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View Full Version : What a day of blessing!

12-22-2018, 10:26 PM
15 years ago my Daddy bequeathed his circa 1968 BAR .30/06 to his 4 month old great grandson. Dad's instructions to my son were to "give it to him when he can handle it." Cancer took Daddy 3 months later, March 4, 2003 but the old Browning waited patiently in a safe place.

Today was the day.

Things got kind a cloudy for me about now...

Thanks Daddy, not just for the rifle, the memories, all the days afield and the example you set. Thank you for the heritage of faith you instilled in us, so vivid in this season of remembrance of the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ whom you served so long and well.

12-22-2018, 10:36 PM
Good times great memories it's what makes life worth living

smoked turkey
12-23-2018, 12:11 AM
Hogtamer that blessing just passed on to me as I read your awesome post. I am sorry for the loss of your Dad. He must have been a great father. That is truly a family heirloom and carries with it a memory that will never be forgotten. Your dad was a great man and a hero in my mind. May the BAR provide many more happy memories and continue to fill the freezer, and/or shoot those tiny groups.

12-23-2018, 08:22 PM

You are truly blessed my friend!

Your grandson and his BAR will be right at home in the left front seat of your '71 Land Cruiser.

Enjoy Christmas Christmas with your family.