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Tom W.
12-10-2018, 01:41 PM
Just don't have any couth at all. I walked down to my MIL house just a few minutes ago. She lives one block away. Almost across from her house is a big yellow street sign. I was watching traffic so I could cross the road, but on the way back to the house I noticed a big .45 cal hole in the sign, from the rear. It was on the other side of the road, but there ain't no telling how far it went or what it hit past the sign. I didn't see a gash on the neighbor's bricked up mail box, so who knows where it went.....And we're in a city, not a rural area at all.

12-10-2018, 02:03 PM
You should be in Detroit where a street sign with only 1 bullet hole in it is a rarity!Robert

12-10-2018, 02:09 PM
That stuff is for the birds. Nobody has a right to recklessly endanger others health or property in anything less than a life or death situation. My gripes are a lot less than that here in St. Louis. I just want people to use turn signals here. Its like that paragraph was left out of the Driver's Ed handbook here.

Land Owner
12-10-2018, 02:12 PM
July 4th is a tough time to be in the city...
shooters always using real ammo...
shooting into the sky blasting holes...
not one care in the world for the bullet's return flight.

Had a 9mm hole through the 1st floor office window...
across the room and into a hard back book on the shelf once...
surmised w/LEO that the bullet flight was a fairly flat parabola...
not difficult to determine from where it originated...
just impossible to determine from whom.

Tom W.
12-10-2018, 03:12 PM
From what I've seen, using turn signals is just a suggestion......

I looked to see if anyone shot at our house, but I saw no holes in my car.......

12-10-2018, 04:21 PM
I thought that was a off the beaten path thing that only happened in the rural areas .

12-10-2018, 08:16 PM
I always thought road signs came from the factory with 'extra' holes, haven't seen many without them in rural areas. Maybe the 'night' shooters can see them better?

12-10-2018, 08:24 PM
:sad: Here in LaFollette,we have a nice little park in the middle of town.Has a clock on a pole.Really nice.Just after it was installed some idiot shot it with a .22.IIRC it cost about $2000.00 to repair.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

12-10-2018, 08:26 PM
Don't you know some poor innocent soul (moooron) was driving along when that nasty road sign attacked him and he had to shoot it in self defense. :bigsmyl2: We have a lot of attack signs in Colorado or it would seem with all of the holes in them.

Texas by God
12-10-2018, 08:30 PM
My nephew thought the best way to get sparrows off Granny's Purple Martin house porch was with a .22 rifle. That bird house looked like the Bonnie &Clyde death car. I guess I'm the only one who dared to warm his britches over that. I'm his favorite uncle to this day.

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12-10-2018, 08:38 PM
How did we, as kids with guns, survive?

12-10-2018, 09:35 PM
Where I used to live before, I found spent 22 bullets in my garage, they went through the wall and one put a slight dent on the passenger door, the other one went through the wall and inbedded into a cardboard box. The cops said they found evidence of some kids target practicing across the river. The cops seemed to indicate they knew the kids and they were talked to about gun safety. Anyway, it never happened again

12-10-2018, 09:48 PM
we have a 4 way stop at the corner of our property,every time they put new stop signs up the local idiots fill them full of holes

12-10-2018, 09:55 PM
A friend of mine once found some .22 holes in a road sign and caught some neighbor kids shooting across the road without a good backstop. He went and chewed them out; his house was in line with the sign. Some time later the vet found a .22 slug in the rump of one of his horses. His horse pasture was in line, through the trees, of where they were again shooting without a backstop. He called the cops that time, and the kids lost their guns and got community service.

I had someone tell me once that things like midnight bashing of rural mailboxes and shooting roadsigns was "normal kid stuff", and just part of growing up. I don't see it that way at all. I never did that stuff. It's criminal, delinquent behavior, and I'll be seriously disappointed if one of my kids ever does something like that.

12-11-2018, 08:18 AM
In my youth I shot squirrels out of trees with a 22 , and I never thought about the bullet falling back down , thank goodness I grew up in the sticks .

12-11-2018, 09:56 AM
I've never worried too much about a spent bullet falling and maybe I should have. Don't take this statement wrong, I'm extremely careful about back stops and whats beyond the target. But, I do have more respect for a bullet flying under power. Signs? Around here a sign never survives the wide farm equipment being moved for long enough to get shot! A 32ft disc, even folded up, is wider than most roads. Lots of combines have 30ft or wider headers. Take a guy on a tractor talking on a cell phone and you get the picture!

12-11-2018, 10:22 AM
Same thing here with phone pedistles or boxes bush hog right over them and don’t even here noise.

12-11-2018, 10:36 AM
if it don't have a hole in it the sign is in somebody's garage or room. signs are nothing some one shot up the solar farm behind our place. that costs way more then a road sign. cops were all over our field looking for bullet impacts. they were steel core .30 bullets. we think some moron got a m-n and some surplus ammo and was shooting on the next hill top. about 1000 yds away.

12-11-2018, 10:40 AM
you can hear gun fire almost half the nights around here. this was a nice neighborhood at one time but i guess old man used to be is dead and gone. i don't think they are shooting at someone most of the time just shooting. had a child killed a few years back from a round coming back down.

RU shooter
12-12-2018, 07:32 AM
That's why when your in the city your weapon of choice for street signs should be a shotgun with bird shot !!!��

12-12-2018, 07:55 AM
I had someone tell me once that things like midnight bashing of rural mailboxes and shooting roadsigns was "normal kid stuff", and just part of growing up. I don't see it that way at all. I never did that stuff. It's criminal, delinquent behavior, and I'll be seriously disappointed if one of my kids ever does something like that.

I agree.

12-12-2018, 09:22 AM
I never did shoot signs or bash mail boxes. I guess it was a flaw in my upbringing.

we did put a stp to the mailbox baseball though. the was a bad rash of it. so at the weld shop I was working at we made mailboxes out of 1/2 inch steel plate. the post master had to check them out. he said he would like to be there when they hit the first one. that first week the hospital had three broken wrists. it tapered off real quick after that.

12-12-2018, 10:59 AM
Same thing here with phone pedistles or boxes bush hog right over them and don’t even here noise.

Yeah, all of those purdy colored wires sure do look messy after they meet Mr Bush Hog!

12-12-2018, 11:09 AM
The parish ditch crew here this summer found the main phone line, 100 pair, and 4 hours later its fixed by local phone co. Amazing. I cut my line in middle of driveway, dragging box blade and it took 3 weeks to get them out to fix. Lucky, now DSL works better than ever, tho still slow.

12-14-2018, 06:53 PM
I never did shoot signs or bash mail boxes. I guess it was a flaw in my upbringing.

we did put a stp to the mailbox baseball though. the was a bad rash of it. so at the weld shop I was working at we made mailboxes out of 1/2 inch steel plate. the post master had to check them out. he said he would like to be there when they hit the first one. that first week the hospital had three broken wrists. it tapered off real quick after that.

I need to file that one away for future utilization.

12-14-2018, 06:59 PM
I never did shoot signs or bash mail boxes. I guess it was a flaw in my upbringing.

we did put a stp to the mailbox baseball though. the was a bad rash of it. so at the weld shop I was working at we made mailboxes out of 1/2 inch steel plate. the post master had to check them out. he said he would like to be there when they hit the first one. that first week the hospital had three broken wrists. it tapered off real quick after that.

My brother made me one out of drill stem and a 8" section of pipe for the box. Welded at base so when car hit, it wouldn't destroy the car. Had it thrown 30 feet one time after being hit by car. But bat? or stick? Break your arm for sure.

12-21-2018, 11:48 AM
a fella i worked with had his mail stopped and picked it up at post office. filled mail box with cement . got sued by kid with broken arms parents. its a strange world we live in. i think kid got what he deserved.

12-21-2018, 12:22 PM
I was at the conservation range I regularly go to yesterday. At the 25 yard line one station had both 6x6's shot in two, bullet holes (looked like 45 cal) and a 22 cal hole on the sign attached to the concrete outhouse. This is at a 12 position shooting range mind you.I don't want to get started on the trash left behind. I just don't understand people sometimes.

12-21-2018, 05:38 PM
Let said kid's parents sue you, if that happens. Because suing you for damages from trying to destroy a piece of US Gov't property, would count as a confession of committing said Federal crime, I'd think; Oops...

12-21-2018, 06:42 PM
Years ago in my small Delta town we had a fairly heavy snow. The young'uns made snowmen. Older teens would roar around in 4X4's running over the snowmen. Some of the young'uns in retaliation built a snowman using a fire hydrant as the foundation. One collision ended the snowman destruction. There was peace on earth after that.

12-22-2018, 07:41 AM
I never shot up signs or destroyed mail boxes, but did take one out with a chisel plow gauge wheel once as a teenager. Then I had to go fix it the next day!

A word of warning here. When I had to replace my mail box a 4x4 post, or bolted to a pedestal where the bolts will shear in an impact. I was warned by the post master NOT to put up anything that didn't meet the USPS regulations or I could be sued by the driver of the next car that hit it for excess damages or bodily injuries. Mail box post are designed to shear off if hit in an accident. I live on a long sweeping corner of a state route. The speed limit is posted at 40mph, but I'm sure it's regularly taken at 60 mph and some of those end up in my yard! I've looked into ways to prevent this, but was one again warned I could not put up anything that would worsen the carnage should some hot foot leave the highway, go figure!

The blinkers issue needs its own thread! :shock::shock:

12-22-2018, 08:07 AM
Interesting - The neighbor across the street from my mother, has had idiots drive through their yard, leaving giant ruts, intentionally; Their response was to put some about 2-3 ton rocks in to "decorate" their lawn, which also seems to have discouraged idiots from driving through there. Painting them white seems only fair, so you don't end up with a car also decorating your lawn at 3am?

And back in the stone age, a classmate in High School (who lived at the end of a straight street where it hit a "T" intersection) and their family were watching a TV movie late one night, when a drunk driver crashed into their house; If their brother had been in bed, it's likely that he, at least, would have been killed instantly. Everyone was in the Living Room, fortunately! Did disrupt their night, but not as much as losing a family member. I suggested that they might want to install some big rocks, maybe painted white, to stop a repeat from another drunk. He never said whether they did or not.

12-22-2018, 09:01 AM
Mr Sheesh My BIL who can do nothing wrong in the eyes of my FIL. Has the habit of intentionally driving through my FIL's yard rather than use the driveway EVERY time he comes to see his father. Rain or shine, summer or winter. I just close my eyes to the fact.