View Full Version : Paul Bunyan's Potato?

Der Gebirgsjager
10-09-2018, 12:19 PM
Click to enlarge.

10-09-2018, 12:25 PM
Mash Potatoes for four with that one!

country gent
10-09-2018, 12:32 PM
Several years we got really big potatos from the garden. but most of them were hollow when cut open

10-09-2018, 12:40 PM
On the other end of the scale are the Ozette potatoes we grow over here on the Olympic Peninsula. Most are about the size of your thumb. They are small and they are the best I have had but they are so rich and heavy, you can't eat very many even of the little ones. A cup of the little ones in a stew makes quite a meal. Easy to grow in our climate as well.

country gent
10-09-2018, 12:57 PM
Mom would save all the little ones ( thumb sized or so) and wash them up fry in butter with some bacon and butter until skins were browned and crispy. Were they good but took forever to cool to eat

Der Gebirgsjager
10-09-2018, 03:41 PM
I have had some of those -- Ozettes -- and they're really good. Just starting to appear in our stores up here in the mountains.

The background on this potato that I posted the photo of: I don't know how it is where you live, but used to be potatoes came in all sizes in the bags, all mixed in together. Somewhere back there they decided to take all the large potatoes and sell them separately as "bakers". Now if you buy a 5 or 10 lb. bag of potatoes they all seem to be about the same size and smaller. So I was kind of astounded to pull this one out of a bag of otherwise apple-sized spuds. Not complaining at all.......:D

10-09-2018, 05:12 PM
I prefer the smaller ones for baking... those monster potatoes are to big for a meal.

My potatoes didn't produce much this year, all were tiny thumb sized. Tasty though! Everyone around here got hit my some kind of fungus that took out potatoes and tomatoes...

William Yanda
10-09-2018, 05:43 PM
Growing up, our neighbor was a potato farmer. In his home was a cast aluminum potato, 6 inches by 10 inches by 4 inches as I recall, he used it as a door stop. It was cast using a large potato he grew as a model. Often the huge ones are hollow though.

10-09-2018, 06:13 PM
Well, that does it... Made me hungry...Gonna make Cheesy Potato soup for us tonite on this rainy day.

Thanks for sharing the pic!

10-09-2018, 07:38 PM
A local restaurant sells baked potatoes that are maybe even larger than those, with all the fixings, as a meal. Pretty hard to eat it all even if you can eat a LOT! Can take home a "doggie bag" though, and they taste great. Enough food to shock ya :)

10-10-2018, 05:52 AM
Be nice to have a truck load of those

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10-10-2018, 02:42 PM
Potatoes are sorted by size and appearance. The bags you buy in the store are #1 and are usually uniform in size.
My dad did a lot of electrical work for farmers and producers when I was growing up. In the fall he always came home with boxes of potatoes that were too big or small for the sorter and went off the end of the conveyor belt. Nothing wrong with the big or small ones, just the wrong size for the sorter. The picture of the big potato brought back many memories.

10-11-2018, 03:32 AM
Well, that does it... Made me hungry...Gonna make Cheesy Potato soup for us tonite on this rainy day.

Thanks for sharing the pic!

My Wife makes a variation of cheezy potatoes that she bakes in a pyrex cake dish in the oven. That dish is always empty at meals end by the 4 of us.Robert

Lloyd Smale
10-11-2018, 06:32 AM
we shoot deer at a potato farm. I listen to the farmer and his wife. they grow many different breeds of potato and go seed potatoes to sell to other farmers. Now they will give me potatoes for free. All I want but they allways ask what im going to use them for. I say to eat! they will say theres baking potatoes, potatoes for mashing, potatoes for French fries and there is no one size fits all potato. I kind of chuckle at it. I take whatever they give me and use them for anything. Last 200lbs I picked up were giant potatoes like the one you have. Don't ask me what its called they told me but I forgot. I believe they said russets but don't hold me to it. What I need to do is build a root cellar. When I pick up potatoes I get 200lbs and give half to my dad. Buy the time I go though half of them there starting to sprout. I tried canning them but it gives potatoes a kind of odd taste that I don't really mind but the wife sticks her nose up at.

10-11-2018, 10:42 AM
"fungus that took out potatoes and tomatoes... "
MaryB, It was probably late blight. Organic treatment for that is difficult, but you can use
Bordeaux Mix (copper sulfate and lime) or copper hydroxide to suppress it for a few weeks.
There are resistant varieties of both, but the resistant potatoes are hard to find.

10-11-2018, 11:04 AM
one sweet potato shed i went into a few years ago had one the size of a football on the counter

10-11-2018, 08:53 PM
we shoot deer at a potato farm. I listen to the farmer and his wife. they grow many different breeds of potato and go seed potatoes to sell to other farmers. Now they will give me potatoes for free. All I want but they allways ask what im going to use them for. I say to eat! they will say theres baking potatoes, potatoes for mashing, potatoes for French fries and there is no one size fits all potato. I kind of chuckle at it. I take whatever they give me and use them for anything. Last 200lbs I picked up were giant potatoes like the one you have. Don't ask me what its called they told me but I forgot. I believe they said russets but don't hold me to it. What I need to do is build a root cellar. When I pick up potatoes I get 200lbs and give half to my dad. Buy the time I go though half of them there starting to sprout. I tried canning them but it gives potatoes a kind of odd taste that I don't really mind but the wife sticks her nose up at.

Burbank Russet I bet...

10-11-2018, 08:56 PM
"fungus that took out potatoes and tomatoes... "
MaryB, It was probably late blight. Organic treatment for that is difficult, but you can use
Bordeaux Mix (copper sulfate and lime) or copper hydroxide to suppress it for a few weeks.
There are resistant varieties of both, but the resistant potatoes are hard to find.

We had perfect conditions for it with a super wet summer... Will have to pick up something to treat it and see if any heirlooms varieties do better with it.