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09-10-2018, 12:57 PM
Went today for a ck. up found I have A-Fib, leaky valve and high blood pressure, he wrote two new prescriptions scheduled stress test EKG,and something else. Guess I am lucky almost 80 and just found this and no more.

Reverend Al
09-10-2018, 02:11 PM
Hope all goes well. I've been on medications for about 18 months for similar problems and so far so good. I just hope you have a better cardiologist than I had (operative word ... "HAD" ...) Mine deliberately lied to me to get me to the hospital for some testing that I told him in his office that it was my choice NOT to have done. I was absolutely furious and I called him out on it right there in the hospital in front of several other doctors and nurses. His answer: "Yes, I deliberately lied to you ... but it was in your best interests ..." I fired him on the spot. I absolutely will not tolerate "healthcare professionals" who are not honest with me.

09-10-2018, 04:41 PM
Do the tests and take the meds (not warfrin!). Afib of certain kinds will show a leaky valve when it isn't. When your pulse is 200+ the valve has no time to work, it just flutters. May not be as bad as your doc thinks. Get a real certain explanation if they want to do the abation - might lead to a pacemaker.

09-10-2018, 07:11 PM
hey good on you. i am only 60 and been on heart meds for 20 years . at 40 they had to put 4 stints in and put on cpap . doc told wife if i waited a couple months i wouldn't have made it . so i kinda feel like every day is a gift. i hope i see 80 but thats up to the man upstairs.

09-10-2018, 07:35 PM
:twisted: Hi Reverend Al.Been there done that.Doctors can be just as big a liars as any other so called professional.A lot of drunks,junkies and incompetents too.Called out more than a few over the years.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

09-11-2018, 11:59 AM
I`m also over the 70 age mark. Over the last 20 years I`ve had 3 angio-plastis done with a total of 7 stents put in. My first heart attack at 55 they did a 6 - way bypass and stripped the leg veins for that plumbing work. I`ve done their diet recomendations, exercise programs along with a more laid back lifestyle all to really no benefit. Been on their `WONDER` drugs for about 15 years and carry `nitro`s` in my pocket full time. Wonder if I should visit my undertaker and talk about my future planning with him?Robert

Reverend Al
09-11-2018, 02:02 PM
:twisted: Hi Reverend Al.Been there done that.Doctors can be just as big a liars as any other so called professional.A lot of drunks,junkies and incompetents too.Called out more than a few over the years.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

I consider myself lucky these days. I have a really good doctor now who is honest and seems to be very knowledgeable and (most importantly to me) abides by my wishes. He very clearly explains any ongoing test results and the available options and then he lets me decide on our course of action. That works for me ...

09-12-2018, 11:04 AM
i had a really good doctor for a very long time but he was forced out of practice for taking to much time with patients. followed him to new practice but he retired a few years later. i really don't think the doctors i see now even know who i am. and couldnt agree more about them not always being right i was told i would be in a bed on oxygen by 50 well i am 60 and still going. told my brother he had 6 months left and that was 15 years ago and i wish i could go like he does. at 70 he still works outside every day . hunts and fishes when not working.

09-12-2018, 11:26 AM
Do the tests and take the meds (not warfrin!). Afib of certain kinds will show a leaky valve when it isn't. When your pulse is 200+ the valve has no time to work, it just flutters. May not be as bad as your doc thinks. Get a real certain explanation if they want to do the abation - might lead to a pacemaker.

Note: If you do have an ablation, make CERTAIN they are properly equipped and know how to use a defibrillator. BIL had it done and not only was the defib on another floor of the hospital, but it took time to find it. Bottom line, he almost lost his life AND did lose Brain cells. Yes he got a handsome settlement, but he NEVER regained the brain power.

09-12-2018, 11:28 AM
I`m also over the 70 age mark. Over the last 20 years I`ve had 3 angio-plastis done with a total of 7 stents put in. My first heart attack at 55 they did a 6 - way bypass and stripped the leg veins for that plumbing work. I`ve done their diet recomendations, exercise programs along with a more laid back lifestyle all to really no benefit. Been on their `WONDER` drugs for about 15 years and carry `nitro`s` in my pocket full time. Wonder if I should visit my undertaker and talk about my future planning with him?Robert

Apparently they didn't tell you about the roll of GENETICS in heart problems.

09-12-2018, 11:50 AM
:-D By the way,I should mention that the cardio Dr that I have now,and the cardiac surgeon that I have are great.Dr Raj Baljapelly and Dr Thomas Gaines at UT Knoxville.Big thanks to both for saving my life.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

09-12-2018, 07:27 PM
Reverend Al's signature line says a lot.
A positive attitude doesn't hurt.

09-12-2018, 07:42 PM
Surgeons look a little surprised when you tell them what goes on during the surgery, when you are supposed to be OUT. Hey doc, did you find a bigger stent? 'THINK YOU HAD A HEART ATTACK ON THE TABLE, HERE TAKE THIS NITRO PILL'.

09-12-2018, 08:00 PM
I like my Cardiologist. He's also the surgeon who saved my life four years ago. I got seven stents. Never got put under just something to make me relax, watched it all on the screen overhead on the wall. He has been strait up with me, telling me my diet and routine are fine and if I had not been so healthy I probably would not be here today. Genetics is the issue for me. You know the saying: "You can choose your friends, you can't choose your family." I can pretty much do anything I want but I'm not going to be running any marathons.

09-12-2018, 11:02 PM
Hardcast416taylor; I hope you live to a happy old age so please dont think bad of me. But if you have a wife or children it sure reduces their burden when you pass. I saw this with my mother and father. With my mother everything was pre-planned and things went easily. With my father we all ran around trying to do things feeling guilty and thinking is this what dad would have wanted. I have everything planned and feel comfort that they dont have to worry. And by the way I have a prosthetic heart valve, aortic anyeurism repair, 2 stents,have had 2 very small strokes and still plan to make death pull me along kicking and screaming!