View Full Version : Ky doe and buck down last week, long story!

11-28-2018, 04:18 PM
Well this is a long story to begin with. I had hip replacement surgery 9-26-17, and had to go back in 10-17-17 and have some work done on it due MRSA. Fast forward to this year, Mrsa reared its ugly head again, had to have my metal hip taken out, and a plastic one put in with time released antibiotics, for 3 months. I am on IV's, 2x a day, antibiotics to kill out the bacterial infection. Had surgery on 10-26-17, spent one week in the hospital, 2 weeks in rehab, then back home on Saturday, had 7 days of deer season, either sex here in KY left. I was two week the first 2 days, but managed to get in my truck on Monday and go hunt some fields, 2-3 hours at a time, all I could stand, due to having 120 staples in my hip. I cannot put any weight on the hip until I get the new one put back in. On Tuesday of last week, I went up to a small field where I have killed several deer in the past with my bow. The wife killed a 7 pt last year, and a 9 pt this year, just inside the woodline, and she had seen several does up there. I pulled in and had just cut the engine, when a big fat doe runs out in the field and sees me, then goes behind some brush, at about 70 yds. All I could see was a 4" hole she was looking at me thru, and another one showing about 8"of her neck, so I flipped the safety off my 6.5x55 Swede I built in 1985, put the crosshair on the neck, and bang,flop, DRT! I called a friend who was hunting about 2 miles away and he came and loaded her up, and took it home and processed it for me, I gave him half of the meat, she went#110 gutted!

I hunted every evening until the last 2 days. On this past Saturday, I was hunting in , my neighbors hay field which is 20 acres and roughly pentagon in shape. He and I regularly shoot our long range guns their, and I was intimately aware of all the yardages in the field. About4:00pm, I was hurting something fierce, having sat there for 2 hours. I was feeling sorry for myself, and asked God to take away the pain, and give me a shot at any buck no matter how small, and let my aim be true, for a quick recovery. My pain eased off after that and about 4:40 out trots 3 does, at a tree I had ranged at 510 yds. I saw they were all does, and no shooting as I had done filled my doe gun only tag. They dallied around for 2 minutes, then looking back over their shoulders they took off back in the woods. 3 minutes later I see another flash of white, and I get my sandbag set up, between my side mirror that I had pulled back to the door and rolled my window up the same height, with about 2" of if sticking up. I got a real good crosshairs on him, and as I had a 300yd zero, I held the cross hair right on his back, took a breath and touched the trigger off, and I see a bush behind him move, and I think I see a red spot 2" behind his shoulder dead center, but he just continues rubbing the tree. Then he raises his head and flags, turns angling away. I had already worked another round in and holding about 2" above the spine, I shot and he double mule kicked, a sure sign of a good hit in the vitals! With 2 jumps he was in the woods, so I called the wife to bring a 100' of robe and a light as it was fading fast. Just inside the woods, it drops off steep, and the wife went about 20yds over the hill, then started around the hill on a old log road and the wife started finding huge blood trails out of both sides, this went on for 100yds, and he came out ight behind my blind I had set up, about 100' behind it. The wife took the rope down and tied it off, she guided it up the hill as I pulled it with the 4 wheeler. I called another buddy who came and got it for me. This was my longest shot ever on a deer, and even though he was a 4pt, he is a true trophy to me!

11-28-2018, 04:34 PM
Congrats for a wonderful story and a clean kill ..its just fun to sit in the woods after all the bad days and then to get a kill is icing on the cake

11-28-2018, 08:45 PM
Thanks Smoke. I have hunted with this rifle for nearly 30 years, started out as a Carl Gustaffs 96 Mauser, unissued, I turned the barrel down, cut it back from 29 to 24", recrowned it, drilled and tapped it, bent the bolt, and glass bedded it in a Ramline stock. When I got everything done, I parkerized it and the refiled mounts and rings, a Grey phosphate Parkerizing. It is worn some from all the hunting, but still puts them in the same tight 1/2" group it always have, after thousands of rounds, target shooting, varmint and groundhog hunting, crow and coyote hunting the tales it could tell. I shoot a Sierra 120 sp at 3000fps, with no [pressure signs and three inches high at 100 has me dead on at 300.

11-28-2018, 08:50 PM
Nice shooting koger. Just wondering if you have a special type of hunting license. I've not heard of a doe gun only tag in Ky.

11-28-2018, 10:20 PM
here in zone 3, you can only kill one doe with ML or modern rifle, you have to kill the other 2 in archery season.

11-29-2018, 01:52 AM
here in zone 3, you can only kill one doe with ML or modern rifle, you have to kill the other 2 in archery season.

Ok got it I forgot about the zone restrictions. I suppose you could still hunt in a zone 1 county and get two more does but hopefully you've got enough meat already

11-29-2018, 05:01 PM
Nice story Koger and awesome shooting. Glad some good came your way after all your hardships.

As a kid I used to spend some weeks during the summer do your way. I had some family that lived in an area called Span hill. Sure miss those days beautiful country down there.

11-30-2018, 08:50 PM
Yep, Spann hill is about 4-5 miles out of town, I live about 8 the other side of town. Nice rolling farm land, big strips of woods in between, and steep hollers made by the lake. I love it here, lived here all my life! What were your family names, I know about everyone in these here parts to one degree or another.