View Full Version : Pact scale problems

10-21-2018, 03:33 PM
I have a PACT digital scale that I have had for a number of years. Lately it has been drifting in readings after about ten minutes of use. I can reset it and it does it again after a few minutes! It's getting so I can't trust it. Anyone have problems with a drifting readout.

The toolman.

10-21-2018, 03:40 PM
Contact PACT
Mine is still rock solid
It appears they are out of the scale business, but they have a lifetime guantee for everything but the load cell which is $50
At $50, you start to get close to going in a different direction

Their lifetime guarantee is a joke.

"We do NOT repair Scales, Dispensers or other Legacy Products.
Unfortunately we have officially ran out of parts necessary to repair our legacy Scale and Dispensers. The parts have unfortunately become obsolete. If your Scale reads FAIL or ERR2 you can still purchase a load cell replacement. If it’s something other than the load cell, we may not be able to repair it.

We also do not repair any legacy products at this time. If you have a legacy product that doesn’t work, your are welcome to take advantage of our 30% trade-in discount. Please contact info@pact.com for more information. Thanks!"

10-21-2018, 08:08 PM
Contact PACT
Mine is still rock solid
It appears they are out of the scale business, but they have a lifetime guantee for everything but the load cell which is $50
At $50, you start to get close to going in a different direction

Their lifetime guarantee is a joke.

"We do NOT repair Scales, Dispensers or other Legacy Products.
Unfortunately we have officially ran out of parts necessary to repair our legacy Scale and Dispensers. The parts have unfortunately become obsolete. If your Scale reads FAIL or ERR2 you can still purchase a load cell replacement. If it’s something other than the load cell, we may not be able to repair it.

We also do not repair any legacy products at this time. If you have a legacy product that doesn’t work, your are welcome to take advantage of our 30% trade-in discount. Please contact info@pact.com for more information. Thanks!"

Absolutely. I had a Pact chronograph. It quit. Sent it to Pact for their "Lifetime Warranty".

Chip obsolete. They didn't even offer a 30% trade-in.

Land Owner
10-23-2018, 02:35 PM
No sooner does a business start to upset the purchasing public than that business will begin its slow die off to bankruptcy. Word of Mouth is a powerful alley or Harbinger of Death. We do not spend our good money after bad and this is one of those businesses that needs to see a downward spiral.

I have several pieces of PACT equipment that have performed "nominally" this past decade and one half. I do not know why the OP's scale "drifts" after 10-minutes or what that even means, as mine, once turned on for a 1/2 hour prior to calibration (and left on for months at a time) is rock solid in its output that is comfortably checked against a calibrated RCBS 5-0-5 balance beam. I use my PACT for quickly segregating bullets and cases into "like-weight" groups and in that the PACT scale is fast and accurate.

I put my PACT Digital Powder Measure on the shelf at month two of its entry into my home as I can throw two charges on the 5-0-5 in the same time the PACT can throw one. However, it still WORKS as it was intended by the manufacturer.

thanks for being the guinea pigs on the manufacturer's worthless warranties and telling the rest of us to BEWARE.

10-23-2018, 03:00 PM
My Pact scale started having drift issues quite a while ago. I tried all the steps to manage static, eliminate interference with other electronics, etc. I contacted them and got the story about no warranty on the load cell. Guess the other half of my two part powder dispenser system is just scrap due to the expired 'lifetime' warranty on the scale. c'est la vie

On the other hand, Oehler still sells skyscreens that work with the model 33 chronograph that I acquired used nearly 30 years ago. I wish they made a powder dispenser.

10-23-2018, 03:51 PM
I've always wondered who's "life time" a product's warranty is based upon (probably not us "Seniors"). I'll bet most companies never plan on guaranteeing their products for a 3 generation life span customer unless they have 3 family generations running it like Leupold, Hornady, or Hodgden's! I've had "reasonably" good service out of my Pact scale over the last 13 years, having to return it once for service (it is still operating fine). Same with my Pact chronograph, and I've sent it in twice during the same time frame. Glad someone here sent up the "word" on future service problems with the Texas company, but saddened they will no longer be in business (at least for very long). I'll probably go back to "Chrony" when my Pact quits; and you can buy a cheaper powder measure for under $30 that works just as well as the more expensive ones, just smaller.

10-23-2018, 06:01 PM
You can’t expect anything electronic to carry a lifetime warranty. The parts aren’t made indefinitely. I realize they advertise the lifetime warranty. They should offer a deep discount on a new one when parts are no longer available for the older models.

10-23-2018, 07:13 PM
You can’t expect anything electronic to carry a lifetime warranty. The parts aren’t made indefinitely. I realize they advertise the lifetime warranty. They should offer a deep discount on a new one when parts are no longer available for the older models.

You get a 30% off coupon. I would probably apply it to a timer.
There is no new scale
To me they punked out on this

10-23-2018, 07:19 PM
30% isn’t enough. That’s why I said a deep discount. RCBS did the smart thing and only warrants electronics for a year. The market moves to quickly to support a product for a long time.

10-23-2018, 09:32 PM
I don't normally like to pile on against a manufacturer but PACT deserves everything thrown at them. I bought their ' state of the art ' chronograph years ago after being pimped up badly by several " authorities ". They offered a print out which kind of either got stuck and printed on top of everything etc. But the big problem was the keyboard and weather proof membrane. The keys would either stick and keep going or more than likely not react until three or four contacts. Eventually there were four numbers dead and others going. I called PACT and was told the unit was no longer being made ( 3 yrs three months ). That if I shipped it to them they would see what they could do. Two month after they received it I got it back with no notice. In the package was a hand written note telling me they no longer make this chronograph and could not repair or support it.

One of the gun clubs I belonged to bought one as a club chrono and their's crapped out almost a month after mine. A year or so later I ran across their booth at the SHOT show and brought up my experience. As I was telling this guy what went down another guy behind me who was listening jumped in ahead of me and really got hot with this guy and next I knew security is hustling everybody out.

10-27-2018, 09:59 PM
I ran mine over with the lawn mower...........problem solved.

Lloyd Smale
10-29-2018, 06:38 AM
I sent my pact in twice for repairs in the last 20 years ive owned it. They fixed it both times without charging me a penny. Only problem was it took about 3 months to get it back. Whenever I send something back for repair I never ask first. Just mail it to them. contact them and they might try to talk you into not sending it or tell you its not covered. In my experience once they have it they usually fix or replace it. I would guess they figure they have to pay to ship it back to you anyway so they might as well fix it.

Hairy Dawg
10-30-2018, 12:02 AM
I have a pact digital scale, and it has always drifted after about 10-15 min. of use. Constantly having to re-calibrate. I do not trust it for measuring powder. It's fine for sorting cast bullets, but that's all I use it for.

10-30-2018, 06:38 AM
I sent my pact in twice for repairs in the last 20 years ive owned it. They fixed it both times without charging me a penny. Only problem was it took about 3 months to get it back. Whenever I send something back for repair I never ask first. Just mail it to them. contact them and they might try to talk you into not sending it or tell you its not covered. In my experience once they have it they usually fix or replace it. I would guess they figure they have to pay to ship it back to you anyway so they might as well fix it.

I sent mine in, it came back unrepaired.

John Guedry
11-01-2018, 02:32 PM
I sent mine in once and it was "repaired" and worked about 15 minutes. It's a paperweight now.

11-01-2018, 02:53 PM
" Discontinued By Brownells "


12-30-2018, 09:36 PM
I have a first generation Pact scale (no IR to communicate with the powder measure). The accuracy is excellant, however, it is affected by temperature and more importantly by electric. I had to try many different 12 volt power supplies before I found one that worked without issues, but it still will start acting flakey if something that draws heavy amps is running from the same circuit, for isntance; I cannot run an electric space heater or brass tumbler while using the scale.

I would suggest trying another power supply, and make sure the scale is at least 55 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit before using.



Lloyd Smale
12-31-2018, 07:34 AM
sorry you and hpdrifter had problems with them. Ive had nothing but good luck but slow good luck with pact. Mine is at least 20 years old and is still going strong. One thing to check before you toss it is the plug in transformer. they go bad too and sometimes when they do will put out to much or not enough voltage.
I sent mine in once and it was "repaired" and worked about 15 minutes. It's a paperweight now.

Bailey Boat
03-03-2019, 03:12 PM
My RCBS (Pact) is probably 20+ years old and has only had one issue a few years ago. Called RCBS, got a Pact number, called PACT and they gave me the reset codes.....

Pact 800-722-8462
Reset code: Press ON and GR and zero all at the same time. Has worked for me....