View Full Version : Update on the Employment Front

11-13-2018, 08:06 AM
Last Wednesday, I was told I was being furloughed (read laid off) from my job as a case manager at the agency I work for. Friday was my last day. It so happens that I had been making arrangements for several months to begin moonlighting as a drug and alcohol counselor at the same agency. When I left my department on Friday, I started my new job that Monday. It is contract work, so the hourly rate is good, but there are no benefits, and I only get paid if I see clients. Still, it is a job and this is a growth industry, unfortunately. I can start Medicare back up, but my wife is a year short of being old enough, so there is a concern about getting her health insurance.

I have been down this road so many times that it seems routine to me. I believe that for some reason, this is where God wants me to be, and I am just following His leading. Please pray for my guidance, and for the people I will be helping. Thanks.


11-13-2018, 08:43 AM
Have prayed and will continue to Wayne .

11-13-2018, 08:49 AM
Prayers sent

11-13-2018, 09:01 AM
Praying for you, Wayne. My life has been down much the same road, He has been beside me leading and guiding, even when I didn't have sense enough to understand what was happening. I look back on my life and realize how blessed I have been. Leave it up to the Master, He has everything under control. GW

11-13-2018, 09:37 AM
Praying for guidance and wisdom.

Wayne Smith
11-13-2018, 09:47 AM
Wayne, be aware of your tax/SS liability when being paid on contract. Unless the contract so specifics they are paying none of it and it is your responsibility. When I was in that position every check LOML took 35% and put it in the bank, it wasn't ours from the beginning. That was our tax bracket back then - plus SS. You need to do your math and do the same thing.

Will be praying for the transition - I've been working that way all my professional life.

From another Wayne, God Bless

Pine Baron
11-13-2018, 10:15 AM
Praying that God reveals His guidance and continues His work thru you.

11-13-2018, 10:51 AM
Wayne, my last 10 years of work before retirement were layoffs and company buyouts and shutdowns. I know what you are going through. The Good Lord saw me through, as well as the prayers of people here, and from my church family.

From my experience and looking back in my own life, (I know you too are a member of the body of Christ), I know you are right in believing that this is part of God's plan for your life, and this is where He wants you.

The Lord will always be with you, and I pray as the others here for guidance and wisdom in your walk! In the Name of Christ Jesus, amen!

11-13-2018, 11:39 PM
Thank you, everybody, that means a lot. I have faith in God to lead us through this.


12-22-2018, 07:54 PM
Answer to Prayer

I have accepted a position with an agency in Kittanning, PA. It is a drug and alcohol counselor position, and I will split my time between the Armstrong County Jail, and the outpatient office in town. The money is good, and they even offered a signing bonus. I was told that there are a lot of people with degrees in criminal justice, but no counseling experience. All my adult life I have wanted to work with people in the criminal justice system, and I will get that chance again. Thank you everybody for lifting me up in your prayers.


Pine Baron
12-23-2018, 10:26 AM
Good news Wayne, God is good indeed. Good luck in your new position. Sounds rewarding.

Preacher Jim
12-29-2018, 03:21 PM
Wayne, remember everybody has a monkey on their back, you can't let them give you their monkey but have to help them train their monkey.

smoked turkey
12-29-2018, 07:27 PM
Wayne you have a good handle on things since you realize that the Lord is in control and wants you to prosper. I believe that the line of work you are in will bring healing and happiness to many as well as blessings to you. Thanks be to the Lord for His guiding hand in your life.

Wayne Smith
12-29-2018, 08:28 PM
Another Wayne, and I congratulate you for you new job- I am a Licensed Psychologist and I understand what you will be doing. I will be praying for you and your clients.

12-29-2018, 09:02 PM
I'm really glad You have found a job Wayne ! Hope everything goes smoothly .

01-02-2019, 08:17 AM
Thanks, everybody. I start on Monday. I'm a little nervous about starting over again, but if this is really what God wants me to do, it will work out.


01-02-2019, 08:19 AM
Another Wayne, and I congratulate you for you new job- I am a Licensed Psychologist and I understand what you will be doing. I will be praying for you and your clients.

Thanks, Wayne. Sometimes it's hard not to take on the problems of the world. When I worked at the halfway house, about once a month one of my former clients would die of overdose.


Wayne Smith
01-02-2019, 08:29 AM
If you are not aware of it get Boundaries, by John Townsend and Henry Cloud - It has been in continuous publication since they wrote it - and they were classmates of mine at Rosemead School of Psychology - Biola University.

Having an absolute boundary between you and your clients is essential - if they did not walk out of my office with the same problems they had when they walked in I would be inpatient by now. Meditate on that - I CANNOT accept my client's problems - I can only help them deal with those problems in different ways, understand themselves better, and thus change. Probably 50% of what I do could be described as increasing their self awareness - accurate and factual.

I cannot save anyone and don't need to - Jesus already did!

01-02-2019, 08:41 AM
If you are not aware of it get Boundaries, by John Townsend and Henry Cloud - It has been in continuous publication since they wrote it - and they were classmates of mine at Rosemead School of Psychology - Biola University.

Having an absolute boundary between you and your clients is essential - if they did not walk out of my office with the same problems they had when they walked in I would be inpatient by now. Meditate on that - I CANNOT accept my client's problems - I can only help them deal with those problems in different ways, understand themselves better, and thus change. Probably 50% of what I do could be described as increasing their self awareness - accurate and factual.

I cannot save anyone and don't need to - Jesus already did!

I have used that book in my group sessions at work. I really try to let my clients experience their own difficulties. I always try to emphasize the spiritual aspects of recovery, but just can't be preaching or proselytizing.

It looks like Southern California is a good place to study psychology, and Virginia is a better place to practice it. BTW; I grew up in Oxnard, if you know where that is.


01-02-2019, 09:32 AM

Keep following his direction and you'll be fine.
He has a plan for you. We do not know what it is, but he does.