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10-05-2008, 03:08 PM
before and after
I amazed myself..I stripped it down to parade rest.. If it wasn't welded together..it come apart..It was rusted inside and out...Two weeks later, I was even able to reassemble it...
I rolled some ammo for it yesterday, gonna see how it shoots this afternoon.
I decided not to try to restore/make-like-new..I kinda like the neglected look.:roll:
PS. Ignore the date in the lower right of the photos..I ain't bright enough to figger out how to set it.

10-05-2008, 03:15 PM
man where was that laying? some wet carpet in a truck or car? and yes it does have a "neglected" look! steve k

10-05-2008, 03:33 PM
Layin' in a closet fer 2 years..
Got wet and stuffed away without being wiped down..
Crying shame, ain't it ??:evil:
Some idjits shouldn't be allowed to have guns..:groner:


Alvin in AZ
10-05-2008, 03:46 PM
I amazed myself... If it wasn't welded together..it come apart..It was rusted
inside and out...Two weeks later, I was even able to reassemble it...

Good job! :)
I like it. :)

BTDT and left the "old" look and like it too. :)
I am able to make it look like new, just don't want to most of the time.
Thanks for posting the pictures.

I hand sanded mine out and Murphy's in Tucson "hot tanked" it for $18.75.
Wanted to show off my handy work and now have your picture as a "before".
Check out your lever compared to mine...

(made in 1950)

I don't put my fingers inside the lever, they wrap around the outside.
I can shoot it better that way! No kidding.
The "weird hold" comes from all the years as a kid shooting Daisy BB guns.
You know what I mean there? :)
My middle finger now has a deeper groove to grip into.

Alvin in AZ
ps- see that white patch in the trigger guard at about 5 o'clock?
...the factory bluing job left it red.

Alvin in AZ
10-05-2008, 03:59 PM
Layin' in a closet fer 2 years..
Got wet and stuffed away without being wiped down..
Crying shame, ain't it ??:evil:
Some idjits shouldn't be allowed to have guns..

Who's going to decide that? :/
And... you wouldn't have got to do what you did there.
You should thank him for being an "idjit" instead of running 'im down?

If you are still talking to me... :)
What the heck does "stripped down to parade rest" mean?
Is it some sort of military thing? :/

Alvin in AZ

10-05-2008, 05:40 PM
Hey Alvin...yup..still talking to you..we can argue and still be friends..right?[smilie=s:

I am able to make it look like new, just don't want to most of the time
Exactly !!

Yes..parade rest is a military term..in this context...It means to start from the beginning,

Yup, I do remember the old daiseys, ain't no way a boy could run one of them like, for example, a SASS shooter.


10-06-2008, 10:19 AM
Can you give us the blow by blow on how you cleaned it up.?
What did the bore look like?
It now looks like an honest "used" gun, no safe queen here.

10-06-2008, 10:02 PM
First off.. the bore is beautiful !
A couple of passes with a bronze brush & Hoppes, a few dry patches and the bore was like new.

Naturally, the first step was to strip it down.
The receiver and magazine tube, where the really heavy rust was, was wire brushed with a twisted wire wheel on a 4" Milwaukee offset grinder.
The minor rust was removed via an 8" fine wire wheel on a bench grinder.
Nooks and crannies were cleaned by scotchbrite pad, steel wool, emery paper and a small wire brush.
The metal "finish" is basically Neo-lube..A graphite lubricant suspended in alcohol..
Brush it on, watch it dry for a few seconds..buff with a clean dry cloth.
About 25 to 50 % will rub off, but it has that old gunmetal grey color I like.
And you can do another coat immediately.
Topped with a light wipe down of some light oil.

The wood finish was some tinted shellac (?) that I scraped off with my Buck folder.
Nice walnut underneath..
I gave it a couple coats of KIWI brown shoe polish, let dry overnight, and buffed it the next morning.

Ta da !
That's it..


10-09-2008, 05:06 AM
Razor: While I was stationed at Spokane in the early seventies I managed to acquire a couple of double barrel shotguns that had been carried aboard an Alaskan Fishing Trawler. If I remember correctly they looked a bit worse than your rifle. With a little TLC they turned out to be fine shooters. Firearms such as these may never become museum showpieces but they definetly show character as being the real thing! Enjoy!! Neil

10-09-2008, 07:05 AM
I had an old Savage single shot lever action shotgun that I found in a ski-doo trailer, the one you tow behind the sled, not the one for carrying the sled behind the car. Friend of my dads left it there for a few years. The muzzle was actually rusted through! Soaked it in a solution of nasty chemicals that my 14 your old mind determined would "remove the rust". I spent weeks on that thing. In the end I had a 12 ga 20" barreled shotgun, and not much else. Dad got it firing and not much else. IIRC the final finish involved 220 grit paper, acetone and flat black stove paint- the whole gun got the paint! I think I traded that gun for something else to a friend. I saw it a few years later in the bed of my friends truck. It looked about like I found it!

10-09-2008, 07:26 AM
Good JOB , let us know how she shoots:drinks::castmine:

10-09-2008, 09:14 AM
It is amazing that the bore survived in such good shape considering what the rest of the rifle looked like. I like project guns like that every now and then. They are fun to mess with and you can't really mess anything up worse than it already is. It's kind of a challenge to get the old girl up and running again. I find I enjoy these type of guns almost better than my pristine examples. You can relax and enjoy them without the constant urge to baby it to death for fear of putting a scratch on it. Great work getting that nice old rifle back in the game. :drinks:


10-09-2008, 09:49 AM
My dad's Remington 742 looks almost that bad. He never cleaned it even if it was soaking wet. He'd put it in the closet until the next time he went hunting.

10-09-2008, 10:17 PM
Tried to tell a friend of mine to blow dry oil wipe his rifle when bringing it in from a cold hunt. His did the same.

Hey I would take 0000 steel wool to that metal and blend in the surface finishes now.

10-09-2008, 10:27 PM
It shoots great..:o
2" low and 6" right but..I did get 1" 5-shot groups with a couple of my loads..at 50 yds
Lyman 311291 (178gr) sized .310, WLR, 12 gr Unique . & some LLA

My target stand is a 3' tall cedar log..( 20" thick )
A few of these rounds went clean thru !!!:shock:

I was more interested in seeing where the sights hit than load development...for now.

I drifted the rear sight some..ain't checked it yet.
As soon as I get the sights set, THEN I'll work on accuracy

I did load 10 rds with BP..
BIG difference in the sound/feel etc..
Think I like the BP best...:mrgreen:

My plan is to get the sights/groups 'centered' at 50 yds.
Guess that means I'll have to repeat these and other loads for accuracy..
Then move out to 100 yds..
Darn ! More casting, reloading and shooting...[smilie=w:


10-09-2008, 10:38 PM
Hey I would take 0000 steel wool to that metal and blend in the surface finishes now.
Thanks Pat, good suggestion...I'll do just that..
Cain't hardly screw it up, huh ?

When I got the carbine, my first thought was to get it cleaned and running then mebbe trade it .
WELLLLL..since it shows promise of being a gooood shooter, I just may have to hang on to it.

Just Duke
10-09-2008, 11:03 PM
Looks like you breathed another breath of life into the old girl. Great job sir.

If you folks hang on I will do a reverse electrolysis thread on rust removal. So simple you would be amazed.

10-09-2008, 11:24 PM
Here's one


I should have added this one


Just Duke
10-09-2008, 11:35 PM
Yep that's it! Only I use a solution. Make sure you don't litght a match around it. Hydrogen gas is the by product and you will here....well the neighbor will here a big bang! lol

10-10-2008, 02:30 AM
Thanks Pat, good suggestion...I'll do just that..
Cain't hardly screw it up, huh ?

When I got the carbine, my first thought was to get it cleaned and running then mebbe trade it .
WELLLLL..since it shows promise of being a gooood shooter, I just may have to hang on to it.

No you won't screw it up and you can make it look a whole lot better.

By the way what kind of condition is/was the bore in?

10-10-2008, 07:54 AM
The bore was/is excellent...

10-10-2008, 10:16 AM
It is so dry here most of the time I do not think you could lay it outside for a month and get it that rusty, good job.