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11-21-2018, 07:27 PM
I wish all of you a good Thanksgiving this year ! Time to get together , reconnect and count our blessings with that being our life and everything in it . Thank you for coming here where we give confirmation and encouragement with thanksgiving all year .


Lord thank you for all given . Thank you for your gifts , blessings and opportunity to serve you . Thank you for being with us always to hold us up and guide us . Be close to all here on this day we give prayer and praise to you . Thank you Lord . Amen

11-21-2018, 07:32 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

11-21-2018, 07:41 PM
Happy Thanksgiving!!

11-21-2018, 09:39 PM
Thanks Charlie and everyone for the well wishing....HAPPY THANKSGIVING.....to all of my brothers and sisters!

square butte
11-21-2018, 10:53 PM
God Bless to all of us

11-21-2018, 10:57 PM
Amen. Happy Thanksgiving!

Preacher Jim
11-21-2018, 11:21 PM
May the Lord bless all of you and protect you as you travel.

11-22-2018, 01:12 AM
Happy holidays to you all.

Sent from my N9560 using Tapatalk

11-22-2018, 01:15 AM
God Bless all of you as we give thanks for our many gifts.

11-22-2018, 03:29 AM
Be safe out there and enjoy the festivities.


11-22-2018, 08:30 AM
What Charlie said. I cannot elaborate. Spending mine with my son, DIL, and 2 grandsons. Wish my daughter could be here, at least she's not on the highway. God bless all here. GW

Pine Baron
11-22-2018, 10:00 AM
I'll be spending the day with kids, grandkids and extended family, a real mob. To all, have a safe and Blessed Thanksgiving.

11-23-2018, 06:38 AM
Amen, Happy Thanksgiving.

Wayne Smith
11-23-2018, 09:50 AM
We did, and didn't get on the computer at all! House full of kids, six grandchildren getting to know one another (oldest six) both boys and their wives, cograndmother and our daughter in law's two brothers. Smoked a pork loin (coffee rubed, bacon smothered). Lots of good food. TV stayed off, too. Mike (oldest brother of daughter in law) just had to show me his new toy, a something something pistol chambered in 300Blackout - and then mentioned than none of the ranges around her let him shoot it. Not enough control guaranteed.
I have to correct the above, we did have the TV on, playing Animusic for the kids. Animated music - fun.

Unfortunately Erv, their father, couldn't be here - he was in Wisconsin with his brothers - their Dad died just before Thanksgiving.

11-23-2018, 02:55 PM
Mine was great and I hope yours was too. My eldest grandson, who just started college, gave thanks, and did a wonderful job of it. He's thinking about becoming a preacher. I am so very, very proud of him and his younger brother, and so very, very thankful for them and their Mom and Dad. Truly, I've been a very richly blessed man, and I'm exceedingly humbled and thankful about that.

Mankind seems everywhere to have lost sight and touch with his Creator and Master. That's why things are degrading so, everywhere you look. The Great Sorting Out is coming, and I have a sense it's not all that far away from us now. How a nation like ours, that has been so richly and abundantly blessed, can come to the point where we take our current status for granted, and think it'll continue to be this way without a stout character in all of us, is beyond my comprehension. But there it is. I think it's the degrading character of our American public, in general, that will bring about the Revelation. It's such a shame, when we have always been so very capable of so much more, but .... things are what they are, and we do what we do, and we don't always act out of our intellects, but sometimes wallow in our emotions and get all ..... dirty! God save us from ourselves!!!