View Full Version : First blood ( for me ) with the 67/89 rolling block

10-17-2018, 08:21 PM

The weather cooled off a little here so about dark I took the rolling block for a walk. I called up 3 but this is the only one I got a shot at.

The gun. Carl Gustav mod 67, made in 75 refitted in 93. 8x58 RD
The load. NOE 175 gr. Cast 50/50, I had the HP in. A bigger HP than I really like.
Powder. 25 gr of 4759, velocity just under 1900 fps.
Your looking at the entrance hole. Exit was just in front of the opposite hind leg.
I suspect the nose blew apart on impact but the rest plowed on through much like a Nosler partition.
Title says first blood for me. It's highly unlikely it's the first blood for this rifle.

I can't wait to break in the 12.7 x 42

dave roelle
10-17-2018, 08:45 PM
Gotta love those Rollers

smoked turkey
10-17-2018, 09:35 PM
Big congratulations your way for the nice looking rifle, and the tremendous looking song dog. Yep, pretty big hole in the hide. I don't know what a hide is worth these days. Probably not much. Great shot anyway. Good way to draw first blood.

10-17-2018, 10:01 PM
Now that's cool!

10-19-2018, 05:07 PM
Congrats Wolfer.
How far a shot? What type of mount did you use for your scope?

10-19-2018, 05:44 PM
Shot was about 20 yds. This gun is quite accurate and I would be comfortable out past 150 yds but most of my called coyotes are well within 50 yds. Many a lot closer.

The mount. I took a piece of mild steel I had laying around and bored it as close to the size of the barrel as I could. Split it in half and worked the rest of the trough out with a file. Once I had it fittin the barrel good I soldered it on. JB weld would probably work but since everything else is soldered on these barrels I went with that. The mount is for a H&R muzzle loader turned backwards. There is no screw in the back hole.
This would let me remove the block, reblue the spot and leave no markings on the gun. I also filed a dovetail in the block to mount a back sight in. The sight I bought from Brownells has a long shank with an aperture that sets just in front of the breech block. This barrel had no front sight so ill solder a ramp and install a fiber optic someday.
I have amacular degeneration in my right eye and have a lot of trouble with standard sights. Ive been trying to learn to shoot left handed but it feels really awkward. I did shoot this coyote left handed though. I can do it just not as quick as I once was.

10-19-2018, 07:31 PM
Thanks Wolfer. That's the nice thing about the roller....... no need to be fast, just need the first shot to be dead on. I really like the creativeness on your approach to the scope base. Most all my rifles are all optically enhanced too, my older eyes just don't focus clearly on three points at the same time any more. Anywho, nice shot and a modern song dog dies at the hands of a hunter dealing out death with a 1800 century weapon. Great shooting.

10-19-2018, 08:27 PM
Nice yote , and that is nice work on the scope base .

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Texas by God
10-19-2018, 09:30 PM
I'm jealous of that rifle. When I grow up I want a rolling block to hunt with!

10-22-2018, 08:04 PM
keepem coming dam things their like weeds ...nice gun

11-10-2018, 10:06 PM
Nice shot!

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