View Full Version : Adoption

John McCorkle
12-21-2018, 09:44 AM
Hi all

My wife and I love children, we have 3 boys (Liam 4, Rion 2, and Everett 8 months...)

We have always had a particular pull to have kids...lots of them...and some not our own. We always have known that adoption is in our future- we are now in serious ways taking steps towards that end. I have previously spent quite an amount of time in Ukraine working with a mission organization with orphan kids...we want to adopt from there.

We have started interviews with adoption agencies and sometime near March we will schedule a time study (required to kick the process off)

There are lots of steps in this process all of them complex...it I also expensive

We have seen a pair of twin girls also 8mo old that have a particular condition that puts them on the registry for potential adoption at this young age...man we sure would love to adopt them....love them, show them a world where they are cherished beyond our treasure - and guide them to a God that treasures them even more!

Would you guys be praying for my wife Ally and I as we enter this process...I'm not old but been through enough to know if this is God's will He will fund it...but that does time not prone to doubt and worry either...

Pray for these sweet little girls we have in our hearts named Larissa and Ivana, even if we don't get them we want them to be loved, safe, and to know Jesus...

We will keep you up to date as often as we get the chance.

Thank you all and thank you for prayers

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12-21-2018, 10:00 AM
We are praying for you all.

Pine Baron
12-21-2018, 10:13 AM
John, God has already blessed Ally and yourself by putting Larissa and Ivana in your lives and you in theirs.
May God bring you patience and persistence in this endeavor and May our Holy Father bless your efforts in achieving His will. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

12-21-2018, 11:06 AM
My daughter and her husband went through this. They started as foster care givers and before they completed the preliminary process, they were approached about taking twin girls 8 months old. They had them for 1 1/2 yrs before the courts gave up on their mother and she gave up her rights to them. We never knew who the father was so there was nobody to go to from that point. Long story short is that my daughter and son-in-law adopted them and it was finalized just before Thanksgiving. Now we have two new grand daughters and they have someone that loves them and will care for them. Looking forward to seeing them grow and be a part of our family. Also my daughter already has a 7 year old daughter so now she gets to be the big sister. Good luck on your journey and may God bless you.

Merry Christmas

12-21-2018, 11:16 AM
Adoption is a blessing for everyone involved. We had to go out of country when we were moved to adopt because of our advanced ages ( I was 50 at the time ) and could not be considered for domestic adoption. Happy is the man whose quiver is full.

12-21-2018, 11:47 AM
Adopted my daughter and have never regretted it . Prayer is sent .

12-22-2018, 08:38 PM
Thank you

12-22-2018, 08:54 PM
Prayers sent.

12-22-2018, 09:13 PM
My wife and i adopted a fetal alchol syndrome baby 17 years ago. Everyday is a trial and we pay for the choice we made, but it had its moments. Good luck to you.