View Full Version : Prayer Request

10-05-2018, 11:21 PM
My wife's best friend in the whole world - they've known each other since they were kids, and are as close as sisters - is undergoing cancer surgery this coming week. It was unexpected, and I don't know a lot of details at this time. My wife is flying from Korea to Cali in order to be there. My wife is very upset - first time I've seen her cry in years.

I'd like your prayers for my wife, Yong, her friend, Sun, and Sun's family.

More to follow.

10-06-2018, 12:46 AM
Will do...

10-06-2018, 06:05 AM
Lord be with Sun and her family . Guide her surgery and speed her recovery . Give this family strength through you . Help all that love Sun handle this hard time by helping one another . Thank you Lord . Amen

10-06-2018, 07:55 AM
prayers being offered up. May GOD give comfort to all.

Preacher Jim
10-06-2018, 08:21 AM
Lord your grace and comfort needed for all involved. Your healing mercy is needed Sun as you guide surgeon to remove this cancer. Lord pore your mercy on all and bless them with your presence in the time of healing.
In Jesus name we pray

Pine Baron
10-06-2018, 08:32 AM
Prayers for Sun's healing and comfort for her family. May God bless Yong as she goes to support her friend.
Thanks for bringing this here nicholst55.

10-06-2018, 09:15 AM
My wife's best friend in the whole world - they've known each other since they were kids, and are as close as sisters - is undergoing cancer surgery this coming week. It was unexpected, and I don't know a lot of details at this time. My wife is flying from Korea to Cali in order to be there. My wife is very upset - first time I've seen her cry in years.

I'd like your prayers for my wife, Yong, her friend, Sun, and Sun's family.

More to follow.

Father please hear our prayers for healing, comfort, and guidance during the surgery for Sun. Please guide the physicians that will do the surgery as well as the medical team that will work on her recovery. Father please guide Sun so that she can make the right decisions as to the correct path that she must take to be restored not only to You but to her friends and family. Please be with Yong and Sun's friends and Sun's family; please grant them peace and comfort as they tend to the needs of Sun as well as her healing. AMEN

10-07-2018, 08:21 AM
Added to our prayer list.

10-07-2018, 09:16 AM
Prayers sent

10-07-2018, 09:23 AM
Prayers sent

10-08-2018, 03:13 PM
May your wife's friends' challenge be met with faith and courage and honor. And may she be fully healed. Cancer today, is not the "death sentence" it once was. Many, many cancer survivors walk among us here and everywhere we go today. Give your wife a hug and pray for her. it truly helps.

10-08-2018, 04:06 PM
Prayers sent.

10-09-2018, 07:39 AM
Thanks to everyone who has offered up prayers. My wife has decided to wait a bit to go see her friend Sun, when she can stay for a while. Another friend was just about to leave for the States, and is going to stay with Sun during and immediately after surgery. We're headed back to the States the middle of November for Thanksgiving, and my wife will stay on for a while with Sun afterwards.

Turns out that Sun has colorectal cancer, although I don't have any more details. From the reading I've done, it seems like colon cancer is pretty survivable; rectal cancer not so much. I don't know how advanced the cancer is, but I'm told that the tumor is pretty significant in size. I don't have a warm fuzzy about this, but every case is unique. I lost a good friend to brain cancer 6-7 years ago, and that has made me rather pessimistic, I'm afraid.

10-10-2018, 08:22 PM
Heavenly Father, you have power over all things. Bless Sun, and bless all those who love her. Give them all healing, peace, and the assurance of your presence. Watch over the doctors, nurses, and others who care for Sun, and give them wisdom. In Jesus' name, amen
