View Full Version : Bun in the oven...

10-20-2018, 01:54 AM
Long story short: my wife peed on a couple prego sticks, and all lines are blue. Using a fancy online calc, apparently she’s around 7weeks or so. And according to another fancy online thing, baby is the size of a blueberry and is beginning to take shape.

We’ve got one that’s about to graduate HS, and another that will be sayin hello right about the time of graduation.

Our prayer request, for those interested, is for wisdom, direction, and a safe and healthy pregnancy. It’s taken a couple days to process it all. We’ve not been preventing for 10yrs, and frankly, I wrote it off several years ago as something that just wasn’t gonna happen. Apparently, God was serious when He said “...neither are your ways My ways”. I still don’t know what to think about an 18yr spread between kids, but I guess it is what it is.

10-20-2018, 02:36 AM
Congrats tinhorn. You'll do fine. I have one who's 36, one who is 18 and one who is 17. Parenthood is one heck of an adventure. One day they're making your heart sing and the next they're causing your ulcer.

10-20-2018, 05:58 AM
Congratulations to you and your wife ! My son is 47 years old and my daughter is 19 . LOL , I'm 66 years old so been raising 'kids' all my life it seems .

10-20-2018, 07:36 AM
What a blessing! We tried for 7 years, then had a boy, then 3 years later a girl. I'm happy for you. GW

10-20-2018, 07:52 AM
Congratz :)

Preacher Jim
10-20-2018, 07:53 AM
Congratulations The Lord knows what we need and when we need it, the Lord also has a great expectation of you. May His hand be on your family and his blessings always flow.

10-20-2018, 07:56 AM
Congratulations and we will be praying for a safe pregnancy.

Pine Baron
10-20-2018, 12:36 PM
Congratulations The Lord knows what we need and when we need it, the Lord also has a great expectation of you. May His hand be on your family and his blessings always flow.

My sentiments exactly. Congratulations and God Bless.

10-20-2018, 04:03 PM
What great news, Tinhorn! You're one lucky guy. I only have one son, and it'd be SO nice to have had about 4 children. Children, and perhaps even more - grandchildren - are the source of a person's richest gifts in life. Congratulations to both of you, and I'll pray for both of you, and that everything goes according to Hoyle. Of all the riches a man can possess, a good family is the most rewarding. And challenging sometimes, too, but nothing comes without some sort of price. Lead them well, and keep them disciplined, and they'll do fine, and make you supremely happy one day. And leave the rest to the Lord and your good wits and abilities, and wholesome nature.

10-20-2018, 04:13 PM
I can't imagine having kids at home for 36-40 years...Best of luck to you and yours...

10-20-2018, 08:36 PM
Congrats.....it is all at Gods speed....we have grand kids and my better half still would love to have another! I will pray for guidance and a smooth pregnancy.....Paul

10-20-2018, 09:00 PM

God's blessing on your family. I have 4 and 3 grandchildren, so far....


10-22-2018, 08:44 AM
I'm going to onto out on a limb here I'm betting you are the type of man that thrives is the aspects of being a father. Guidance, direction, correction, motivation and being an example. Since those things do not only effect your family but those around you by example, maybe that's the exact lane God wants you in.

Another as the first is near ready to leave and doesn't need nearly as much guidance. When you are near done with the first and now you have another, doesn't that kind of figure? Maybe this one will be a different gender and you will experience a different aspect of fatherhood.

Just a couple thoughts. God be with you and yours.