View Full Version : It is well

09-25-2018, 07:16 PM
I am a sinner . I have always been a sinner beyond my years of innocence . I fail daily , I sin daily . But at the end of the day realizing my imperfection makes me try harder tomorrow . My savior Jesus Christ died for me . My father knew me before he knitted me in my mother's womb . My Lord and savior wants me to succeed but I continually fail . My Lord Jesus offers me the opportunity every day to learn . It's my choice to learn . It's my choice to put in my life what he loves me enough to teach me .

I can not speak for you or your choices and only my own which I will account for at judgement which I am assured and promised .

This song is an inspiration but also an aspiration as I move forward on a path that grows shorter .


09-25-2018, 07:27 PM
I am a sinner . I have always been a sinner beyond my years of innocence . I fail daily , I sin daily . But at the end of the day realizing my imperfection makes me try harder tomorrow . My savior Jesus Christ died for me . My father knew me before he knitted me in my mother's womb . My Lord and savior wants me to succeed but I continually fail . My Lord Jesus offers me the opportunity every day to learn . It's my choice to learn . It's my choice to put in my life what he loves me enough to teach me .

I can not speak for you or your choices and only my own which I will account for at judgement which I am assured and promised .

This song is an inspiration but also an aspiration as I move forward on a path that grows shorter .

…………………………………….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HLyhEdh92EThank you.

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Wayne Smith
09-25-2018, 09:16 PM
If you don't know the history of that song and when and who wrote it you need to look it up. It makes the song even more amazing.

09-25-2018, 09:20 PM
We are born into sin, we imbibe it with our mothers milk. But there is a cure!

09-25-2018, 09:21 PM
If you don't know the history of that song and when and who wrote it you need to look it up. It makes the song even more amazing.I agree, they played that at my dads funeral 33 years ago.

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09-26-2018, 07:07 AM
Amen, Charlie, and thank you/ GW

09-26-2018, 08:45 AM
We all fail daily but we have an Advocate who never fails, Amen.

09-28-2018, 06:22 PM
I dunno, Charlie. Sometimes I wonder if we don't include things within the scope of our "sins" that really aren't sins, per se, but just weaknesses that haven't developed into full blown sins yet. When God made the world, He made many gradients in the process, and I tend to think (not "know" but "think") that our weaknesses are there as a sort of "early warning system" BEFORE we actually commit a full blown sin. If we're alert and honest and humble enough to recognize our proclivities, and notice one getting a little too far out of hand, I think maybe God gave us that so we can avert ourselves from giving in to a full blown sin.

As such, I'm very grateful to God for giving us this "early warning system," and it keeps me very humble whenever I think about it. God has given us SO much - even to the point of sacrificing His only Son on our behalf, so we could "have life, and have it more abundantly."

So don't be so hard on yourself. Just be careful and alert, and be happy, and glad we've got this "early warning system," and learn to use it to the full extent you can. It's really a great asset, when you think about it. God always wants us to be happy. Look at how much He provided for us to have, and use, in making it so. We have to avail ourselves of these opportunities, of course, but that's when we can, if we will, learn to be happy while working. Christ has NEVER given us burdens. Just opportunities to be happy and well satisfied. If we needed any truer illustration of His intent for us, I don't know where we'd find a better one.

Wayne Smith
09-29-2018, 05:10 PM
I have for a long time been facinated by the fact that James tells us in Ch. 5 to 'submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you' - but in many places it tells us to 'flee temptation'.
I finally realized that nothing is tempting to me unless I want it! Thus I need to be aware of my wants and avoid opportunities to be tempted. This is very like being aware of my weaknesses except now I need to be aware of what I want strongly.

09-29-2018, 07:21 PM
Charlie....sounds like you are talking about all of us.....we fail daily and we are so lucky that God sent Jesus to save us.....failure does make me try harder; yet I seem to fail even more......thanks for the prayer....Paul