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View Full Version : Asking for a few prayers

Wayne Smith
11-03-2018, 05:10 PM
For the past three weeks I have had pain in my leg - for the first week it was left leg and my chiropractor told me it was C4 pinched nerve. My wife taught me some stretches and I was doing one of them wrong, felt a quick, sharp knife like pain in my lower back, and the pain shifted to my right leg. Now it is probably still C4 but it causes a muscle in my buttock to tighten and cramp badly. The more I walk the worse the cramp. I have been controling this with Cyclobenzaprine and naproxin sodium. This barely makes it possible to walk. If I add Norco it blocks most of the pain.

I am seeing my PCP on Monday AM.

smoked turkey
11-03-2018, 05:28 PM
Wayne, I have a touch of back pain that I deal with. Not terrible, but I can identify with the pain you are experiencing. Back pain is some of the worst pain I have had. Only thing I think may be worse is a bad tooth ache. It is easier to live with a tooth ache than a back ache because with a back ache it is difficult to do anything or to even get comfortable. I will pray that the medicine will do you good, and that you will experience a supernatural touch from the Great Physician, and not need to take the medicine.

Preacher Jim
11-03-2018, 05:34 PM
Wayne praying the Lord heal that quickly. You are on my daily prayer list

Time Killer
11-03-2018, 06:02 PM
Praying. Deal with back pain daily so I understand how debilitating it can be. May the Lord heal you and give you a swift recovery.

11-03-2018, 06:46 PM
I'm praying as of now Wayne . Prayer will be continued . Please give updates , I care for you .

Wayne Smith
11-03-2018, 06:53 PM
Strangely enough it's not really back pain that bothers me. I tend to be quite resistant to pain, when I have had an oral implant (latest is #6) I have my oral surgeon do it on a Friday afternoon (he is really good). I take one Norco when I get home and usually one to sleep that night and nothing after that.
It is the muscle in my right buttock that tightens up until I am ready to scream when I walk that bothers me. My whole right side then tightens up. Not being able to move comfortably is what is making me miserable.

11-03-2018, 07:10 PM
I have prayed for you and your PCP!
May God bless and heal!

11-03-2018, 07:14 PM
Praying for you to become pain free in short order.

I too am in constant pain from various sources.


11-03-2018, 09:09 PM
Wayne I am praying and will continue until you are free of pain. I know the path you are "walking" as I tread it every day Kinda thinking and praying about letting doc cut on me again, tho I don't recommend it for anyone. Trust the Great Physician, He will heal you. GW

11-04-2018, 08:34 AM
Father please be with Wayne as he undergoes tests and treatment for his leg and back problems. Please remove any pain and allow him to walk with pain free care. Please clear his mind so that he can ask the right questions of his physicians so that he can pick the correct path to his cure. Finally, guide his physicians and allow them to find the correct path to Wayne's recovery. AMEN

Keep us posted about your progress.....Paul

Pine Baron
11-04-2018, 09:00 AM
Prayers sent.

11-04-2018, 09:34 AM
Praying for relief and a fix for your back.

11-04-2018, 10:34 AM
Prayers sent

11-04-2018, 10:48 AM
Prayers sent.

Been through the L4 & L5 thing twice. Some of the worse pain I've ever had to deal with.


11-04-2018, 10:53 AM
Prayers sent... Dale

11-04-2018, 11:10 AM
Praying for you. I have worked on thousands of back injury cases. Radicular pain in one or both legs is most often Lumbar discs L 4-5 and L5 - S1. I had brutal pain for about a year. An orthopedic surgeon I referred a lot of patients to offered to do an MRI. I declined and told him if the MRI is clean I am not getting surgery and if it shows a 5mm disc herniation I am not getting surgery.
Best way to deal with it is to walk 30 minutes a day.
It hurt me to walk, but I built up to 30 mins.
For a year, I was on the floor crawling, rolling out of my car in parking lots onto the asphalt and dragging myself up the side of the car, laying down on my back at Costco or in public and having people think there was an emergency. Could not sit or stand up straight most of the time, or clean up properly in the bathroom or get a good night's sleep, and the lack of sleep was often the final straw for my clients.
I took it and continued to walk. That was 20 years ago. That was a long year.
If it does not resolve, then find a great neurosurgeon, get the testing done, MRI, CT with contrast, nerve conduction test, trigger point injections, whatever. Herniated discs can resolve. Took me a year. I think I may have had a annular tear, not a bad one, in addition to a herniation or one or the other. I will never know.
Now I limit lifting to 50 lbs and use my knees. Never twist your torso and lift a heavy object.
Walk. The are also back excersises that increase core strength. Look online for back exercises. But again, walk.

11-05-2018, 07:56 AM
Father, be with Wayne through this time, and ease his pain. Restore him to full function. Bless him and all who love him. In Jesus' name, amen.


Wayne Smith
12-03-2018, 08:50 AM
MRI says 'Severe central stenosis' and severe arthritis. I already knew the latter. PCP referred me to a neuro-surgeon. Meeting with him on the 17th to see what he interprets and offers. My Chiropractor gave me a back brace that is almost miraculous - it is keeping me walking straight and functioning.

This is in God's hands - my body is His to do with as He wants.

Pine Baron
12-03-2018, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the update brother. Glad that the backbrace is working. Praying for a healing solution. God is good.

12-03-2018, 10:12 AM
Will continue in prayer Wayne . Your back can sure give you heck on a daily basis . I'm glad you discovered the brace ,

Preacher Jim
12-03-2018, 11:07 AM
Still have you in prayer Wayne. nothing can ruin your day like back pain.

12-04-2018, 04:37 PM
Wayne, lots of us have been through all manner of back problems, and yes, it CAN be absolutely debilitating, not to mention de-motivating. God be with you. And BTW, when I was having mine, I was told by several people whose words I trust in matters of this sort, that neurosurgeons seemed to do the best back work, when it concerns nerves. That's the way it worked out for me, too, and I am SO grateful that I'm back to not too far from being pain free again!!! Hope your results are similar. They're really doing some great work in this are these days, and I think, most especially the neurosurgeons. God be with you.

12-04-2018, 05:09 PM
You may be assured of my prayers.

Wayne Smith
12-20-2018, 08:51 AM
Saw the neurosurgeon Monday AM. LOML and I went - he had the MRI and showed us the damage. The spinal column and spine were fine until you get to L4 and it suddenly narrowed to about a third or less of the normal size. More can be seen but that is what impressed me. I also have two vertebra that are misaligned and I am going to to a movement x-ray to make sure that is solid. Before I do any exercises he wants to be sure that doesn't move. Then physical therapy, but the only goal there is to strengthen the muscles that support the back - and that will not get to the point a back brace does? Ordered another back brace - and he was talking about shots as another temporary way to handle the pain, but the only true solution he offered was surgery - to stabilize the structure there and enlarge the nerve channel.

He is a nice guy, though.

Pine Baron
12-20-2018, 08:59 AM
Praying for your relief from pain and Divine healing. Hang in there brother.

12-20-2018, 02:50 PM
Hoping for relief Wayne ...I share your pain .

12-23-2018, 02:10 PM
If you can find another way avoid surgery

05-16-2021, 08:53 PM
Hodrick I have had both those problems . Prayer sent for relief . Thank you for bringing your need here .

Wayne Smith
05-16-2021, 08:59 PM
Now that this is back up I'll add my progress. I'm still wearing the back brace most of the time, but do all my exercises without it to maintain strength in my back muscles. I am mostly pain free and walk freely, but am limited to about a mile or two at a time without resting my back. Actually my knees may be as much of a limit there. I wear knee braces whenever we do any hiking, or walking on anything other than smooth and relatively level (everything around here is relatively level!) going. This support seems to be working well, I am able to do most of anything I need to do. This past year I ripsawed most of a red oak tree into firewood. This is a tree my neighbor cut down. I did this with my chain saw - so some heavy work. My back lets me know when I need to stop for a rest. I am satisfied at this level of functioning (I'm 68, so expect some limitations) and will maintain it as long as possible.

My neuro surgeon did tell me that when he did the surgery I'd be out of work for six weeks. I told him "Doc, I work sitting down" and he looked at me and said "six weeks!". I'd like to be fully retired before I do this, another year plus a couple of months.

05-16-2021, 09:06 PM
I am going thru similar problems. I had XRAYS and i am getting bone scan Tuesday. I will trade prayers with you Wayne. There doesn't seem to be any pain like lower back pain, even a jab in the eye with a needle. I get that every six weeks.

Pine Baron
05-17-2021, 05:57 AM
Prayers for all you guys. Nothing worse than back pain. I've also had to learn to live with certain limitations and need to be reminded occasionally (like this past weekend).

05-17-2021, 07:02 AM
Hodrick I have had both those problems . Prayer sent for relief . Thank you for bringing your need here .

He was a spammer.

05-17-2021, 07:37 PM
He was a spammer.

I understand .