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09-16-2018, 04:58 AM
I've always wondered about this.
Before a disaster, anti gun people seem to be very unprepared.
They don't have a plan on what to do about looters, and those who are just looking for trouble.
Do some of them change their views after the danger has passed??????
We've never had a big disaster where I live.
Other islands have, but don't know much people from there.
The anti's have this mind set that government is going to protect them. Always.
Those who have been through a disaster know better.
For those who have been through it, noticed any changing of minds in the aftermath????

Land Owner
09-16-2018, 06:01 AM
Interestingly, my Mother had always been a "No Guns!" type of Democrat, even though she shot guns as a teenager, even blowing her father's shotgun barrel up after she stuck it in the mud duck hunting and later pulled the trigger with a fouled barrel. She was very anti-gun.

Then the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Park Bomber, Eric Rudolph, literally moved to the back side her mountain in Murphy, NC as he was running from the FBI. The FBI went through my Mother's garage and property six times looking for the man. Mom couldn't get a gun fast enough from me. She asked me to bring it to her and to come shoot around her property. Her need for security in that instance took precedence.

The adage that "the solution for a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun" is quite appropriate when it comes to weak willed Democrats, but is most always the case that the Democrat is the bad guy and the Conservative the good guy. So, we change the sentence as appropriate to include the substitution of "Democrat" in place of the first instance of "guy" and "Conservative" for the second...like this:

The solution to a bad Democrat with a gun is a good Conservative with a gun.

There are many adjective replacements for the word "bad" such as:

bat**** crazy
just to name a few.

William Yanda
09-16-2018, 07:40 AM
Funny how reality jerks the idealistic fantasy up short.

09-16-2018, 08:17 AM
Democrats, especially socialist democrats toe the party line and believe anything that are told to believe.
They are not good at critical thinking or thinking situations out to their final end. They march in lockstep with the democrats socialist ideas and policies and are unable to draw a conclusion to many adverse events that may befall them.

09-16-2018, 08:19 AM
My personal experience (through Katrina) is that gun haters' hate is not based on reality. The reality of actually needing rescue or protection by someone with a gun, is soon forgotten. While they are thankful for that rescue, hoplophobes will often not permit their rescuers to bring their firearms onto their property after the crisis is over. Hoplophobe's attitude toward firearms is very rarely changed by their own personal experience.

09-16-2018, 09:10 AM
That "sheep" mindset is a funny thing. Anti's are anti-gun until they personally need one. I've heard the story time and time again of anti-gun friends suddenly begging to borrow a gun when things heat up. The worst part is that once things calm down, most of them regress right back into their old ways.

That mindset even exists at my gun range. There was some turmoil at the club in the wake of Parkland, and I believe we even lost a member or two because we're a 100% NRA club and wouldn't distance ourselves from "those evil 'assault weapons.'"

Thin Man
09-16-2018, 09:13 AM
My sister was a hard core leftist in her views. All firearms should be melted down or otherwise destroyed. She lived in a very quite part of our town until the day came that new neighbors moved in beside her. The first few weeks were OK but then they showed their colors enough to scare the liberal right out of my sister. She called and begged me for a handgun to keep at her home. Within a few months those neighbors had relocated to their next victim neighbor and the loaned out insurance policy came back to me. My sister returned to her posture of "melt 'em all down" and completely forgot her own experience. Sound familiar?

09-16-2018, 11:25 AM
thin man thats pretty much the same experience i have had with my family. its amazing how quick they forget.

09-16-2018, 01:44 PM
A few years back, we had a next-door neighbor...a single-mother and bumper-sticker liberal...who was vehemently anti-gun. Never said anything to me, directly, but asked my wife how she could be 'comfortable' with guns in the house. She must have been going by the NRA and State Rifle Association decals on our vehicles 'cause the only time she might've seen any guns around here would've been when they were carried (cased) out to my Jeep. It also got back to me that she'd asked another neighbor...the only other with small children...about guns in the neighborhood. Sorta asked the wrong person, though; both Elaine and her husband were pretty regular 'plinkers'...and their neighbor on the other side was a former president of both the state and national Ruger Collector's Association...and, a couple houses down from him was a retired LEO who'd been a firearms instructor/range officer for his department.

Anyway, one night, around 11PM, she calls in a near panic and says she thinks there's someone at the back of the house trying to get in and wants to come over and stay with us until the Sheriff's Dept. arrives. (We're in the county and typical response time is around 15-20 minutes.) So, we turn on the front lights and I go to her front door (with a 1911 stuffed into my waistband beneath a sweatshirt) and walk her and her daughter back to our place. In the meantime, my wife has grabbed the short-barreled 870 that lives between the file cabinet and bookcase in my office and is standing in the shadows at the corner of our front deck. Once we've got them inside, I snag the shotgun and slip around to our rear deck without turning on the lights. Nothing, nada, zero...no sounds, no movement! Deputy shows up shortly and does a walkaround of her place...same story: nothing to be seen or heard. Following day, I looked around and found a place where a fair-sized (from the tracks) racoon had been gnawing at the wood frame of her crawlspace access.

Other than a short 'thank you' to my wife when the Deputy took her back to her home never heard another mention of the incident or any gesture of appreciation from her. Later on, we hear that she told a mutual acquaintance that she was so 'shocked and frightened' when she saw my wife with the shotgun that she decided to move back into town where it was a "safer environment" for her daughter. Haven't encountered the woman in several years but would like to ask if she feels safer where she is now 'cause the community where she relocated has a fairly typical violent-crime rate (for a downstate urban area) while, out here in the sticks, other than occasional 'domestic disturbance', auto-theft, or residential burglary we seem to get along quite peaceably.


09-16-2018, 03:45 PM
Interestingly, my Mother had always been a "No Guns!" type of Democrat, even though she shot guns as a teenager, even blowing her father's shotgun barrel up after she stuck it in the mud duck hunting and later pulled the trigger with a fouled barrel. She was very anti-gun.

Then the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Park Bomber, Eric Rudolph, literally moved to the back side her mountain in Murphy, NC as he was running from the FBI. The FBI went through my Mother's garage and property six times looking for the man. Mom couldn't get a gun fast enough from me. She asked me to bring it to her and to come shoot around her property. Her need for security in that instance took precedence.

The adage that "the solution for a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun" is quite appropriate when it comes to weak willed Democrats, but is most always the case that the Democrat is the bad guy and the Conservative the good guy. So, we change the sentence as appropriate to include the substitution of "Democrat" in place of the first instance of "guy" and "Conservative" for the second...like this:

The solution to a bad Democrat with a gun is a good Conservative with a gun.

There are many adjective replacements for the word "bad" such as:

bat**** crazy
just to name a few.

So has it changed her mind???
Is she not Pro gun???
Or is she still anti gun, except is her case.

09-16-2018, 04:58 PM
I think the solution to these problems is NOT what you guys did, (and I'd probably think first to do it to) and that was to loan a gun to them. No, the better solution, and one that at least would keep their fear going for maybe long enough for a permanent change would be to tell them to go buy a gun. With a lot of lib states taking days to weeks to approve, maybe they would think about it and want change in law..... Uh, no, that is just wishful thinking isn't it.

Stephen Cohen
09-16-2018, 05:23 PM
Democrats, especially socialist democrats toe the party line and believe anything that are told to believe.
They are not good at critical thinking or thinking situations out to their final end. They march in lockstep with the democrats socialist ideas and policies and are unable to draw a conclusion to many adverse events that may befall them.

You certainly have the Socialists pegged, we have the same problem in Australia but I know longer worry as I know where I am heading when the time comes. Regards Stephen

09-16-2018, 05:36 PM
Ask the Hypocrite Leftist politicians who have armed bodyguards.

09-16-2018, 08:49 PM
The only converted liberals are ones that have suffered physical injuries. Especially rape victims.

lefty o
09-16-2018, 09:51 PM
the anti agenda is ingrained in peoples minds since birth, just like religion and political biases, in the case of all these things there is almost no way to change someones mind, no matter how blind to reality they are.

09-16-2018, 10:13 PM
About the lady that thought there was an intruder ,why would she become frightened.
After all ,the Democrats have the answers. If he was drug crazed explain to him the programs to get clean. If hugary sign him up on food stamps. If he needed a fix, explain to him the needle exchange program. If homeless tell him about free shelters.
Why would a Democrat become scared when someone kicks in their door?

09-16-2018, 10:14 PM
A few years back, we had a next-door neighbor...a single-mother and bumper-sticker liberal...who was vehemently anti-gun. Never said anything to me, directly, but asked my wife how she could be 'comfortable' with guns in the house. She must have been going by the NRA and State Rifle Association decals on our vehicles 'cause the only time she might've seen any guns around here would've been when they were carried (cased) out to my Jeep. It also got back to me that she'd asked another neighbor...the only other with small children...about guns in the neighborhood. Sorta asked the wrong person, though; both Elaine and her husband were pretty regular 'plinkers'...and their neighbor on the other side was a former president of both the state and national Ruger Collector's Association...and, a couple houses down from him was a retired LEO who'd been a firearms instructor/range officer for his department.

Anyway, one night, around 11PM, she calls in a near panic and says she thinks there's someone at the back of the house trying to get in and wants to come over and stay with us until the Sheriff's Dept. arrives. (We're in the county and typical response time is around 15-20 minutes.) So, we turn on the front lights and I go to her front door (with a 1911 stuffed into my waistband beneath a sweatshirt) and walk her and her daughter back to our place. In the meantime, my wife has grabbed the short-barreled 870 that lives between the file cabinet and bookcase in my office and is standing in the shadows at the corner of our front deck. Once we've got them inside, I snag the shotgun and slip around to our rear deck without turning on the lights. Nothing, nada, zero...no sounds, no movement! Deputy shows up shortly and does a walkaround of her place...same story: nothing to be seen or heard. Following day, I looked around and found a place where a fair-sized (from the tracks) racoon had been gnawing at the wood frame of her crawlspace access.

Other than a short 'thank you' to my wife when the Deputy took her back to her home never heard another mention of the incident or any gesture of appreciation from her. Later on, we hear that she told a mutual acquaintance that she was so 'shocked and frightened' when she saw my wife with the shotgun that she decided to move back into town where it was a "safer environment" for her daughter. Haven't encountered the woman in several years but would like to ask if she feels safer where she is now 'cause the community where she relocated has a fairly typical violent-crime rate (for a downstate urban area) while, out here in the sticks, other than occasional 'domestic disturbance', auto-theft, or residential burglary we seem to get along quite peaceably.


This was a really good story, thank you for sharing.

I have an aunt that is anti gun. I also have a cousin that is a cop. I asked her if she'd be comfortable with him coming to her house while wearing his gun. Her response was, only if he was on duty.

09-16-2018, 10:36 PM
I live in southern L. A. County. At the start of the King Riots in '94. As the Newscasts showed the rioters moving steadily south, my Neighbor on the West side knocked on my door asking to borrow a gun. As we were in the garage picking out one from the gun safe, my Wife brought in our neighbor from the East side of our house. He wanted to borrow a gun too.

Both these men were College Professor's and bleeding heart liberals and anti-gunners. They left with my pair of S&W model 10's and each a box of reverse loaded HBWC's.

The TORRANCE & Redondo Beach P.D. held the line at Artesia Blvd. 5 miles north of us.

Just goes to show there are no Atheists in Foxholes.

Land Owner
09-17-2018, 08:10 AM
So has it changed her mind???
Is she not Pro gun???
Or is she still anti gun, except is her case.

At the time of the gun's return, it was back to anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-everything Conservative. Unfortunately, no longer needed as both Mom and Dad have passed, but I would not doubt their names might still be voted in Florida elections.

Some have espoused once Democrat always Democrat to which I do not agree. Many young people with a heart are indoctrinated Democrat and become Conservative because they have a brain.

Can anyone think of a reverse situation, one that could be used by conservatives with their liberals neighbors prior to their middle-of-the-night fright that would speak volumes at their hypocrisy should they come knocking on the door? I have seen the tongue-in-cheek front yard sign to the effect of "My Neighbor is anti-gun, his house is unguarded, and I have agreed not to use my guns to defend him".227274

09-17-2018, 08:29 AM
I don't know, no easy way to change a person's strongly held beliefs. At any particular time, they may change due to a circumstance, but I would expect zero chance of doing this permanently unless something drastic did happen personally to them. Such as real attack, not a potential as you guys have described.

When it gets REAL, you make or break your beliefs. All the other stuff is just the momentary lapse into reality. When the perceived threat is over, they snap back to liberal nirvana.

09-17-2018, 02:47 PM
Before my wife and I got married she was scared of guns, she has since learned to use them and respect them.
She has on numerous occasions told me that people in her home country never carried guns. My response to that is usually something to the effect of "Less people would be victims of crime if they did."
She has come to respect firearms and value their use in self defense. It took years just to get her to be comfortable around them. Maybe in a few more years she will actually start carrying her own handgun.
I think the idea of people suddenly becoming pro-gun overnight is possible, but most likely won't be the case.

Smk SHoe
09-17-2018, 04:34 PM
Unfortunately for most liberals to "see the light", will take a extreme physical attack which either leaves them disabled or emotionally affected. My sister and her children are extremely liberal. Last family visit we were talking about self defense and she stated her two daughters have pepper spay on their key chains. I asked what happens if either got in a situation where pepper spay wasn't enough. The look I received was as if I wished harm on my nieces. She was so mad that ten minutes later she decided it was time to go. I guess that I shouldn't have also stated that my daughter has had her CCP since she turned 21 along with my SIL. Boy was my mom pissed that I kept poking the issue. I love my sister, nieces and nephew. But they are sheep and will NOT listen to any reason.

09-17-2018, 05:52 PM
Couple months ago, town had a bank robbery. LE tried pepper spray, taser, finally drew down on the robber. Couldn't see a thing from the pepper spray, had to go to the doc to get the stuff washed out. Robber was fine, another LEO snuck up from behind and grabbed HER. Was written up this way in town paper, not a joke. Yes the funny part, weapon was lighter fluid and matches. And tried to prevent getting shot by shielding herself with her INFANT.
Friend has a place in the country, she saw a snake and thought she wanted a gun. Can't make up her mind, still doesn't have one. I've tried to tell her that the snakes are the least of her worries,there are bigger 'snakes' around. For some reason they have a dread of guns. But tea cups are fine.

09-17-2018, 10:17 PM
:twisted: Did`nt have those problems back when I was growing up(Loonie Lefties).At least that I was aware of.After a hurricane was over and gone it was just amazing what was seen being carried around for"critter control".Two legged that is.Especially in the down town business areas and beach side in the rich folks areas.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.