View Full Version : For thought and meditation

09-29-2018, 07:41 AM
…for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16
We are inclined to forget the deeply spiritual and supernatural touch of God. If you are able to tell exactly where you were when you received the call of God and can explain all about it, I question whether you have truly been called. The call of God does not come like that; it is much more supernatural. The realization of the call in a person’s life may come like a clap of thunder or it may dawn gradually. But however quickly or slowly this awareness comes, it is always accompanied with an undercurrent of the supernatural— something that is inexpressible and produces a “glow.” At any moment the sudden awareness of this incalculable, supernatural, surprising call that has taken hold of your life may break through— “I chose you…” (John 15:16). The call of God has nothing to do with salvation and sanctification. You are not called to preach the gospel because you are sanctified; the call to preach the gospel is infinitely different. Paul describes it as a compulsion that was placed upon him.
If you have ignored, and thereby removed, the great supernatural call of God in your life, take a review of your circumstances. See where you have put your own ideas of service or your particular abilities ahead of the call of God. Paul said, “…woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” He had become aware of the call of God, and his compulsion to “preach the gospel” was so strong that nothing else was any longer even a competitor for his strength.
If a man or woman is called of God, it doesn’t matter how difficult the circumstances may be. God orchestrates every force at work for His purpose in the end. If you will agree with God’s purpose, He will bring not only your conscious level but also all the deeper levels of your life, which you yourself cannot reach, into perfect harmony.

09-30-2018, 08:21 AM

09-30-2018, 02:01 PM
Wow! If there's ever been "strong medicine," this has to be it. Think about it. IF we who call ourselves by His name, had actually done what this verse demands ..... well, how in the world could things have progressed to the point they're at now????

This then leads to the question of who among us really knows the REASONS why he or she believes. And sadly, most of us believe, but most of us can't put into words WHY we do so. And if we can't explain WHY we ourselves believe, how can we expect to bring others to belief? And if we can't do that .... well, we get just what we've got now - many making fun of our belief, casting all manner of aspersions at our faith, and the resistance against us is growing continually and very steadily.

I am of the opinion, and it's based on pretty solid facts, that if we don't begin to do vastly better than we've been doing, that it's just a matter of time until evil takes over full control of this once great and Godly land. And when Satan has his heyday here ..... katie bar the door!!!!

In theology, we strain at gnats and ignore the logs in our own eyes, just as it says in the Good Book. But still, we go on thinking well of ourselves because we're "not like them" (the unbelievers). But that's never been enough, and we can't pretend to not know that. The writing is on the wall, and if we don't read it, and heed it very quickly ..... well, we're going to pay, and pay dearly - VERY dearly - for our hardened hearts and our neglectful ways. If this world falls, it will be due to OUR shortcomings and neglect, and NOT the powers of Satan that allows it. God save us from our own selves!!!