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View Full Version : Dont forget the families and victims of 9/11/01

09-11-2018, 07:13 AM
Where were you on September 11, 2001? Please pray for the families that lost loved ones and please pray for those that went the extra mile to help.....lastly pray for our Country!

09-11-2018, 07:18 AM
It's very quickly being forgotten.

09-11-2018, 07:22 AM
Will never forget that day!
May there families be blessed!

09-11-2018, 07:26 AM
I will always remember I just wish that my children new what life was like before it

09-11-2018, 07:32 AM
I will always remember I just wish that my children new what life was like before it

Amen to that. Not the same world now as it was then.

09-11-2018, 07:41 AM
Where were you on September 11, 2001? Please pray for the families that lost loved ones and please pray for those that went the extra mile to help.....lastly pray for our Country!

Was getting ready to leave for work. Friend who was already at work told me when I called, not to bother coming in. Police and company security were in the process of locking the place down.

Too many have forgotten, marginalized or excused it; I'm not one of them.

09-11-2018, 08:45 AM
On that sadfull day , I was working @ the plant . Our plant was on the NJ side.in liberty state park. facing the back side of the Towers, we noticed the smoke From the tower. Shortly after we saw the 2nd Plane go into the tower. We were going to NY that day to visit Clients, in The Financial district. Then all hell broke Out

09-11-2018, 09:02 AM
I was drinking coffee in the crew room at work and working on my daily time sheet when it came on the tv.

I will never forget. Prayers to all who were there.

Preacher Jim
09-11-2018, 10:37 AM
I was preaching a revival on 9-11-2001. the alter was full for 2 nights, of those who walked the aisle over half are still committed many joined disaster relief efforts that have been involved in major relief efforts. Many forgot. What did you do??? yesterday I did a funeral for a lady who never forgot.

09-11-2018, 11:32 AM
I will never forget. I will never forget that this motivated my young daughter to change her career choice to USAF where she serves to this day. I will never forget that it changed my career and the related security procedures in aviation. I will never forget that the "religion of peace" is open to interpretation by those who wish to subvert it for their own evil purposes. I will never forget how I stated in the weeks following "We as a nation will be in a big rush to erase this from our memory." and watching as the news organizations quickly began to halt showing the videos of the towers being hit. I will never forget that our liberty comes at a price, a price paid by many. I will never forget how our allies cried with us, and our enemies cheered. I will never forget the sacrifices made by first responders and the clean up crews.

I will never forget.