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View Full Version : Does scripture insist on a physical Second Coming?

10-16-2018, 07:44 PM
Is it possible that our Lord returned just as He said he would (within the lifetime of some then living Matt. 24) and that his return was not visible to those alive in the flesh? If He returned in the Glory of His Father, would it not be impossible for mortals to look upon Him? Or does the description in Acts of His ascent into heaven "lock in" a physical return to earth?

Der Gebirgsjager
10-16-2018, 10:24 PM
Revelation 1:7 "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him,...."

10-18-2018, 04:44 PM
If He wanted to convey the idea that He would return before all of those then living had tasted death, could He have been more plain? Are we in danger of being rebuked for unbelief simply because we have a picture in our minds that His return must be physical?

10-18-2018, 05:54 PM
It is not about me, it is about God, so I am able to be mistaken if I have faith in God's Grace.
He will be coming back physically, so it is written

fun stuff

10-18-2018, 06:54 PM
I think all the earth will be aware of Christ' promised return. It is described as with a shout and trumpet and all Christians rising from the grave. I don't think that will go unnoticed. As to Matthew 24 I think generation would better be translated dispensation. That means the dispensation of grace.
At the time Christ' return our bodies will be changed from mortal to immortal and from corruptible to incorruptible per the book of 2nd Corinthians. At that time we will be able to look upon God and be with him in heaven.

10-20-2018, 04:19 PM
I am very reluctant to make any claims of understanding Revelations, but when He comes, I think it will be something that we'll ALL be able to see. How He might do this, I would not even hazard a guess on, but we'll see it. All of us. Will he come as a vision and manifestation in the air, like a giant? Or how? I've come to leave these things up to Him to answer, though it's probably impossible for us not to think about and consider what their true meanings are. I'm comfortable, at long last, with not knowing everything. And that's really saying something, because I've always been the one who desperately wanted to know and understand EVERYTHING! Trust is a wonderful thing, once you have it, though. Took me way too long to really understand and appreciate that one!

12-27-2018, 01:27 PM
I believe it will be a physical occurrence..as was spoken (promised?) at Jesus' ascent into Heaven. Somewhere...and I am no scriptorian, as you can plainly see... it is mentioned that at His coming, His robes will be red. The righteous, whether living or dead, will somehow rise to greet Him! I am not sure of the HOW of it, but I do accept the reality. I think that will be a marvelous welcoming party! I hope I will be there.

12-27-2018, 01:55 PM
Ive heard that more, at least better, details on his return are found in what the protestants call "the banned books of the bible".

12-31-2018, 09:44 PM


03-01-2019, 05:12 PM
Is it possible that our Lord returned just as He said he would (within the lifetime of some then living Matt. 24) and that his return was not visible to those alive in the flesh?

No. His return as King WILL be seen and known world wide and it will be AFTER the Great Tribulation, not before.

What gets many of us looking the wrong way on this question is not separating the Rapture in the air from the RETURN to earth. Personal opinions aside, there is no Biblical justification to equate His sudden "Surprise!" coming for the saints, i.e., the Bride of Christ, to be his return to stay and establish his millinial kingdom on earth after the Tribulation; they are not the same events.

We know those who heard him say "some of those standing here" would live to see all those predicted second coming things did not occur so ... there has to be an error in the way we read it. I believe the differences between Hebrew and English grammar is likely the translation problem; seems He probably meant some of those who see the things he had just described will still be alive to see his physical return.

If He returned in the Glory of His Father, would it not be impossible for mortals to look upon Him?

Not quite so; Isiah (6:5) saw God and lived because, as believer, he was cleansed to do so.

Or does the description in Acts of His ascent into heaven "lock in" a physical return to earth?

That verse, plus a lot of others, assure us that He will indeed physically return. So, I joyfully look up and daily pray, "Come quickly Lord Jesus!" :)

03-01-2019, 08:02 PM
Good explanation 1 hole. I know I'm in your camp.

I am of the belief the Rapture of the Saints is the next prophetic event. When all who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior will be caught up to meet him in the air before the Tribulation starts. (Pre Trib. Rapture.) The Tribulation is a period of seven years when satan and his evil ones will have dominion on earth. The first three and a half years will be a time of mostly peace when the remainder of the world is buying into the lies of the evil one. The second three and a half years will be a time when all hell breaks loose with death and destruction the likes world has never known. Then the Lord Jesus will physically come to earth. Put satan away and establish his kingdom on earth.

The chronological timing is not worth fighting over and no man knows the day or the hour. Salvation by grace through faith and trusting In Jesus The Christ. He was the spotless lamb. Dying the death we deserved that all who believe could have eternal life. Friends I believe that's all that really matters.

03-01-2019, 10:05 PM
Thanks Loud. My interest in end times has led me to study the whole of scripture because it's first and foremost the future "history" of our Lords triumph over the forces of darkness. We don't understand a lot of what we take for truth, including end times. Very few trained ministers are trained in prophecy so they are unprepared to rightly teach their flocks about it, some go as far as telling their flocks to avoid Revelation at all!

If we avoid studying what we don't know about God's word we would be limited to childish and simplistic plodding; Paul warned against those Christians who long remain "milk fed children" who never get beyond the basic gospel message! When I was a child I thought as a child but when I became an adult I put away childish things; now there is nothing about scripture I don't thirst for!

It bothers me to think of how many Christians read Revelation in fear and trembling because they don't understand. That should not be because that time of terrors has no application to the already Raptured-out children of God.

03-01-2019, 11:58 PM
Understanding the 70 weeks of Daniel are important to help understand the second coming.
This 15 minute study sheds allot of light.