View Full Version : Having eye surgery

09-25-2018, 07:41 PM
I know this isn't considered "big" surgery, but I'm a big ol' quakin' mass of jelly when it comes to my eyes, and anything touching them, much less being cut on. So if you will, please send up a prayer that it will be successful. They do many of these, with no problem, but I always think "what if I'm one of the few?" I know that's not reflective of a lot of faith, but it's man's limitations and fallibility, and not God's, that I fear. And I really, really love my eyesight. Can't see clearly even with a scope now, so .... it's just time. I guess I'm not as tough as I like to think I am? Thanks for your beseechments on my behalf. I DO have faith in those!

09-25-2018, 07:48 PM
I know how ya feel about someone messin with yer eyes. I had cataract surgery a few yeare ago and all went fine. Just do like they tell ya and things will go fine for you also. Prayers sent.

09-25-2018, 07:53 PM
if this is cateract surgery don't worry. I had it done 30 + years ago don"t need glasses to read when in the sunlite ou will be OK

09-25-2018, 07:54 PM
Prayer will be forthcoming in about an hour Dennis .

09-25-2018, 09:40 PM
I had a "PRK" enhancement about 3 weeks ago. It is a little disturbing, but it was quick. On the mend now. It takes about 6 weeks for that surgery to heal I pray yours goes fine.

09-25-2018, 09:47 PM
You have my prayers!

09-26-2018, 01:22 AM
You have my prayers brother! I have a consult with the eye surgeon myself on Thursday. Really looking forward to the results but like you, just a bit freaked out by it like you.

09-26-2018, 07:27 AM
Prayers sent for you. brother. Doc says my cataract surgery is about a year off, am I concerned? heck yeah. My doc is a shooter, too so I know he'll take care of me. GW

Preacher Jim
09-26-2018, 07:48 AM
Praying for you and success with your eyes Dennis

09-26-2018, 08:43 AM
We are adding you to our prayer list.

Pine Baron
09-26-2018, 09:59 AM
Prayers for peace and a successful procedure.

09-26-2018, 10:13 AM
I had cataract surgery at 5 years old pentathol and either sick for 24 hrs and in the hospital a month for each eye. 15 years ago I had the damage from the first surgeries repaired lenses implants done total time for both surgeries 6 hrs and home the same day. OP has nothing to worry about. I'm 68 years old BTW

09-26-2018, 10:52 AM
Blackwater; Had the same surgery years ago---everything went well, now have 20/20 vision. Prayer sent for you comfort, and

09-26-2018, 02:58 PM
I understand your anxiety. Key is good communication between you and your Doctor, and your understanding the procedure.

Prayers are also helpful and you have mine. The following was written two years ago I will be 70 next month.

In 2008 I had a retinal detachment in my dominant right eye, caused by a workplace injury.
This was repaired using vitrectomy and internal drainage in which a gas bubble was injected into my eye to hold the retina in place, while its edges were tacked in place with a laser. The retinal repair was completely successful, but the eye developed a cataract, removed a year later.

During the cataract surgery I had an ocular implant of intermediate focus inserted into my right eye. The specific lens I had implanted is an AcrySof acrylic foldable IOL with UV filter by Alcon Laboratories, Model SN60AT of power 21.5D having a ThetaT length of 13mm and a ThetaB optic of 6mm, which was implanted in 2009. Objects from 20-40 inches away are in sharp focus. I use a slight correction for distance and for precision close work. I can read the Wall Street Journal under good light, or work on my computer without corrective lenses and I no longer have a corrective lens restriction on my driver's license. My vision is 20-20 with progressive lenses having a slight distance correction for the surgery eye and a slight reading correction for close work, such as reading Vernier scales on peep sights or calipers. The sights on my carry gun are sharp without glasses when I extend the gun in 2-handed Isoceles.

Before suffering the detached retina I competed in highpower rifle and indoor bullseye pistol shooting using shooting glasses approximately -0.5 diopter less than my reading prescription. My shooting glasses were optimized for a focal length based upon the measured distance my cheek bone below the eye to the front sight, being approximately 39 inches for me. This gave a sharp sight picture, but the target was fussy if I used only my right eye. The target would sharpen considerably if I also used a Merit adjustable iris with the corrective lenses, but this isn't always practical in dimly light indoor ranges. But it works great outdoors for slow fire conventional pistol shooting in full sun.

Prior to cataract surgery when shooting service rifle outdoors I could read the number boards OK with my left eye, but when down in position looking through the sights it became necessary to count target frames to be sure I was on the right one, so that I wouldn't crossfire. I could hold 6:00 on the bull for standing, 200 and 300 rapid, and would frame the target at 600 yards. Back in the 1980s I shot Master, but these days I'm Expert.

I could use a scope if the eye lens was backed off to put the reticle in sharp focus without corrective lenses, and hunted with no issues. Firing a shotgun or iron sighted rifle I shoot with both eyes open, as I have good distance vision in the left eye. The brain has no trouble merging the target image in the left with the sight image in the right.

I was told by my retinal specialist when the vitrectomy was done to repair the detached retina, that the surgery eye would eventually develop a cataract because while the laser used for the retinal repair was focussed at the back of the eye, putting all that energy through the lens tissue causes a localized opacity. This was not a matter of "if" I would get a cataract in that eye, but rather of how soon it would grow become objectionable. Within 6 months after the retinal repair the focal distance in my right eye shortened to about half of normal and distance vision in that eye eventually deteriorated to 20/200. When I could no longer adjust scopes so that the reticle was sharp, and when using iron sights on a revolver became impossible, all I could do was superimpose a fuzzy gun over a fuzzy silhouette and instinctively point-shoot Applegate style. I received extensive coaching from a retired FBI academy instructor who made me a true believer in point shooting, but that is another story... For those who want more on this read Applegate's book Bullseye's Don't Shoot back and follow it. It works.

While I could have gotten new corrective lenses and lived with my condition for a while longer, my eye doctor advised that the younger I was when I had the surgery, the better the chance for a successful outcome, because the eye is more flexible and resilient that it would be if I waited several years longer. I would enjoy more years of good vision by having the surgery sooner, rather than later. Being active and then still working full time working outdoors, I decided not to wait on cataract surgery. I had it done and my outcome has been wonderful. I function fine without glasses in well lit, indoor office environments, although due to the nature of my outdoor work I wear progressive Transitions lenses most of the time. My vision so equipped is like being 20-years old again.

Fast forward 6 years post-surgery! As was explained by my surgeon, it is normal to developed some scar tissue behind the lens after 4-6 years. This is the normal, expected outcome. I wanted to avoid a corrective lens restriction on my driver’s license, so once my vision in the surgery eye was no longer correctable to better than 20-40, I had the scar tissue corrected using a laser in the doctor's office. The day after the laser procedure my vision in that eye was 20-20 uncorrected. Six months post laser my eye again required a slight distance correction and a very slight one for very close work, but my glasses obtained 4 years ago about a year after the lens was implanted correct everything to 20-20 and the sights on my Garand and carry gun are sharp.

I also have open angle glaucoma and when eye drops alone are not able to keep the internal pressures in line, I've had SLT laser surgery twice, which has avoided nerve damage and brought the internal pressure under control with drops.

My advice is that you want an experienced eye surgeon to do your procedure, whatever it is, and who does ALOT of them.

If he happens to also be a retinal, or glaucoma specialist, if that is your need, and is your regular eye doctor, and he is skilled in all the modern laser techniques, you are indeed lucky.

I am on Medicare so everything was covered between that and my government employee's retirement supplemental insurance.

09-26-2018, 06:55 PM
Father please be with Dennis and his medical team that will perform surgery on his eyes. Please take any fears from Dennis and wrap him in Your loving arms. Please guide his team and allow this surgery to be a routine success! I ask this in Your name and pray that You grant my prayer. Amen

Dennis keep us posted....if it is cataract it is routine but I know the worries that you are going through brother. I went through the same concerns when I had mine removed 6+ years ago.....Paul

09-26-2018, 07:26 PM
Hope the surgery went well Dennis.

Prayers for you

09-26-2018, 07:37 PM
I too had my last of 4 laser surgeries yesterday for cataracts and have glaucoma also. It was painless and I hope and pray yours goes as well too.


Preacher Jim
09-26-2018, 07:47 PM
Dennis our prayer team prayed for you and will continue till you are done and good.

09-26-2018, 08:44 PM
Hey Dennis, Prayers coming. I had both cataracts done a couple years ago by Dr. Kuglin in Conroe Texas. He is tops in my book. He told me that I would feel his fingers touching my cheekbone. Didnt feel a thing. In just a few seconds he said all done now. Easiest surgery I ever had and man would you believe the color change back to normal. My stark white before the surgery was about the color of eggshell paint on the wall. The blue sky is so much more beautiful now. Good luck and have good courage and faith that God will bring you through brother.

09-28-2018, 06:13 PM
Thank you all for your prayers. I don't know how I'd be able to take it if something went wrong, and I'm one who tends to always think of "what if." And Outpost, your concerns and mine seem to be the same. I can't see iron sights at all any more, and have tried using my left eye when shooting right handed, but that's hard to do and it often takes time to make the shift from right to left eye. I have an old 1929 issue '03 Spfld. that's all orignial. It's very much like the one my Dad could have carried in China in the 30's, complete with the long bayonet. I cannot see that thin front sight AT ALL! It just disappears completely when I get into shooting position. I'd love to try it, but if you can't see the sights, that would be a pretty vain endeavor.

I'm hoping I'll be able to shoot iron sights again. I've learned to not count my chickens until they're hatched, though, and am just hopeful of that. The Lord's been so very, very good to me in this life! I can't help but wonder when and if He'll let some travesty befall me. His will be done, though. He's never steered me wrong, and He has my faith and trust now, forever, whatever life brings me.

Thanks again for your prayers. I am unalterably convinced that they matter, and are even the determinant in many more instances than the unbelievers would ever suspect. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.