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View Full Version : What a time!

Tom W.
10-01-2018, 10:56 PM
Wednesday I got a letter from the Alabama DOT saying I
needed to take some forms that they sent me to the doctor
to fill out, due to me having epilepsy and a heart attack
sometime back. Thursday I promptly took them to my
physician for him to fill them out. Thursday afternoon I
got a call saying that he didn't fill those out and I
needed to take them to an Acute Care office, and they had
two doctors that would see me.
Acute Care? That's for sudden illnesses and where people
go if their regular doctor is closed. Friday I went back
and collected the papers and took them to the other
office. When they asked what was wrong with me I said that
nothing was wrong, I'm just following the directions of
the doctors office.

They looked at me like I had three heads and asked if I
knew where I was, in a place for accidents and such. I
explained that I was following the instructions give to me
by the doctor. They handed me my papers back and told me
that they just did emergency care, and my doctor's office
closed in 15 minutes. I had been suspicious from the
start, but I had papers that were threatening to suspend
my license so I was trying to comply.

Today, after breakfast and a cup of coffee, I gathered my
papers and headed back to my primary care doctor. By this
time the receptionist knew me by name, and I told her of
the circus. She contacted my Dr.'s head nurse,we had a
discussion, and she looked at the papers, and took them to
the back. Finally they set me up an appointment for today
with the P.A. I said thanks, and sat down and waited. I
really didn't have anything else to do and found an
American Rifleman magazine to read, so I was set. Two
hours later I was called in. The session didn't last too
long. When the P.A. asked what I was driving I looked at
her kinda funny and said a 2013 Toyota RAV 4.... Prior to
this revelation they had thought that I was applying for a
CDL. They had misread the papers....

To my knowledge I will get my license without a problem
when it comes due.... But gracious, what a runaround!!

10-02-2018, 10:01 AM
Glad you got everything straightened out. The "system" can tax your patience some times.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-02-2018, 10:39 AM
Big hassle. Glad it worked out for you. But...I can see why they wanted to know you're present condition before letting you drive.

Gus Youmans
10-02-2018, 12:10 PM

When I was getting ready to retire from Fort Benning in 1995 my wife and I had a long discussion about whether to stay around Columbus or move to the other side of the river where the taxes are lower. Since she was working in Columbus we decided to stay on the east side of the river. I have been working as an accountant and CPA since 1997 and have had a lot of dealings with various Alabama state agencies and I am glad we stayed in Georgia even though we pay more in property tax and income tax. Although Georgia state government has issues it is still better than Alabama. Also, both our daughters went through four years of college on the original HOPE scholarship and that probably offset all the additional taxes we have paid to Georgia.

Gus Youmans

Tom W.
10-02-2018, 02:24 PM
My wife works as a 2nd grade teacher on Ft. Benning....