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View Full Version : Brother called, extremely freaked out.

09-08-2018, 11:55 PM
A little back story about my brother. My brother spends more time in the woods either hunting, scouting hunting areas, and training beagles than anyone I have ever known. I've never known by brother to be a liar. Quite the opposite in fact, he can't stand liars and gets pretty mad when someone has lied to him.

So I just got off the phone with him a few minutes ago. He told me that he took some of his dogs out about 6pm to let them run some rabbits in preparation for the upcoming season. He has a younger friend that will sometimes bring his dogs and run them with my brothers dogs. His friend puts bells on his dogs collars so he can hear them if they aren't barking.
So my brother is out by himself, it gets dark and he hears what sounds like the bells on his friends dogs. He kind of gets a little freaked out, but sort of ignores it and lets his dogs keep running.
A little while later he is just king of hanging out listening to his dogs running and sees this big cedar tree start lighting up like someone is shining a big spotlight at it. So naturally he looks around to see if he can see where the light is coming from and can't find a source. He looks back at the tree and says that it was getting so bright that it was like staring directly into a spotlight at night. He said that it took a few seconds after he looked away before he could see anything because it was so bright.
At this point he decides he is going to catch his dogs and start heading back to my grandmothers land where his truck is parked. As he is making his way through the small patch of trees to get there he said he heard what sounded like someone breathing right by him.
This is not the first time he has had something like this happen out in the woods, or in this specific area. We have come to understand that the area around my grandmothers land was a heavily populated Native American area.

09-08-2018, 11:58 PM

09-08-2018, 11:59 PM

Hahahaha! That's another story for another day.

Lloyd Smale
09-09-2018, 07:45 AM
I sure cant say what it was for sure but maybe someone didn't want him there and was trying to scare him out of the area that they hunt.

09-09-2018, 08:31 AM
Methane spontaneously igniting. I have seen it in the swamps down here.

09-09-2018, 08:40 AM
I have seen some weird stuff before that nobody would believe me if I told them

09-09-2018, 08:41 AM
As an old man once told me . . . "we spend hours trying to explain things we do not understand . . and maybe are not meant to understand."

09-09-2018, 08:52 AM
Ok guys Start bringing those hats out
" Do not attempt to adjust the horizontal, Do not attempt to adjust the vertical. You have reached The Outer Limits"

09-09-2018, 08:58 AM
I was hunting in the SD black-hills And saw some strange things made the hair on the back of my neck stand up I got out of there as quick
as i could never went back to that part of the woods the things that i saw were not supernatural but more like a cult

09-09-2018, 10:13 AM
Over the years there have been things that could not be explained. The Bermuda Triangle comes to mind. It would be interesting to know about your Brothers experience but we may never know.

Just yesterday my Wife and I were sitting in our den. Each of us was entertaining ourselves, playing on our phones, computers, reading, ect. Out of the blue our antique wind up clock clock chimed twice! We have not wound it in years. It was always really pleasant to hear it tic tok and chime but we quit using it because there is no one left around here that can repair it. Her Mom recently passed away, we have not even had the funeral yet, and She thinks her Mom was saying Hi! Who knows? It made her feel good, so ok!

09-09-2018, 10:28 AM
We will never understand all there is to understand, on this side of the dirt. Just smile and give thanks to our creator for letting you see more then most ever will.

09-09-2018, 10:31 AM
I once had a little beagle I thought was possessed. Maybe your brother bought a distant cousin of my little ball of satan.....good luck keeping him out of porcupines.

09-09-2018, 10:33 AM
Back in the 1950`s - 1960`s time frame an elderly lady friend of my Mother told her something that makes sense today. The lady`s Son was an Air Force bird Colonel. He had usually either wrote her or called about every other week or so. It went nearly a year before he just showed up at her door, now he had a star on his epulets. He couldn`t talk about anything he had been doing in the Air Force. All he could say was that there was much more to `Project Blue Book` than the public would ever know. The lady didn`t understand what that meant which is why she was telling my Mother.Robert

09-09-2018, 11:38 AM
My dad was state side after serving 2 tours of Vietnam . He was at a special base that he said had every kind of germ and diseases known to man . What was weird some of the stuff he seen he would never say but he said it would make the Star Wars movie fake

09-09-2018, 11:50 AM
i will never discount any story out of hand. there are some harder to go with than others . but i have always said and believe YOU JUST NEVER KNOW!!!

09-09-2018, 01:12 PM
I have never witnessed anything that could be described as supernatural. My brother and mother on the other hand seem to be more susceptible to experiencing weird stuff.

09-09-2018, 01:13 PM
About a year and a half after my Dad died I had a pretty serious heart attack, 10 days in the hospital and three months off work. while recuperating at home I began to smell cigarette smoke. It followed me everywhere, on walks, in the truck, in the house, everywhere! I didn't mention it to my wife. She was worried about me enough without thinking I was going bonkers too. Finally I couldn't take it anymore without asking if she was smelling it as well. No was her response but my Mom had been getting it from time to time. My Dad was a lifelong smoker. It's been six years since I lost Dad and the smell of cigarette smoke still comes and goes but not as often. I sure miss him.

09-09-2018, 01:45 PM
Guy is taking a short cut through the cemetery when 3 young girls ask if he would walk with them, they were a bit frightened. He said he was too, when he was living.
Truthfully, mother in law repeated an incident she had, heard marbles rolling on the floor and bouncing down the basement stairs. Never found any marbles in the house/basement . She looked at me funny when I said she lost her marbles.

Tom W.
09-09-2018, 03:39 PM
Well, last Thanksgiving time Lori an I were visiting some friends on Hilton Head Island. We decided to go to Savannah and ended up at Bonaventure Cemetery. We wandered about and got to the end of one road and were looking at a huge monument. The wind was blowing in, off of the river,and there were no flowering plants in late November. Lori's friend mentioned she smelled magnolias, but just in one spot. One step left, right or backwards and there was no fragrance at all. There were no people around, and as mentioned, a breeze coming into out faces from the river. I looked for perhaps a broken perfume bottle in the corner shrubbery, but there wasn't any. I tried to see if I could smell it, and sure enough, it was in that one spot only. One step in either direction and the fragrance was gone. We called our friend's Husband, who was busy taking pictures of all of the massive and intricate monuments. He didn't believe until he tried it, and looked somewhat stunned when it happened to him.
I dunno what caused it, but it was eerie at best....

MT Gianni
09-09-2018, 06:46 PM
If you have never been in a particular spot where you feel all nature is telling you to leave NOW, you can't understand that feeling. If you have, it is easily recognizable.
For me there was no odors of cougar, bear predator or game just a strong sense of get out. I was 12 and didn't want to look bad in front of my friends but then the oldest said "This place gives me the creeps, let's get out of here". Far back in the woods, away from roads or buildings.

09-09-2018, 07:45 PM
If you have never been in a particular spot where you feel all nature is telling you to leave NOW, you can't understand that feeling. If you have, it is easily recognizable.

It sure is. I believe we have at least a limited ability to sense danger in some forms.
Once when I was 9 or 10 my entire skin crawled and my hair stood up. I turned around to see a really creepy looking guy staring at me. Made a quick exit for sure!
Years later the same feeling hit me during a hike in the woods and I looked behind me to find a bear, staring at me like it couldn't decide whether to kill me or just let me have a heart attack and die on my own. It just stood there and I backed away slowly as I'd been taught. I picked up the pace as soon as he was out of sight.
Both times I didn't hear or smell anything.

09-09-2018, 08:04 PM
I have my own experiences as well...

Not sharing. Don't need the BS.

I believe all who have shared. Odd things happen. Some believe it can happen & some don;t...

I find it "interesting" that there is not more folks coming in here & "tin foil hatting" the whole topic. They seem to like doing it elsewhere...

'Cept #8. I expected that...

09-09-2018, 08:10 PM
As a child, I grew up on the Navajo Indian Reservation. My old man used to tell me stories about skin walkers. I never could figure out why: We were white and I was and still am, white as the driven snow. During the ten years we were there, I never saw any such things.

When I was about 12, I read the book, "Chariots of the Gods." It made me want to see UFO's but I never did see any and never could really get why other people did. At some point, I read about a theory of mass hypnosis for this and similar things.

Same thing with life after death stories. I never encountered anyone who had had such a thing happen to them but it could be that they might have thought I might think them nutz or something. Personally, I don't believe there is a life after this one but I don't disparage others who do.

What I absolutely DO believe is that we as human beings don't know a whole lot that there is to know. There are, without a doubt, a LOT of phenomena that we don't understand and I, for one, sure don't. I try to stay open-minded about most new things that come my way and I don't try to explain them if there is no explanation and I don't dismiss them, either.

The right answer to such things is, most of the time, "Who knows?" We should all believe what we wish, no harm, no foul.


09-09-2018, 08:19 PM
My favorite catfish spot one night around 2AM... we hear a loud scream, a super loud splash like a body hitting the water. The sounds were just upstream where there is a railroad bridge. Then it was followed by this weird shouting... we packed fast and left. We had to drive by the bridge and there was nobody there. Talked t a few people and a guy with the railroad says a husband and wife had a fight and he tossed her form the bridge to drown then he went berserk screaming and yelling then he jumped. This happened 100 years before we we there on that same day of the year. From then on that day we picked another spot to fish!

09-09-2018, 08:22 PM
And that my friends is why I never stare at a game animal, I believe they will sense you!

I've gotten the hebe jebes a few times, but I believe the human mind can play real tricks on us as well. I've seen fox fire, I've also seen a shadow person, my wife has seen ball lighting, and a UFO, I've seen silent v shaped craft, o, sorry it was town lights shining off duck bellies. Just because we can't explain it, don't mean there's not one. I've also had the moon wake me from a dead sleep tent camping, shining so bright I would have swear it was a spot light at the time.

09-09-2018, 08:28 PM
Friend told me of a time in Az camping. His dog set up a real howling at a spot of light on the ground, growing and shrinking. Few years ago I saw one, bout blinded me. Drove a ways and saw the focused light shaft passing through a donut shaped cloud. It was on TV that eve. Our senses are more sensitive than we think.

09-09-2018, 10:30 PM
I worked at a place that had a motion tripped cameras that shot IR , standard and radiographic something , and the ability to overlay them in the software .
There was a place on the facility that the system would lock up on a point . Move the platform 3-4' and it stopped I was presumed that it was tripping on a stop sign in the wind .
One particularly muggy night , odd in the desert , it locked up on that spot . It was well past where it would trip on the sign .......never mind it was all but dead calm . Security was basically bored and playing with the various settings and combinations of them . 22 min of video with the IR overlayed on the radio-something showed what appeared to be a circa 1935 Marine in outline . Pack , rifle and a dog . Ordinarily it could be written off as an oddity of heat exchange and air density from a steam leak or some such ...... Only this had been shut down for a year or so . Pretty well normalized by then .
12 min in a supervisor arrived to check it out . The dispatch talked him around until he was right at whatever they were seeing . You could clearly see the bright hot man walk right behind the phenomenon and be blacked out by it . So then they had him step forward . His hands came out and and you could see him key his radio . He reported his arms were cold and his leg flashed hot and cold . No heat , no water , no power at the solid conrete building .

I've always been aware of things , sometimes more acutely than others .
Animals "show" themselves more freely to me ....... There are places where I really connect ........other times my guts turn .
I'd like to sit real quietly in some of the winter encampments pre-1780 .....

Tom W.
09-09-2018, 11:52 PM
It's just Lori, me and the cat here, but we've heard the kitchen cabinets close at odd hours of the night. When her son lived here he was with the P D swat team, and he's heard it too. When we bought new appliances the noises stopped, but after I had my second cancer surgery and several very close brushes with death I have noticed a shadow figure in the hallway. The cat has seen it a time or two, a few times it was enough to make her go hide in the closet or under the bed.

As stated earlier, we don't know everything. I was a skeptic for most of my life. One time Lori came to stay a weekend with me in Eufaula and said she heard someone whistling in the living room. I didn't, but both my late wife and her mother passed away in the house. So who knows? My late MIL laid there in the bed and asked who were all of the pretty little children at the foot of the bed. Ten minutes later she was deceased.

I suspect we've seen more than we are comfortable telling about.

09-10-2018, 10:29 PM
ThomR what area in what state did this happen in, if you don't mind. If you do, just ignore this post.
Ole Jack

09-11-2018, 01:06 AM
Edwards county IL, near the Bennington township.

09-11-2018, 04:33 AM
I’ve know the feeling of “get out of here now” several times, fortunately I did and never did find out why, don’t really care to know!
Scariest thing I never saw, I was 12-13 and out in the woods with a friend, heard the most God awful noise, sounded like a woman being raped, still makes my hair stand up thinking about it. My dad swears it was a screech owl, I’ve never found that sound on any animal listings I’ve listened to.
For years we had a shadow in the house, it’d show up across the living room wall time to time, my buddies saw it once in a while and my pet Wolf acted funny when it was around. When my wife got pregnant he’d stand vigil at our door at night, freaked me out at first, but became comfortable with him. My wife even felt him beside her side of the bed at night sometimes. The further along she got, the clearer he became, at the end he looked like Col Sanders in a Confederate uniform, full regalia. Then “poof”, he was gone! Four weeks later my son was born and we’ve never seen him since.
There’s a lot of things I can’t explain and it’s probably best that way.

09-11-2018, 10:13 PM
My house is one of the first built in my town. And it was the midwives house from day one... there is a huge ledger up at the city office listing all the deaths and births... I have never seen anything but my cats have freaked out multiple times over nothing I can see... and there are sometimes oddball noises on calm days... I ignore it... after living here 35 years whatever ghosts are here know me by now!

09-12-2018, 01:46 AM
15 years ago had all 4 of my cats over at the girlfriends', they lined up together (they did this whenever a strange cat wanted to attack one of them, kitty solidarity) and stared down something that was "in the wall" coming from the spare bedroom or something? It was a weird thing to see, they were not looking friendly at all at whatever it was, looking at 5-6 feet height. Weird... Year or so later I was told that the complex was built on an old Indian burial ground. Dogs and cats are all more sensitive than we humans are. Not sure what happened there, but it sure was not normal behavior for those 4! Think that was before we got the Service Dog for the GF, don't remember him as being there anyways. He would have been right in its' face, I imagine! I know it felt quite weird / hostile to me, not something I want near me.

09-12-2018, 02:16 AM
I have known about the passing of close blood relatives before it happened or before I was told of their passing.

Frankly it scares the BEJEEUS out of me.

09-12-2018, 02:55 AM
I have known about the passing of close blood relatives before it happened or before I was told of their passing.

Frankly it scares the BEJEEUS out of me.
I’ve heard several renditions of this, a phone call, a “visit”, a conversation with the deceased, after they passed. To hear them tell it, it’s hard to doubt.