View Full Version : Pray for me

10-25-2018, 06:24 PM
I don't know where to start are what I even need? Just pray

Preacher Jim
10-25-2018, 06:51 PM
Lord you know all of RLs situations and we are asking you to help him and guide him to the center of your will for this situation

Pine Baron
10-25-2018, 06:55 PM
Prayers sent.

10-25-2018, 07:02 PM
Praying for you Brother

Wayne Smith
10-25-2018, 07:06 PM
Praying for you, brother. If you need help don't hesitate to PM me and I'll give you my phone #.

10-25-2018, 09:34 PM
Prayer sent

10-25-2018, 10:03 PM
When you only see one set of prints in the sand. Dont feel lonely. Those are the times God carries us.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

10-25-2018, 10:16 PM
You have my prayers.

10-25-2018, 10:38 PM
I pray the Lord give you peace, clarity and direction.

10-26-2018, 05:44 AM
Prayer is sent Ronnie . I pray for ya'll every night .

10-26-2018, 08:14 AM
You have our prayers.

10-26-2018, 10:14 AM
The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, and our God is not a God of confusion. Fear not and trust in the One who gives you Salvation, in the Name of Christ Jesus Amen!

10-26-2018, 04:09 PM
Father, Your faithful servant Ronnie is in need of the kind of help that only You can supply. Please be with him as he navigates the choppy waters that is causing his problems. Please give Ronnie comfort and understanding. Please take him by the hand and lead Ronnie to that special place that You want him to be at. I ask this in Your name. AMEN

10-26-2018, 04:31 PM
Thanks much for your faithfulness posting the daily devotionals.

10-26-2018, 04:45 PM
For the first time in 3 days I manage to find a free wifi and find this.

Lord you know we love our brother. He is in our hearts, our thoughts, and prayers.
Lord I know I am the servant, so I will not tell you what to do. Thy will be done, whatever that may be.

But any aid or grace or comfort that you can send to him would be truly appreciated.
Help him in this time of trial as you can. Help him to change the things he can change, and accept the things he can not, and help him with the wisdom to know the difference.

In the name of God the Father almighty, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit I ask this.

Thank you.

square butte
10-26-2018, 04:50 PM
Prayer sent up for You

10-26-2018, 05:22 PM
Thank you men my spirit is lifted

10-26-2018, 05:27 PM
Keep your faith in the Lord and know that He won't give you more than you can handle. You are remembered.

10-26-2018, 05:31 PM
Tonight we are having a famaliy night for the kids :) I'm giving the mesage pray his message is excepted by the ones it's is meant for

10-26-2018, 05:45 PM
The truth is I've been carrying all I could stand for some time. I'm a hard stubborn selfe made man. If I can't build it,if I can't buy it, I don't need it. And I know that is wrong.

My job was somthing I looked forward to every day. It was looking like it was turning into a solid secure career. Then last Thursday the lord took that from me.

I'm still working for now but the career opertunity is gone.

So now it's a wating game to see what he has planed for me next?

10-26-2018, 08:29 PM
btdt. remember when he closes one door, he opens others, you just have to look.

Texas by God
10-26-2018, 08:32 PM
Prayers sent, Brother.

Pine Baron
10-26-2018, 09:21 PM
I'll be praying that your path forward will be revealed. (I think you'll be amazed) All glory goes to God.

Preacher Jim
10-28-2018, 10:50 AM
Ronnie, the Lord will never leave you or forsake you, growing pains are tough but the other side is His will for you. Hang in And remember Ish. 40:31 You are getting ready to mount up.

10-28-2018, 03:20 PM
Yes sir like you posted we want things in our time. he gives us things in his perfect time :)

10-28-2018, 04:48 PM
Prayers sent that you find happiness!

10-31-2018, 06:59 PM
Lord, you know our good friend Ronnie is in need. He knows that you will never leave him, but he can't always figure out just what to do. Descend upon him, I pray, and show him the way you would have him go. He loves you, Lord, and tries hard to submit himself to your will rather than his. Grant him this boon, we pray. Thank you for all you do for us and for him, and may your name be praised forever and ever. Amen.

11-01-2018, 09:18 PM
Like many men, I identified with my chosen profession. At least three times in my life I had to change career fields completely, and always, God has put me into another line of work that has met my needs, and those of my family.

At times of great change, such as you are experiencing, you will have a flood of emotion. After it passes, you my find that you are able to adapt to the new situation without really losing anything. I am confident that God will lead you to exactly where you need to be, Ronnie.


11-01-2018, 10:02 PM
The truth is I've been carrying all I could stand for some time. I'm a hard stubborn selfe made man. If I can't build it,if I can't buy it, I don't need it. And I know that is wrong.

My job was somthing I looked forward to every day. It was looking like it was turning into a solid secure career. Then last Thursday the lord took that from me.

I'm still working for now but the career opertunity is gone.

So now it's a wating game to see what he has planed for me next?

You're in a pretty good position right now. This might be a grey area for you but when you find yourself in the proximity of where you are now, God has a BIG surprise for you! It'll be way better than you expected.