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View Full Version : I am humble with gratitude ...

11-11-2018, 12:39 PM
Not enough words to describe ..

11-11-2018, 12:58 PM
Thanks for this post....we cant do enough for those that gave some and those that gave all....God bless each and every one of you......Paul

11-11-2018, 09:20 PM
What a message!

Thank you

11-11-2018, 10:06 PM
Thank you .

smoked turkey
11-11-2018, 11:23 PM
All I have to say is WOW! We are indebted to those who serve. I pray a blessing on all veterans and am thankful for the price they paid for our freedoms. We must guard against those who would take it away with the stroke of a pen.

11-11-2018, 11:29 PM
Yes Sir! Great!


Lloyd Smale
11-12-2018, 08:03 AM
very cool post!

11-12-2018, 08:23 AM
Nice. A heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those that served and are serving now.

11-12-2018, 09:22 AM
The only reason WE as a nation are still here.

Not some !@#@$#$%^%^&^&#$#%^&*&&^elected official

11-12-2018, 09:29 AM
Not enough gratitude can be given to those who service during the times our country has gone to battle.

I served 4 years in the US Army during peace times in the 80's. I am grateful for all those who have serviced past, present, and future during times of trouble to defend the freedom we enjoy here.

Thank you all.

11-12-2018, 09:55 AM
Spent my time in the Marines, just before Vietnam, my son ships out for Afghanistan tomorrow. 21 years, they wouldn’t let him retire, already been in both Afghanistan and Iraqe several times, it’s destroying the family. Some are wolves, some are sheep, he’s a sheep dog and cannot say no when called.

11-12-2018, 10:00 AM
Should have been a shadow of an M1, but the meaning is still the same. Always grateful for our men and women warriors.

As an aside, I was quite irritated our local school system doesn’t consider today a holiday while they get Columbus Day, MLK day, etc.

11-12-2018, 10:17 AM
Shared with friends,and brothers. Thank You !!

11-13-2018, 12:27 AM
In MT. Vernon, Missouri, there is a veterans home that we (the company that I work for) service as one of our clients. Every time that I have the opportunity to go there for a specimen pickup or a lab (blood) draw, I always look and read the captions of the many pictures and artwork that celebrate/commemorate the actions and theaters that these men and women served in. I always get a bit of a tight throat, and occasionally get a bit misty-eyed when I walk those hallowed halls. I always say 'Thank you for doing what you do', to the nurses, and especially the CNA types. There are vets from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf wars (1 and 2), along with a few from Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. I always address them as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' when I am there, and feel a bit unworthy to even be in their presence, even though I myself am a veteran (Cold War, the war we didn't have to fight, Thank God). With heart-felt thanks and gratitude, I salute all of my fellow veterans, past, present, and future. Charlie Mike.

Lloyd Smale
11-13-2018, 07:38 AM
Some of the Viet Nam vets that used m16s are getting pretty old!
Should have been a shadow of an M1, but the meaning is still the same. Always grateful for our men and women warriors.

As an aside, I was quite irritated our local school system doesn’t consider today a holiday while they get Columbus Day, MLK day, etc.

Land Owner
11-13-2018, 08:52 AM
Service and sacrifice. We did what was asked of us and what we were told to do in a time of wide spread civil unrest and a war far away that sucked the young men out of the heart of America at that time. Even though some our draft number were high - something you younger men have not had to experience (conscripted service) - not all were and some of us still volunteered while others left the country in protest. There are many tasks through the branches of Service that are filled with men and women of an age that is just out of high school. We grew up fast and the service made us strong. We took those responsibilities to heart and to keep or record clean. You cannot fight City Hall it is said - with conviction, and it is likewise in your Uncle Sam's service that he OWNS you. The Captain of a Ship in 2018 under conditions of war can still HANG A MAN from the yard arm . Something to think about in that.

11-14-2018, 08:40 AM
Some of the Viet Nam vets that used m16s are getting pretty old!

You are correct sir, as I approach 40, I forget how old some things are sometimes. Many of my older friends in their 60’s and 70’s served and could easily have been the gentleman in the picture.

11-14-2018, 03:03 PM
Do the math. Viet Nam 1973 - today 2018. Then add in a 19 or 20 year old and you are at about a 65 year old or more.Robert

Land Owner
11-15-2018, 10:08 AM
I like the way you think...1975 was the "end of hostilities" for American Vietnam Vets.

1975 - Anticipating the fall of Saigon to Communist forces, US President Gerald Ford, speaking in New Orleans, announces that as far as the US is concerned, the Vietnam War is "finished.

My service started in early 1974, born in late '53, and 65 today. You nailed it.

11-17-2018, 12:25 AM
I had the great honor to know two veterans who served in WW2,Korea AND Viet Nam.Brother,did they have some stories to tell.God bless all veterans past,present and future.