View Full Version : my favorite roast for supper last night.

Lloyd Smale
10-26-2018, 05:49 AM
I took the "football" cut of roast from a dear and the part of a pork but that has the bone and put them both in my pressure cooker with a can of cream of mushroom soup, a pack of Lipton onion soup, two cut up onions and some potatoes and carrots and pressure cooked it for 2 hours. Just something about cooking a pork roast and venison roast together that gives it a little kick. I used to do the same in my crock pot but the power pressure cooker does it better and faster.

Silvercreek Farmer
11-05-2018, 08:43 PM
Haven't touched my crock pot since I got a pressure cooker! Love the sound, too. Very relaxing, sometimes It puts me to sleep! I'll have to try your recipie.

Rattlesnake Charlie
11-05-2018, 09:06 PM
Living at 7400 ft, I use my pressure cookers quite a bit. And, they can turn an old boot into something chewable. I usually dice up the tougher cuts of venison, brown them in bacon drippings, then 20 minutes in the pressure cooker. All come out soft. Then, it is into the pot for venison green chile stew! When I take it to work, there ain't no leftovers.

Lloyd Smale
11-06-2018, 08:40 AM
yup im about the same. the old stove top pressure cooker was kind of a pain because you have to watch it. Its still the best for canning though. These new electric pressure cookers about make crock pots obsolete. Especially considering if you want to you can use them as a crock pot too. Sure is nice to be able to push a button and walk away and even throw food in them in the morning and program them when to start.
Haven't touched my crock pot since I got a pressure cooker! Love the sound, too. Very relaxing, sometimes It puts me to sleep! I'll have to try your recipie.