View Full Version : Another soup thread. Chicken tortellini soup

Lance Boyle
10-31-2018, 10:22 PM
This was really good.

Three big boneless skinless chicken thighs, if they have some fat left on,leave it!
Two medium onions diced
Two stalks celery, diced, I reserve the leaf tops for a later toss in the pot
Three carrots, peeled and diced (you get more nutrition if you scrub but not peel your carrots, that outer zone is where all the root nutrition take up occurs for the plant)
Two minced cloves of garlic
Water to cover
Some chicken base if you want
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp basil
Salt and pepper
About two and a half cups of tortellini, get the good stuff that is not frozen, the stuff from the fresh pasta section

Since I hunted the day and was in a rush when I came in, I used two pots simultaneously.

Pot one got a splash of oil and the thighs and left alone on medium to brown
Pot two got a splash of oil and the diced carrots, celery and onion.

Turn chicken pieces as they brown, cover with water when they’re brown and lid. You’re rendering that fat and readying the chicken to be pulled apart, you could cube the chicken when it’s done if you prefer.

When your veggies are mostly done, add in minced garlic. Give it a few minutes then add your water.

Pull you chicken parts out, reserving the liquid, when done and pull them or cube. Add them to the veggie pot. Pour off the reserved liquid to the veggies, it should look like nice chicken stock. Add some soup base if you want to adjust the flavor. More water in your soup should use some more stock/ soup base.

Add in the basil and oregano.
Drop in your tortellini, Let it simmer about ten minutes.

Add some Parmesan grated cheese to top off your bowl full.

Deliscioso if I say so myself.

First time I ever bought th good fresh tortellini, Night and day difference over frozen. I expect to never ever buy frozen generic again. If anyone cares, the brand I tried was called Rana. Also the soup base stuff I have is from Mazzola. It’s not an expensive one.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-31-2018, 10:26 PM
Sounds good! When it's snowy and cold I make lots of soups. I think my favorite is potato leek.

Lance Boyle
10-31-2018, 10:32 PM
Nice, I have never made that but my mom sure did, Potato leek brings back some memories of mom’s best cooking!

11-01-2018, 08:50 PM
Bacon potato soup with celery and onion... corn bread... way I make it that is a complete meal! LOTS of bacon!

Lance Boyle
11-01-2018, 09:22 PM
Bacon potato soup with celery and onion... corn bread... way I make it that is a complete meal! LOTS of bacon!

That needs a like button.