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09-21-2018, 06:22 PM
A radio preacher I listen to answers questions on fridays this friday the question was asked if baby dies will it go to heaven and about the age of accountability

The preacher did a good job answering the question referenceing when David and Bathshebas first born died David said I will someday go to you he went on to say the Bible did not teach on the age of accountability and he wasn't going to assume what God thinks about it

God the changed my focus from the answer to the question.the man made the statement a baby can't except Christ or repent sculptures started coming to mind
"salvation is a gift of God"( eph2:8)
All those the father has chosen for me (John 6:37)
And I then better understood I was not saved because I repented and excepted christ. I excepted christ and repented because I was saved.

Once we understand that he is in complete control we never again have to search our understanding to make sense of his will

09-21-2018, 06:54 PM
calvinism is certainly one interpretation.

09-21-2018, 08:37 PM
I'm don't know what a Calvinist is or what they believe.

I grew up Lutheran and now attend a cowboy church. My doctrine comes from reading,meditating,and praying on His word. Not from what man says I should believe.

I do keep my mind,heart,ears open to what others preach not thinking I understand everything.but I seek understanding from the spirit.

09-22-2018, 09:34 AM
A sovereign, Omnipotent God!

Wayne Smith
09-22-2018, 09:42 AM
My salvation was established before the foundations of the earth! It is God who saves, none of me. That is what the Bible teaches, Reformed theology only highlights it. Anyone who argues that salvation has to do with my decision, other than simply accepting in gratitude what God has already done, diminishes God and puts man in the place of God.

09-22-2018, 10:43 AM
and there you go.

brothers and sisters in Christ who do NOT believe in calvinism are all bad people.

having a decision doesn't diminish God, it exalts God.
having no decision cheapens Christ's sacrifice as it is no longer enough to save 'us'.
you MUST be on the list in order to be saved.

reading the bible backwards, thinking of God in linear terms, etc will get you to your doctrinal belief.

it does not however reconcile with the rest of scripture.

so calvinism is not what the bible teaches.

now for the hard pill to swallow:

the mail carrier brought me a package.
the sender, bagged, boxed and labeled it.
the mail flew, trucked, motored, and walked it to me.
-here it comes-
i accepted the offered package.

so do i think i had anything to do with all of that?

NO, of course not.
i accepted the hard work of others.

the CHOICE is given though.
accept or reject.

that is what the bible teaches.

THIS is why 'we' are hard pressed to commune.

you knowingly accused anyone who doesn't agree with your doctrine of claiming they brought about their own salvation.

no one said or implied that.

this has been the common monologue of calvinism for ages.

so if this 'space' is for the 'state approved' doctrine, that's fine.
put it up front.

I would NEVER walk into a contrasting doctrine church and then tell them they are all wrong. how would that edify the body?

otherwise, replying to edfify rather than accuse might be a better choice.

maybe I should have remained silent. this is why 'nondenominational' churches go aroung in circles. always feeding on the milk and never getting into the meat.

it is a strong pressure for me to continue preaching and teaching a gospel that says:
God provided an atonement.
you can accept that.
God knew before time whether you would or not and added accordingly.

rather than a doctrine that says:
God, before time, chose who goes to heaven andf who goes to hell.
you will or won't be saved regardless of any influence.
to include preaching teaching witnessing prayer etc.

a choice does not contradict God's sovereignty.
God is the one giving us the choice.

Preacher Jim
09-22-2018, 01:06 PM
John 3: 15- 18 says it all for me

09-22-2018, 07:20 PM
I apologize if I made it seam I'm right your wrong and your going to hell for what you believe.that's far from what I believe. You and I we disagree but we are still brothers in Christ. And I suport your efforts in being a light unto Christ. Again I don't study religion I don't know what Calvinism is I don't read books about the bible I read the bible. And pray for the lord to guide me sometimes I fail,other times I come close to geting it right.

My intent was to share a conversation I had with the spirit. Not to get into any doctrinal debate.
Ronnie Landry

09-22-2018, 08:58 PM
I once talked to a preacher at my shop . He attempted to explain how the water was moved and held up by GOD freezing it to ice for Moses and the Israelites pass through the Red Sea .

I asked him why GOD 'had' to freeze the water when he could simply part it and hold it by his will . The preacher thought it turning to ice made more sense . Trying to make 'sense' many times buys us failure .

Thank you Ronnie !

09-25-2018, 07:35 PM
One of the things Christ most often requested, is simply that we TRUST Him. And that's what these type questions are all about. I don't know beyond doubt how Christ judges these things, but I know for sure I trust Him to know the EXACT right thing to do, and that it'll be as forgiving in nature as Heaven will allow. Simply TRUST the Lord, and all will be right. He's never failed us, but we frequently fail Him, and even fail to really and deeply understand Him. But that doesn't need to be considered a "weakness" unless we expect the same of ourselves that we do of our Lord! And who among us could stand THAT kind of scrutiny???? I know I couldn't. Could you? Then just TRUST Him, and all will be as it's meant to be. This one's really simple.