View Full Version : Crow?

09-07-2018, 04:52 PM
I always remembered the song of black birds baked in a pie.

I called a few in last winter with my fox pro and grew a pair and pulled the breast out of one and threw it in my crock pot for a good half day on low. I was thinking of all the road kill along the highway it probably ate as I was mAking it.

Well, I pulled it out of my pot and gave it a sniff. It smelled OK...kinda good. So I took a little bite with the garbage can right next to me uncase I threw it up or worse yet messed my pants.

It actually tasted good.

So has anybody else ate crow? Any recipes ???

I was going to try raccoon next but remembered how greasy they were when I skinned a few when I was a kid and couldn't get the lard off my hands.

09-07-2018, 04:59 PM
Here's your Pie...LOL


09-07-2018, 06:20 PM
Yes and love the little bites fried!

09-07-2018, 06:31 PM
I watch them in the pasture eating bugs and grain out of the horse droppings. They got plenty of food at the grocery store. I have eat coot.

09-07-2018, 06:33 PM
Here's your Pie...LOL


Well, if that wouldn't gag a maggot! Lol

...I'm going to have to try it when I bag a few this winter.

09-07-2018, 06:51 PM
Sauce Piquante

Use this recipe for any game : birds , reptile (alligator) , raccoon , nutria , duck , blackbirds , dove , quail , crow too ....wild or domestic.
This is Cajun hunting camp sized recipe so you might want to cut it down.

3-5 lbs. meat , usually what was taken on the morning hunt.
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup rendered bacon fat ( or oil)
1/2 cup AP flour
2 1/2 cps. chopped onion
1 1/2 cps. chpd celery
3/4 cup chpd. bell pepper
4 teaspoons chopped garlic
2 (8 oz.) cans tomato sauce
2 (8 oz.) cans whole tomatoes
2 cps. hot water or chicken stock
2 bay leaves
2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms ( or 2-6 oz. cans sliced mushrooms)
1/2 cup chopped green onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 tablespoon hot sauce ( Louisiana or Crystal is my favorite)
Hot cooked white rice

1. Cut the meat into bite sized pieces, season with salt and pepper. Brown meat in hot skillet with the fat/oil. Remove and set aside.
2. Add flour to the remaining fat/oil and cook stirring constantly to make a light brown roux. Add onions, celery and bell pepper. Cook 10 minutes.
3. Add back the browned meat , tomato sauce, tomatoes with liquid , water or broth, and bay leaves.
Cover and cook on low simmer until meat is tender ...1-2 hours depending on the meat.
4. Add mushrooms, green onions, parsley and hot sauce, continue cooking 15-20 minutes .
Serve over hot cooked white rice.

Good recipe to cook just about anything, even beef and pork.
Add hot peppers in place of or with the bell peppers ....kicks it up a bit.

Just so you'll know, crow taste a lot like those big black Pilated Woodpeckers you find in the swamp.... I thought it was a big crow and shot one ....and daddy's rule was " if you shoot it...we put it in the pot ! " He didn't believe in wasting game....wasn't bad at all.

09-07-2018, 07:08 PM
as a kid I tried a lot of birds,black bird,crow and pigeon id shoot off the church roof and even egret and sand hill cranes,i fried up about everything on my handi dandi coleman camp stove.coon and possum are way to greasy for me

09-07-2018, 07:35 PM
I ate fried clams from out of the lake once. I figured raccoons eat 'em so why not. They were very chewy & not a delicacy I wanted to repeat.

My dad said that he ate a many a field lark when he was a kid. He called them poor-man's quail

09-07-2018, 07:58 PM
Growing up in the AK bush: Beaver, Porcupine, Muskrat, Lynx, Moose nose, Salmon heads.

Lynx was the best of the six /by far/, with porcupine bringing up the end (so to speak).

Common thread with the above meats (besides the lynx); very, very, very fatty/oily meat - needs lots of rice or potatoes. :)

09-07-2018, 10:33 PM
Grew up in Northern Minnesota with a Grandfather that was a squirrel hunter from down south.

Mom and I worked out a deal. I killed it, cleaned it, she cooked it. Later we collaborated on projects like snapping turtle soup.

Grackles, starlings, hundreds of pidgons along with rabbit, squirrel, gopher went into the pot.

I never tried crow.

Most things cooked slow and wet were good. Coots I never cared for. Just could not seem to get the stink of the marsh out of them.

Muskrats, coons beaver all fine. Never did a ground hog but I have been tempted the last couple years. Got one living under my shed.

Coon I had was baked, was very fatty/greasy. I think it would have been better cooked in a gravy. Trim as much fat off ahead as possible. Cut up like a big rabbit.

09-07-2018, 10:40 PM
Squirrels (tree rats)... the first time I cooked them in the crock pot and my daughter saw me fish a whole one out to eat... OMG you would have thought the world ended! I like them in BBQ sauce for several hours. She has eaten them since, just did not realize it.

09-07-2018, 11:06 PM
we like squirrels smothered in gravy over rice,hard meal to beat,i like rabbit the same way

RU shooter
09-08-2018, 08:50 AM
Nope not gonna try it . Or any other scavenger Animal or bird that eat other dead and rotting animals . If I had no other choice and was on deaths door yeah do what you gotta do , but I'm not so I won't.

Lloyd Smale
09-08-2018, 08:52 AM
best way to do rabbits for me was a way I conned the kids into eating them when they were young. Id bone them out cut them in strips dip them in drakes batter and deep fry them. I called them rabbit mc nuggets and the kids licked them up. For the adults id take about half of the nuggets and put them in a frying pan with cream of mushroom soup and a fried onion and serve it over noodles.

09-08-2018, 09:17 AM
Crow is better when cut into small bits. The coon is a very sweet meat its pretty good with a sweet potato.

09-08-2018, 09:22 AM
We had a somewhat unusual situation growing up. The farm flooded regularly, so there was no house out there. Dad moved the family into a rather nice large house, first house on the south side of town. Kitty corner from the school, less than a block away.

Because of our advantages position they had a general rule. On an activity night, we could bring one friend home for supper.

So my sister tended to vary between M and T.

This night it was M. There was a big bowl of rice on the table, bread, 2 vegitables, etc. And mom came in carrying this big tureen of meat and gravy.

All was well until mom went digging into the pot, and she was hunting. Came up with a head which is what she wanted.

M gave out a little gasp, sat there white as a sheet.

"Is that what it looks like?"

What does it look like?

Tried again, "Is that a squirrel head"

Ayup. And she sat there horrified as mom sucked all the meat off the outside, and then sucked out the inside.

Conversation followed about squirrels. And then to put the cherry on top. Dad told her that the squirrel had come from her dad's cattle pasture. Which was true enough.

M did not eat with us anymore. Although her dad got a pretty good kick out of hearing the story.
And I did not lose my hunting priviledges in his cattle pasture down by the river.

09-08-2018, 09:38 AM
I ate fried clams from out of the lake once. I figured raccoons eat 'em so why not. They were very chewy & not a delicacy I wanted to repeat.

My dad said that he ate a many a field lark when he was a kid. He called them poor-man's quail

Did the clam thing...out if the river in the backyard when I was a kid. It was like eating rubber.

I have turtle in the freezer I need to do something with. I've tried soup and batter frying. Both good but I'm sure there are other receipies.

09-08-2018, 09:44 AM
Crab and lobster?

09-08-2018, 12:36 PM
Did the clam thing...out if the river in the backyard when I was a kid. It was like eating rubber.

I have turtle in the freezer I need to do something with. I've tried soup and batter frying. Both good but I'm sure there are other receipies.

Try gwpercle's recipe. That's basically an etouffee recipe. Has a creole twist with the tomatoes. Its a fantastic recipe with any meat or seafood.

09-08-2018, 12:53 PM
around here you can buy coon in possum fat in a can at the local grocery store,and its not good at all

09-08-2018, 01:11 PM
I have not try crow yet,I seen in one of my cook books stated that you cook it like you would duck. As for coon, remove as much fat as you can and all the gland under the arm pits and any other places ,they mainly look like Lima bean size. then cook it the way you like.I eat coon ,beaver,muskrat, tree rat, rabbit,possum and other things.With possum it is very fatty. On beaver trim all the fat you can off of the meat.It is really lean meat.Mix it with high fat store bought hamburg you will find a big different in it all. I made turtle soup in the past and came out good.

09-08-2018, 06:09 PM
I crock pot my squirrel and rabbit till the meat falls off the bone. Then I mix it up with either bbq sauce, cream of mushroom, hamburger helper stroganoff, or similar. Good stuff! Both are good but rabbit is awesome.

09-08-2018, 06:42 PM
around here you can buy coon in possum fat in a can at the local grocery store,and its not good at all

Why would you buy coon in a can packed in possum fat....that just makes Spam sound so tasty .

I've killed trapped, cooked and eaten a lot of different things in my life ...I'm here to tell you possum fat is to be avoided...it doesn't taste, smell or have a good mouth feel.
Pack that canned coon in lard or bacon fat and it will taste a lot better.
Coons aren't bad if you remove the glands under their armpits....that's what will give them an off putting flavor.

09-08-2018, 09:35 PM
Squirrel stew! Onion, garlic, taters, carrots, water, s&p to taste. Simmer until tender, thicken the broth, biscuits on the side!

09-08-2018, 10:01 PM
around here you can buy coon in possum fat in a can at the local grocery store,and its not good at all

Do tell. Who'd a thunk it? :shock: Oy!

country gent
09-08-2018, 11:08 PM
Mom always browned and fried turtle like you would chicken. Was very good. Never had turtle soup. Depending on size turtle needs to be cooked slow to tenderize it. Older biig ones can be tough.

Young woodchucks are good, Older ones can be tough and strong. like most game remove fat and glands when cleaning. These we pit on rotiserie and smoked over low heat 250*-300* for several hours to help tenderize. covered with barbeque sauce the last 45 mins to hour.

Lloyd Smale
09-09-2018, 07:33 AM
id pass on that. Maybe because im a yankee and my taste buds prefer venison loin on the grill.
around here you can buy coon in possum fat in a can at the local grocery store,and its not good at all

09-09-2018, 08:00 AM
When I eat coon id do not want any fat as possible to be with the meat. Also for possum you do not also for how much fat there is on them compare to the coon. Put possum fat with coon is some thing I would not do.

09-09-2018, 08:26 AM
My dad had us believe that it was wrong to eat the flesh of carnivores. The only weird thing I ever ate was Raccoon. Had some Raccoon stew once when I was a kid, can't remember what it tasted like but I did think it was good. Squirrels? mmmmm. I love squirrels. Pigeons are good. Crayfish yummy. But stuff like crow, road kill, rats, dog, cat, ...Just say no!
P.S. I lived in New Tampa several years ago. There was a restaurant that served deep fried bat. The guys from my Church used to dare each other to eat it. ...not me.

09-09-2018, 09:05 AM
1. Anyone who eats pork or chicken has no reason to cull any meat! They don't call chickens barn yard buzzards, or hogs garbage disposals for nothing!

2. There's someone some where that knows how to make nearly anything taste good.

3. There are secrets to handling the meat from nearly any animal that will improve its flavor, or ruin it!

I've eaten a bunch of bird pies growing up. An old lady that our family farmed her land would send my brother and I out with a hand full of 410 shells to kill any bird we could get in range, she made pies and they where good! I learned as a younger boy, that folks that survived the depression where not real picky about meat! I also had a friend whose momma could fix bbq raccoon as good as pulled pork, and if you don't get those glands out it taste like a wet dog smells! If you think a raccoons fat, Skin a beaver sometime, but it good meat. Squirrels also have a gland under each arm that when removed make the meat better.

Animals I've tried to eat that where not good to unpalatable? A large fresh water drum tops the list, and robins taste like dirt.

09-09-2018, 07:14 PM
I find possum more fatty then coon and beaver is hardly any fat.Same as muskrat they are not that fatty. I find possum the worst on fat.

Tom W.
09-09-2018, 11:30 PM
Growing up I've eaten some crow upon occasion.[smilie=1:

mold maker
09-10-2018, 09:16 AM
[QUOTE=Tom W.;4452577]Growing up I've eaten some crow upon occasion.[sm

Me too, and every time it was UN-intentional and left a bad taste in my mouth.

09-11-2018, 09:26 AM
I would try crow. I have eaten rabbit, groundhog and squirrel. Plenty of deer as well. I will not turn my nose up at anything.

There was a video I watched of a guy who prepared crow and then let his co-workers try it and they all said it tasted like venison and was good.

Tom W.
09-11-2018, 11:08 AM
EMC45, cross the mountains and go to Cherokee and see if the residents there will bake one for you....

09-12-2018, 02:31 PM
I would try crow. I have eaten rabbit, groundhog and squirrel. Plenty of deer as well. I will not turn my nose up at anything.

There was a video I watched of a guy who prepared crow and then let his co-workers try it and they all said it tasted like venison and was good.

Crow....the other dark meat !

Crow actually tastes like woodpecker. Not bad , better than an old possum.

09-12-2018, 09:51 PM
When I lived out West, jackrabbits were abundant, and I have eaten a few of those. Oddly, it is closest to beef of any critter I have tried. the meat is red, and very lean. Marinated in teriyaki and grilled, it is pretty good.


09-23-2018, 11:15 AM
Growing up in the AK bush: Beaver, Porcupine, Muskrat, Lynx, Moose nose, Salmon heads.

Lynx was the best of the six /by far/, with porcupine bringing up the end (so to speak).

Common thread with the above meats (besides the lynx); very, very, very fatty/oily meat - needs lots of rice or potatoes. :)I've had beaver a few times at game feeds. Get all the fat off before cooking and it's great. BBQ beaver sandwiches are a favorite. Didn't care for turtle. Considering they live in the mud, that's exactly what it tasted like.

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk

09-23-2018, 01:43 PM
1. Anyone who eats pork or chicken has no reason to cull any meat! They don't call chickens barn yard buzzards, or hogs garbage disposals for nothing!

2. There's someone some where that knows how to make nearly anything taste good.

3. There are secrets to handling the meat from nearly any animal that will improve its flavor, or ruin it!

I've eaten a bunch of bird pies growing up. An old lady that our family farmed her land would send my brother and I out with a hand full of 410 shells to kill any bird we could get in range, she made pies and they where good! I learned as a younger boy, that folks that survived the depression where not real picky about meat! I also had a friend whose momma could fix bbq raccoon as good as pulled pork, and if you don't get those glands out it taste like a wet dog smells! If you think a raccoons fat, Skin a beaver sometime, but it good meat. Squirrels also have a gland under each arm that when removed make the meat better.

Animals I've tried to eat that where not good to unpalatable? A large fresh water drum tops the list, and robins taste like dirt.

There are no nastier cannibals then chickens and pigs. People dont realize it until you watch them. Very grosse to see but they are tasty

09-23-2018, 11:04 PM
When I got married 38 years ago, I ate a lot of crow. Never liked it much so I've learned to keep my mouth shut at the appropriate times.