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10-05-2018, 01:36 PM
Our baby was born at 1:37 this morning! It is a BOY; which we didn’t know till that very moment! My wife did so good, an inhumanly long labor and at the end when she was ready to chip out she reached deep and pushed for 14 more minutes! We can take him home tomorrow! He is perfect and a welcome blessing to our clan!

10-05-2018, 01:38 PM

Wheelguns 1961
10-05-2018, 01:42 PM

Me too!

10-05-2018, 01:48 PM
Congrats! Now the fun begins!

10-05-2018, 01:54 PM

Buy lots and lots of wipes. You'll be amazed how many you use.

10-05-2018, 01:58 PM
Congratulations! Hope all are happy and healthy!

10-05-2018, 02:03 PM

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10-05-2018, 02:11 PM
Congrats....and...don't blink...cuz before you know it, those little hands will be held out asking for the car keys.


10-05-2018, 02:53 PM
Congratulations! You have been blessed more than you know. GW

10-05-2018, 02:59 PM

10-05-2018, 03:10 PM
congratulations enjoy the easy times because once they reach teen years the fun begins.

Pine Baron
10-05-2018, 03:14 PM
Congratulations! You have been blessed more than you know. GW

Congratulations and this^^is the truth.

10-05-2018, 03:19 PM
Congratulations enjoy the easy times because once they reach teen years the fun begins.


10-05-2018, 03:29 PM
Now the clock starts. No matter how many trial and tribulations you have in raising the little fellow remember one thing. In a surprisingly short time you will get to be a grandpa. That is when the real fun starts! Congratulations!

10-05-2018, 03:30 PM
Your life will never be the same :) You'll ALWAYS love him but sometimes you won't like him so much.

It's a great journey. Always be a good role model

PS. It's never to early to start saving for college.

10-05-2018, 03:31 PM
I hope all turns out well...

10-05-2018, 03:34 PM
Congratulations!! Our little girl just turned 1 in September. They aren’t kidding when they say it flies by, only seems like a few months. Don’t be in a hurry, just enjoy the ride!! Congratulations again it’s awesome!!!

10-05-2018, 03:40 PM
congrats,what a new learning experience youre in for

10-05-2018, 03:57 PM
good job

10-05-2018, 04:21 PM
As blessed as you are with the new arrival he is blessed by arriving in a home where he will be given love and guidance. Congratulations and good luck.

10-05-2018, 07:57 PM
God's blessings on the three of you for ever.
Ole Jack

10-05-2018, 08:10 PM
Your guys word ring true; my last baby is now a teen girl at a home coming dance and it seems like I just blinked

10-05-2018, 08:10 PM
Congratulations to you all. Don't forget to get his lifetime hunting/fishing license.

10-05-2018, 08:44 PM
Ooh Rah! & Congrats! to you & your missus & family!

Wonderful news! Another blessing!

Coincidentally, my oldest son, Sam, was born 37 years ago today!

It is a good day!

10-05-2018, 08:45 PM
Be forewarned they move back in with the parents after being gone for just a few years. You only think they are off on their own after colledge.

Wis Tom
10-05-2018, 08:54 PM
May blessings be over you and your family. Congratulations.

10-05-2018, 09:00 PM
Congrats, the joy has just begun, along with the sleepless nights.


10-05-2018, 09:11 PM
Congratulations! Glad everyone is ok.

10-05-2018, 09:23 PM
Congrats Sir! Blessings to you and your family. Like they say, don't blink!

10-05-2018, 11:25 PM
:drinks:[smilie=w: Outstading Sir.And as been said"Now the fun begins".There is a song out there somewhere that IIRC the title is"Turn Around".If someone could maybe find it and post it up,it would be a great listen.My computer skills SUCK.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

10-05-2018, 11:43 PM
https://www.lyricsmania.com/turn_around_lyrics_bonnie_tyler.html has the lyrics, looks like

10-05-2018, 11:59 PM
Have you passed out the lead cigars yet.:kidding:

10-06-2018, 12:45 AM
Congratulations brother!!

fast ronnie
10-06-2018, 01:02 AM
Ours (4) have passed 50. Where does the time go?

10-06-2018, 10:04 AM
Congratulations and God bless.

10-06-2018, 10:22 AM
Sleep will be something that you treasure, the diapers, wipes, feeding, napping and then crawling, walking into everything. Life as you know it has changed for the rest of your lives. Enjoy the ride sometimes there will be happiness, sometimes tears, but in the end it is all worth it. Congrats to you and your wife.

10-06-2018, 10:25 AM
Congrats! My kids were the best thing to ever happen to me. I still to this day tell them everyday that I love them no matter wherever they are. Never missed a day and they are 26 and 24.

10-06-2018, 01:45 PM
Congratulations, and well done putting the stem on the apple!

10-06-2018, 02:49 PM
Congratulations to all! May GOD heap his blessings on your family forever!

10-06-2018, 03:36 PM
Enjoy him while you can because it won't be long until he'll be too busy to bother with Mom and Dad.

10-06-2018, 03:45 PM
Enjoy him while you can because it won't be long until he'll be too busy to bother with Mom and Dad.

and it comes sooner than you think :)


10-06-2018, 03:50 PM
May God bless you and your family. Relish every minute good or otherwise. Looking back it is all wonderful.
There is nothing that will ever be as rewarding as being a father.

10-06-2018, 04:11 PM
My congratulations to you and the wife!

10-06-2018, 04:47 PM
:-) Hi Mr Sheese.Thank you for your efforts.That is`nt the song that I was thinking of.Will have to try my faulty memory again.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

10-07-2018, 08:29 PM
Thanks to everyone who wished the best to me and mine. We have been home since yesterday and Mom and baby are doing fantastic!! The dogs totally get that baby is part of the pack but totally hands off, they got a little nervous the first time some else besides us picked him up; so we let them
See us hand the baby to someone now and they are totally fine with that. They sleep beside the bassinet and look over the rim every time he makes a noise.
Baby is eating well and sleeping now in 3 hour blocks so we have even been able to catch some naps.

10-07-2018, 09:12 PM
nagantguy...what a blessing! Glad your bride and son are ok.....spoil them rotten! Congrats.....Paul

Texas by God
10-07-2018, 09:43 PM
God bless your expanding family. Our youngest boy & girl twins turn 25 this month and our oldest girl turns 29. First grandchild is a 6 month old sumo wrestler; Life is Good!
Now he'll need a .22, a shotgun, etc- you know. Hurry up time is ticking!

10-07-2018, 10:57 PM

10-08-2018, 01:00 AM
Raise the little one to hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors.

10-08-2018, 06:44 AM
Congratulations, he is now in that difficult stage the time of birth to when he leaves home.

10-08-2018, 01:16 PM
Congrats and God Bless your family, brother! My wife has given us 3 beautiful children and they are our world. Amazing how love can grow and grow and grow. Be strong, be gentle. Be the Papa they need.

10-08-2018, 01:19 PM
As blessed as you are with the new arrival he is blessed by arriving in a home where he will be given love and guidance. Congratulations and good luck.


10-08-2018, 02:24 PM
We are going to buy a 10/22 later this week! It will be used as a single shot for a long time. Of course I already have the Red Ryder B.B. gun for him and the appropriate single shot shotgun, one my dad traded for when I was born. My wife and older daughter have been so invaluable in keeping things running since we’ve been home. Last night the baby was up from midnight till 6 am! He wasn’t crying he was just awake and kicking his feet and flexing his fingers and looking around so I sat up
with him and told him of our love and an abbreviated family history, I didn’t want to put him down and I didn’t want to sleep because it was such a special time!