View Full Version : Animal repelllants?

09-08-2018, 04:47 AM
My care giver - until my spine heals - is repurposing my backyard from two-foot high dry and dying wild grass to a putting green with vegetable garden. Does human urine act as an animal repellant, especially for deer? If it does not, what non-toxic, preferably natural repellant does?

09-08-2018, 05:41 AM
Urine will help, but, will not stop deer if no humans are present.
I have 2 and a half acres of garden and deer, raccoons, skunks and bugs get about as much out of it as I do. Sort of like paying taxes.
A dog might help, but, if they chase raccoons or deer your dog might end up lost or dead.
Gardening is tough work and every critter wants his share.

09-08-2018, 06:29 AM
I pee on and around our hosta plants. The deer seem to leave it alone most of the time, but they WILL eat it. All in all I would say it is better than doing nothing.
My 35x35 garden is surrounded by chicken wire. The only battle there is with the bugs.
I am an organic gardener and it is a constant battle.

09-08-2018, 08:49 AM
Have read of hair clippings from barber shop hung up in panty hose as a deterrent for deer, haven't tried it myself. Anything with a strong human scent sends them scurrying away here.

09-08-2018, 09:05 AM
Deer hate eggs...mix eggs and water and put it in a spray bottle. Spray the plants you want protected...but if it rains..you need to reapply.

[EDIT] - human hair may or may not work depending on how "domesticated" the deer are in your area.


Time Killer
09-08-2018, 09:06 AM
There is not much that will keep them away if they are hungry enough.

09-08-2018, 09:14 AM
Have read of hair clippings from barber shop hung up in panty hose as a deterrent for deer, haven't tried it myself. Anything with a strong human scent sends them scurrying away here.

I've seen this done also seen Irish Spring soap hung from a string. My buddy uses the commercial concentrate you spray on. Everything works to some degree The spray works until it rains, the hair works until the scent dissipates, I don't know how well the soap works. People around here hang CD's from a string say the swinging and flashing deter critters.

09-08-2018, 09:26 AM
hink of this way deer eat veggies you eat deer. so then you are getting to eat both.

09-08-2018, 09:35 AM
A little late to be starting a vegetable garden, isn't it? :kidding:
Good luck with the deer, a real high fence might do it.

09-08-2018, 10:54 AM
This is a real good thread. Maybe try a little something from each post. Eggs, hair, soap, electric fence, high fence, pee, boolit, cd disk, etc.. Sooner or later something will keep the animals out. I wish you all the luck Naphtali.

09-08-2018, 11:14 AM
It is next to impossible to totally deer proof a garden .In a single fence It takes a 10 foot plus strong one to stop them. Double and tipple 3 foot electric and field fences do a fairly good job ( deer can jump high, or they can jump long, but not both. They will not jump a fence that they can not see what is on the other side. A free roaming dog will keep them out. Good luck. You will need it.

Mal Paso
09-08-2018, 11:16 AM
Cougar urine is supposed to work, is pricy (would you want the job?) and how do you tell purity?

Around here they pee where ever they want and no one tries to tell them different.

Fences work when there is a second fence to prevent a running jump.

09-08-2018, 11:23 AM
It is next to impossible to totally deer proof a garden .In a single fence It takes a 10 foot plus strong one to stop them. Double and tipple 3 foot electric and field fences do a fairly good job ( deer can jump high, or they can jump long, but not both. They will not jump a fence that they can not see what is on the other side. A free roaming dog will keep them out. Good luck. You will need it.

Would putting those plastic slats in between the fencing squares work or since they might be able to look through in very small spaces allow them to still jump?

09-08-2018, 11:24 AM
I put fences around my apple trees I planted on my hunting land to attract deer onto my property...the deer bent them in and bent the stakes holding the fence and chewed a few trees down. The key is to plant more than you need so when some get donated to the wildlife I go less postal about it. I have had a rabbit and squirrel problem in my garden around the house for years. I've used the squirrel off repellent that smells like pepperment and it works great for a week or till it rains. I started using my urine for rose fertilizer and I haven't had any problems since. The fruit trees in my yard there is no end I've tried the dogs hair out of its brush putting it in the tree and around the base, fences...they jump and climb over. I've resorted to live trapping the smart ones and relocating them before they reach the rest of the squirrels in the neighborhood where the easy food source is.

I even let my dog out in the yard. I had a nose to nose stand off with my yorkie and a squirrel. No kidding, they were nose to nose less than an inch apart with a France between them. They both rushed each other and stopped point plank. I thought the squirrel was going to bite by little buddies nose off. The squirrel trotted off after a few seconds rand down the fence line and my dog and the squirrel repeated the sane senario. That squirrel is long gone. He made it into my live trap a few days later.

I've tried sprinkling hot cayenne pepper powder around my plants and on them. Too much on your plants burns little black marks on the leaves. It works till it rains and washes it away or until your in the yard and the wind blows it into your nostrils and eyes. It burns the little tree rats feet when walking through it to the plants and of course their tounges.

I've learned the only way to keep animals from destroying your garden is to eliminate them.

I'd like to make an electric fence but in town it would make for a monster liability.

Texas by God
09-08-2018, 12:26 PM
When I retire I'll have time to guard the garden with a shotgun 24/7........[emoji16]

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09-08-2018, 12:44 PM
Electric fence with 3-4 wires, one fairly low, another not to far from that one and another a little higher depending on the size of your deer and possibly a fourth.

09-08-2018, 12:52 PM
I pee off the deck pretty much daily, doesn't bother the deer a bit.

Something I remember seeing suggested is woven wire staked and suspended about a foot above the ground, laying down. They don't like stepping through the wire. Of course you would get a lot of grass and weeds growing up through it, though.

09-08-2018, 01:01 PM
I've seen water sprinklers hooked up to motion sensors to ward off the deer
certain flowers will ward off most pests

09-08-2018, 01:12 PM
A guy near me has said in the past, "I plant vegetables in my garden every year and my biggest crop is turkeys!"

country gent
09-08-2018, 01:43 PM
Years ago we had a problem with chipmunks in an attic, tried several things over a period of time. Last was a flashing light in the attic, it worked for 3-4 days then they got used to it and it didn't phase them at all. With visual attempts they need to be moved changed every few days or animals become used to them. Scents may work until they disapate. Best is fences, Son in law and daughter use some dog kennels to plant gardens in work well other than wood chucks and burrowing animals. Better still is a bigger dog with a fence to keep him contained to property.

09-08-2018, 03:24 PM
I figured with my 6' chain link fence around most of yard and a wooden fence with square fencing attached would help. My puppy is a little over 100lbs now; named Ruger and is a Great Pyrenessee. His sire weighs 180lbs. Had a bear a week or so ago climb the wood fence, break my third bird feeder then decided to come around back of house to side door. Ruger was barking up a storm at 5:30am. I don't keep food stuff in garbage but forgot had some rancid grease. Bear started on garbage bag but barking stopped him, I think. Took my 45/70 to see if he was inside fenced area before letting Ruger out. I never would have thought animals still come near an area where a dog that big lives. No effect on copperheads, ground hogs, etc.

09-08-2018, 04:17 PM
A deer won't jump over a fence if they can't see what's on the other side.

Tom Myers
09-08-2018, 05:36 PM
Liquid Fence,

I use it all summer long, amongst a a large deer and rabbit population and it works very well as long as you follow the application directions and apply after every rain.

I bought 1 gallon with the dispensing nozzle and then, buy the concentrate and mix my own.

I do need to be careful and not get any on my clothes and to wash my hands before coming back into the house or I will get run out of the house by my soul-mate with the sensitive nose.

Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Liquid-Fence-Deer-and-Rabbit-Repellent-Ready-to-Use-1-Gallon/45942154).

https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/8c61cf45-41ad-48ad-a632-6b7caead20dd_1.61c4121d27ea920735897edee56a3d48.jp eg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF

09-08-2018, 05:54 PM
Have heard that lion bedding from a zoo or circus will keep deer away. Have a 5'chain link fence and three dogs to keep animals away. I bring the dogs into the house before I go to bed to keep them from barking all night long.

09-08-2018, 07:11 PM
The only things I know work for sure are as follows. A deer wI'll not walk on something like chicken wire that is slightly suspended off the ground. They will not walk under a close area with something touching their back. You could hang some type of curtain close to the ground and they will not crawl under it. Another way is to lure them into an electric fence. Hang apples on bare wires or wrap up peanut butter in aluminum foil and hang it on the fence. One shock on the tongue seems to be as good as any. I hung several stringers of surveyors tape on the outer edges of a dwarf apple tree. They would not get under the tree. The motion or movement of surveyors tape or pie plates in the wind will sometimes spook them. Wind chimes hel0,sometimes.
Scents like rotten eggs are good as long as it is a strong and maintained. They will adjust to about any scent.
Once they discover a food plot it is hard to deture them. Last year I was burning a large brush pile on my property. Beyond me was my neighbors pear trees. They are huge and many pears were falling off them onto the ground. A doe walked by me ,with 10 ft. high flames and I started talking to it to try to spook it. The doe was locked in on the area of the pears and never even looked my way. It was within 5-7 yards.

09-08-2018, 08:16 PM
I pee off the deck pretty much daily, doesn't bother the deer a bit.

Something I remember seeing suggested is woven wire staked and suspended about a foot above the ground, laying down. They don't like stepping through the wire. Of course you would get a lot of grass and weeds growing up through it, though.

I whiz in gallon milk jugs and dump a whole gallon at a time. It's kinda ripe after it sits. Makes my roses and raspberries grow out of control.

It works for rabbits but Ive peed in the woods dozens of times bow hunting and deer walk right over and don't care.

09-09-2018, 11:03 PM
The deer, and around here the antelope, seem to leave zucchini alone. Beets & beans don't stand a chance.
Talk to your local County Extension Agent for advise.
Something like a cage for individual or small groups of plants may work.
You have 7 months or more to come up with a plan before planting season.
Good Luck.

09-10-2018, 10:38 PM
Here is what you do. Work up a good sweat, go inside and shave your armpits. Put in net bag and hang in garden. Repeat weekly.
Oh, let me know it if works as I just made it up!
Ole Jack