View Full Version : New Army Rifle --Maybe

10-01-2018, 10:34 PM
My nephew sent me this as he knows my interest in military affairs. The Army may be looking at a totally new rifle for the future. The link to put into your search engine is:

This will bring you a page where the article is just one of several articles. Just select the article on the new army rifle. Very interesting. Sorry but I am not computer smart enough to put it into a simple link. james

lefty o
10-01-2018, 11:12 PM
not even going to look. seems like every few months for the last 20 years they have got another new rifle.

10-02-2018, 01:32 AM
They are wasting money.....within a few years each soldier will be issued with 20 small drones,he will launch one in the direction of a target,it will think for itself,and home in on body heat and sight.........if the target retreats into a bunker,the drone will land and wait for the target to come out.It will then home in and explode within a foot of the head.Who needs guns?

10-02-2018, 02:24 AM
Link says Page not found.

10-02-2018, 04:51 AM
Link says Page not found.

Yes it does say that. However, if you run the cursor over the category tabs, (the one to the left of the temperature) and click on news, a window will pop up and on the left side is a column of specific stories. Click on military and it will take you to it article along with some others. At least that was how I got there.

10-02-2018, 07:57 AM
Yea how many times have we been on this ride? They spend a couple million and keep the M16. Im beginning to wonder if sci fi movies are right and 1000years from now we will have space ships and still be using some variant of the M16.

10-02-2018, 08:01 AM
I saw that the other day. It's interesting but doesn't seem practical.

10-02-2018, 09:13 AM
Seems that the cartridge "blocks" would weigh more and cost much more than the same number of conventional brass cartridges along with being more bulky. It listed the rate of fire as up to 250 rounds a second, but how many of those bulky cartridge blocks are going to be able to be fed into the action, locked in place and fired and ejected in a second? If it were truly 15k rounds per minute you wouldn't be able to carry enough ammo to last more than a few seconds. Wonder how well regulated the barrels are and if gas cutting is going to be an issue. Reminds me a lot of the harmonica pistols and rifles of the 1800's.

10-02-2018, 09:55 AM
The gun of the future will likely be something like a rail gun that fires needle like projectiles at hyper-velocities. Then the soldier can carry 10,000 or more rounds to use too.

Currently logistics, training and the cost of trying to changeover to a new caliber is the main problem. It is too expensive for their limited budgets.

10-03-2018, 10:11 PM
Link not accessible. Not a big deal. We've got a rifle that pretty much works, a big quantity of them, and a massive infrastructure in existence to support it. Time and again, we've seen offerings that might be better, or might not, but nothing has come down the pike that has been SO MUCH BETTER that it's worth undertaking all the grief and expense that would result from a replacement.

10-03-2018, 11:16 PM
When youre sitting in a nice office ,getting paid six figures p/a to develop a new gun..........you are not going to say that...........And when you are sitting in a much nicer office,relying on political donations from contractors to keep you there.......you are not going to say that.

10-05-2018, 04:03 AM
This almost sounds like something from a `LOONEY TOONES` cartoon featuring `DUCK DODGERS IN THE 23 and 1/2 CENTURY`!ROBERT