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View Full Version : Time to go ?

09-21-2018, 10:01 AM
Or another false alarm? We think this morning may finally be the day this baby decides to come join the family! But we had a false alarm on Sunday so we are being more temperate this time. Car is loaded; actual due date just days away ; wife says she feels different and the contractions are different than before ; I’m posting this to kill a few minutes and not pace about the house driving her nuts and keeping my online family informed

Having been through this before I thought I wouldn’t be as on edge as the first time but I gotta say these last few days of waiting have put a strain on me. And I feel terrible saying that as who cares about me ; my wife is miserable and so wanting this to be over and most of my concerns go to this little one who’s about to have a very long hard trying day!

So I am driving her nuts; my lovely young fit smart wife; who’s in pain and uncomfortable just asked me in her sweetest voice if I’d like to go to the store and get rabbit food and mushrooms???????

I’m not even sure we need these things.
I’ve said before that being on a CH -53 helicopter that suddenly had no rotors kinda steeled my nerves against most everything; but one again time proves us all liars. I’m pretty jumpy right now.

country gent
09-21-2018, 10:21 AM
Nagantguy. Heres a few things to see or look for with the occasion coming up. My wife was tired a few days before then on the day she went into labor she was full of energy. She just couldnt sit still and had to be doing something. Cravings are a natural part of this, She may be needing something the mushrooms will give her. Again my wife had these cravings with all 3 of our children. The contractions can go for a long time when the start getting timeable every xxx minutes its getting close when the water breaks is a sure sighn also.

Now for the hard part, Relax and be there for her. bring her what she needs a warm cup of tea or cool drink snacks. Rub here back sides and stomach gently cuddle up to her and support her Keep in mind shes as worried / scared/ nervous as you are. Be her rock and be there for her

09-21-2018, 11:24 AM
Wishing you and your new family the best! Those last minutes/hours before the big event can be tough.

09-21-2018, 02:19 PM
My best guess on cravings is that they're happening because whatever she's craving has some nutrient she / the baby need. (Or because it's chocolate :P) Easiest to keep her in good nutrients :)

mold maker
09-23-2018, 10:50 AM
Oh! The memories that just came flooding back. Be strong and calm to reassure her and don't take anything personally. This will all be a pleasant memory soon.