sanities sake, and hopefully they have the extra money to support that hobby. The beauty of firearms is that there is many ways to enjoy this hobby.

12-25-2018, 01:46 AM
I guess it would better to phrase the question as this,

Frank decides to spend 12,000$ on a guided hunt in Colorado. The outfitter tells him he needs at least a .308 or 30-06 for 3-400 yard shots. Frank has several of each, but has read a magazine article that says he needs at least a .358 Winchester or .300 win mag for that type of hunting.

Does Frank NEED to buy a new rifle when he has trusted rifles, he knows well, and used for his every day hunting and shooting needs, when the new rifle will most likely never be used after the hunting trip ends?

12-25-2018, 08:19 AM
My wife and I have zero debt, fully funded 401k's, etc so we both have discretionary spending we do. Upshot is we have stuff we don't "need". I lived for several years in my hunting camp. No power, running water, outhouse etc. 3 guns: 357Mag Blackhawk, 22 Single Six and a 30-30 Win. All I needed and didn't realize I just had to have a 70in Big Screen or a Bass Boat or 4 Wheeler or whatever....

12-25-2018, 11:56 AM
A lot of times when someone suggests something like "a 350 grain bullet will do everything you need" are trying to be helpful and steer the discussion into more reasonable territory. Reloaders are often experimenters by nature and will try to stuff the largest bullet into a case that'll fit, or conversely try to use the absolute lightest bullet bullet pushed to the highest velocity possible. These endeavors often have un-intended consequences such as severely reduced case capacity, poor ballistics, erratic velocities, problems feeding/chambering, etc.

12-25-2018, 12:09 PM
I'm looking around my living room right now I see my wife and kids I have my black lab at my feet I have only wants no needs

12-25-2018, 01:21 PM
I'm not saying heavy bullets are bad or wrong. Some people think if a 350 grain bullet is good, then a 425 grain bullet will be better, and a 500 grain bullet will be best. This isn't necessarily true and for most applications the opposite is probably a better answer. However if someone wants to experiment I'm fine with that...

Der Gebirgsjager
12-25-2018, 01:30 PM
Need/want vs. enjoyment/recreation Two different sides of the coin.

12-25-2018, 01:41 PM
Needs are Air to breathe, Water to drink, Food to eat, Clothing/Shelter to suit the environment you are in, for absolute survival.

IMO, Faith in something, like a deity/God, & if nothing else, faith in yourself, might also be something to add.

Other than that, as far as I see things right now... the rest are desires/wants.

12-25-2018, 01:58 PM
Most people in debt are in that position due to wants.

The vast majority of things I own are not needed, but I have no debt and can afford some “wants”.

As to your post about the guy with the Marlin....I suspect not only did he not need a heavy bullet....he may not even of needed the gun itself!

People who ask the question, need help but they do not want it. They want affirmation that others agree that their wants are needs.

In guns, my needs are simple. A .22 rifle, Glock, AR 15, a 12 ga, and a .308 bolt gun. I could hunt, and defend myself with those five selections. And if I did not hunt, and only needed to defend myself, I would not need the .22 or .308.

BTW, the economy would collapse if people did not satisfy their wants. But when the economy does collapse, we see people selling the stuff they have wanted but did not need.

Uncle R.
12-25-2018, 02:36 PM
More semantic games.

Need for what?
If you're talking need to survive, to simply stay alive, you don't need much at all.
But that kind of life is barely worth living anyway.

If you're talking about what you need to be happy, or to accomplish your goals, or to live a good life, that changes the picture dramatically.
Those types of "needs" reflect your innermost beliefs and philosophy of life, and they're different for different people.

I'm convinced that one of the greatest keys to happiness in this life is the ability to recognize the things that really matter and organize your life accordingly.
Family, friends, spouse and children, real accomplishments you can look back on with pride, an honest and honorable lifestyle. These are the things that bring happiness - at least to my way of thinking. Others may disagree, but that's no reflection on me.

I'm convinced that if you swallow the poison the TV advertisers are constantly pushing - if you fall for the lie that happiness lies in having the right things and more of them - you're doomed to become like a dog chasing his tail. You'll never know real happiness or contentment, always believing that the next thing you buy will finally be the ticket to satisfaction. Down that trail are the chronic unhappiness and quicksand pools of debt that have ensnared so many people today.

Most of our "needs" are really "wants" but that's OK. The trick is to choose your "wants" wisely, always keeping in mind that happiness does not come from having more things. "He who dies with the most toys wins" is not a philosophy on which to order your life.

Uncle R.

12-25-2018, 03:35 PM
As JBinMN said, all people have the same few basic needs.

Apart from that, everyone has differing needs to make them happy.

yes, a 350 gr. boolit would do the job, a well placed 22 might do the job BUT the poster (wanted) needed a 510 gr boolit to do his job.

He feels the 510 will do the best job for him so that is what he will be comfortable shooting thus ha will do a better job with something he is comfortable with whether it makes any logical sense or not. AKA psychosomatics

12-25-2018, 09:15 PM
I generally have either what I need, or just over what I need. Anytime I have an excessive amount of either things, guns, or options, It bothers me for some reason. I normally only have 2 or 3 pair of pants at a time for example.

I have more guns than I need, including 2 shotguns.....My conscience bothers me because I feel i have more than I need. 1 shotgun is sufficient for me. I have a 22 rifle, and a 30-30 winchester model 94. I have a carry gun a 1911, and a 44 magnum revolver for playing with and handgun hunting. I generally have 1 mould for each gun. I happen to have 2 for the 30-30.

For me, I feel like any more than 1 22 rifle, 1 centerfire rifle, 1 shotgun, 1 carry gun, 1 hunting handgun, 1 22 handgun is more than I need. I have been dealing with it a while, and I dont understand why I feel this way. However, i think its because Im happier with less things to have to keep track of, but I become intimately involved with what I do have.

12-26-2018, 10:22 AM
As to your post about the guy with the Marlin....I suspect not only did he not need a heavy bullet....he may not even of needed the gun itself!

Now that guy would be me.

I started casting for a 45-70 Marlin 20 years ago. I then drifted to long range accuracy work with j-bullets and magnums. I got used to 1/4 moa guns,it got severe and worse.

I sold my Marlin at one point,feeling like I'm throwing rocks with it.

Then after a while I got no more pleasure by shooting a 22 mm group @ 300, instead of 24 mm the week before. Yeah I can hit an A4 up to 500 m any weather with my 300 WM Woodleigh moose load. But it kinda became work...

I then found about coatings in this forum, tried Hi-Tek, got hooked,got back to casting big time. And got a Marlin again. I do not NEED it. But I like it very much -and I shoot all the possible weights. Got a ton of alloy from the past. I may never hunt with it, but, I used to shoot Marlins so much I,m pretty fast with it and it feels good. Got many a moose with a Marlin.

Now that I'm thinking: everyone needs a 45-70. Everyone needs fun.

12-26-2018, 11:09 AM
Need has ALMOST nothing to do with want. We worked hard, retired and now I do spend what is comfortable on what I want. I am not a collector but an accumulator. I bought a property where I can shoot, I put up a building to reload and work on my rifles. I advise people what works for me and usually why I choose that course. Agree or disagree, I don't really care if you think getting beat-up by recoil makes you a tough guy or because you shot 50 whitetails with a 243 you know what works for elk. I try to help with my experience, take it or disagree.

12-26-2018, 12:16 PM
Oh I forgot: in addition to a 45-70, everyone should also have a motorbike,the Ultimate Need.

12-26-2018, 01:08 PM
Most gun nuts develope a compulsion to find the best, better or perfect firearm. It is sorta like a nymphomaniac looking for the perfect orgasm. One day we recognize we are chasing the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and take a sober look at our guns and why we bought them. I hit that wall about 30 years ago. That is when need and not need because a reality. I have bought very few since them and have sold or given away dozens.

Today, I have the guns I want and certainly have all I need and more. I am a much happier person these days.

12-26-2018, 01:43 PM
Most gun nuts develope a compulsion to find the best, better or perfect firearm. It is sorta like a nymphomaniac looking for the perfect orgasm. One day we recognize we are chasing the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and take a sober look at our guns and why we bought them. I hit that wall about 30 years ago. That is when need and not need because a reality. I have bought very few since them and have sold or given away dozens.

Today, I have the guns I want and certainly have all I need and more. I am a much happier person these days.

Well you do have to admit guns actually are cheaper expense wise then most women. At least you actually get results in the end, and well, guns don't run away with the mail man and take your dog.

12-26-2018, 01:49 PM
Well you do have to admit guns actually are cheaper expense wise then most women. At least you actually get results in the end, and well, guns don't run away with the mail man and take your dog.

ya but women have there perks too

12-26-2018, 02:11 PM
Well you do have to admit guns actually are cheaper expense wise then most women. At least you actually get results in the end, and well, guns don't run away with the mail man and take your dog.

I really like woman, in fact my mother was a woman. I was raised and taught by and large by women. I owe most of the good things about me to women. My daughter is a woman. I would not want to be without women or guns.

12-26-2018, 02:15 PM
Want and need are two different things. You should never go into debt for something you want and be careful doing it with what you need.

I’ve always found it easier to make decisions on what I want to buy rather than what I am willing to sell. So I guess I have a lot more than I need.

I don’t have a lot of pairs of pants. I’m sure I have more guns than pants. I never thought about it that way before. Does that mean I’m addicted?

12-26-2018, 02:37 PM
Oh I forgot: in addition to a 45-70, everyone should also have a motorbike,the Ultimate Need.

Now if you can talk my wife into a motorbike..............

12-26-2018, 04:45 PM
Now if you can talk my wife into a motorbike..............

I might try. I did talk my wife into bikes and she has one.

12-26-2018, 05:39 PM
Needs are Air to breathe, Water to drink, Food to eat, Clothing/Shelter to suit the environment you are in, for absolute survival.

IMO, Faith in something, like a deity/God, & if nothing else, faith in yourself, might also be something to add.

Other than that, as far as I see things right now... the rest are desires/wants.

Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs comes to mind.

12-26-2018, 05:40 PM
Well you do have to admit guns actually are cheaper expense wise then most women. At least you actually get results in the end, and well, guns don't run away with the mail man and take your dog.

I'm not touching that with a 10ft pole

12-28-2018, 12:07 AM
a 150-200$ scope will last you 10 years when taken care of.

150-200$ is considered a normal DATE cost in a city like Chicago or New York.

a typical engagement ring costs as much as a super grade model 70

02-26-2019, 12:43 AM
My WANTS are 2 categories.
1) Every caliber I don't yet have, with 5,000 rounds practice ammo each. and
2) A woman that doesn't talk.
3) I know, there's no such thing as # 2,...so I'll take # 1.

02-26-2019, 12:53 AM
Seems like this started more as guns and loads but has drifted to many other things. Robert Craft didn't need to visit a message parlor. He just wanted to........

Back to guns. I enjoy using heavier loads in my cast guns.

02-26-2019, 10:45 AM
I acquired what i need a while ago and have been on the want side of things for along time. Once i get that one gun i can't do with out i run across another that i just have to have and on and on.

02-26-2019, 10:57 AM
I acquired what i need a while ago and have been on the want side of things for along time. Once i get that one gun i can't do with out i run across another that i just have to have and on and on.

I hear you. Sounds like me.