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View Full Version : Just sold 1800 pounds of lead, I'm out, thanks all.

08-31-2018, 08:41 PM
Just sold all my stash of lead today, 1800 pounds. I was quite surprised.

With 2 kids and the business, I don't even have time to shoot anymore, and even less for casting.
Trudeau is on it's way to ban all handguns and semi autos in canada anyway, so it's not looking like casting is going to have a use when I retire anyway.

Thanks everyone for all the info, it was a nice adventure and I really enjoyed hoarding WW, smelting ingots, casting, trying lubes, loads, hi tek, pc, etc etc.
I feel a little sad leaving all this behind, but I just don't have time anymore for that.

08-31-2018, 09:19 PM
You can still stop by and say hi occasionally. Don't be a stranger.

08-31-2018, 09:20 PM
You're welcome back any time.

08-31-2018, 09:23 PM
hate to see somebody quit but good luck with all your endeavors

08-31-2018, 10:04 PM
Actually Kryogen, think of it this way. Empty nest syndrome will come upon you a lot faster than you would like and maybe with time on your hands. Should that be the case just jump back in.
By the way, what is lead selling for in Canada?

09-01-2018, 01:05 AM
Dang. Yes, please drop by from time to time. Good people here.

Honestly, I'd have to admit to being close to walking away from it all. Life is busy, and there was a time or two when I looked at all the idle capital in my loading and shooting inventory. I start thinking of the value I could get.

Thankfully, Mrs. Taterhead knows me too well and talked me off the ledge. Smart lady. Keeper!

Also, thankfully, I live in a free state where I my liberty doesn't feel as threatened as some of our neighbors feel. Canada borders Idaho to the north. Nevertheless diligence is in order lest we follow in the footsteps of Australia, et al.

09-01-2018, 09:15 AM
By the way, what is lead selling for in Canada?

I could maybe have gotten 1$ per pound for the ingots, but I would have had to advertise it, sell it in smaller lots, etc etc etc... I just went to the scrapyard and got a lower price to get rid of it all.
.50 for lead and .30 for wheel weights.

It wasn't about money so much anyway, I wanted to get rid of 1800 pounds of stuff and I just wanted it out of my garage "this morning".
got 750$ out of it, and this probably cost me around 300$ to get, so, oh well, considering all the time it took to smelt ingots, it wasn't "financially" worth it, but it wasn't about money anyway, it was a hobby.
I'm just sick of my garage being clustered with junk and I wanted to get my ATV and the kids stuff in, so I am just trashing stuff.

I'm just getting rid of pretty much everything in regards to casting. Maybe I'll advertise the melting pot and molds for half the price on a canadian forum, I don't know.

I can still shoot 9mm FMJ, we have plated bullets in canada for a reasonable cost at around 100$ per 1000, it's ok, I don't even shoot anymore anyway.

09-02-2018, 08:12 PM
I have been in and out based on financial considerations, school, having babies ..........out temporarily. If you do get any free time, you might want to spend some time trying to change some bad Canadian laws.

09-02-2018, 10:27 PM
I must say sad to see you go, but there is a lesson here for all of us.

What you are experiencing in Canada with the Liberal gun grabbers wanting all guns gone is exactly what is happening in California and other states right now.

The Liberals /Socialists can't enact their complete agenda unless there is no way for the public to fight back. They need total submission.

Canada doesn't have a 2nd Amendment. We do !!! And the only way to keep it is for everyone you know to vote for Republicans this November. It is most important in states like California, New York, Illinois and Mass, where Liberals control pretty much everything.

We need to create a Red Tsunami and take our country back from the Liberal/Socialist insanity. Canada is run the same way as CA and other liberal state strong holds, where the big cities are mostly liberal and control the vote for the whole province or state.

Unfortunately Canada is farther gone than we are in that regard, and I am sorry to see that.

We still have a chance, but it kind of hinges on all of us talking it up to everyone we meet. Everyone has to spread the word.

It doesn't matter if you don't like what Trump says. It only matters what he does,,, and so far he's doing pretty good.

His mantra should be "Actus non Verba" "Actions not words."

Good luck Kryo ! We'll miss you, and you are welcome to visit any time. Maybe we can go shooting?


09-03-2018, 02:36 AM

09-03-2018, 05:08 AM
Sorry to see you go and just as sorry to see The Breck Boy pandering to the "do something" crowd. I watch Canada closely growing up within a stone's throw of the border and having driven through it on a weekly basis for a number of years on the way to the mid-west and back. For the most part, great people but I have no idea what they are thinking in electing people like Baby Trudeau.

Let us all hope that the infatuation of Celebrity Leaders of the last decade is over and people that are serious with doing what the people want and more to the point are accomplished in something other that giving good speeches and hanging with rock stars get elected.

You more than doubled your money so I would consider that a good investment on your part. At least you were not forced to do it by a "Government Buyback" scheme or something.

It doesn't matter if you don't like what Trump says. It only matters what he does,,, and so far he's doing pretty good.
I'm not a fan of Trump and didn't support him during the last election but did vote for him as the alternative should make any sane person shudder. I will say this, though. He has been very good especially on the judicial nominations and watching the Progressives lose their minds on a daily basis is entertaining to say the least. It sure brought them out of the woodwork and stop hiding their true intentions so for that alone Trump has done a great service. No more hiding of the people that want to destroy our country behind empty, obtuse rhetoric with the Press's true colors coming out front and center.

09-03-2018, 07:54 AM
Its too bad that you couldn't get your stash of lead into the hands of a needy or beginning caster. But I do understand the time restraints. For a few years I was really busy working 2 jobs, being a Husband, Father, Scoutmaster, going to ballgames, ect. I didn't have time to cast, reload or even shoot but I held onto my stuff.

Mal Paso
09-03-2018, 12:07 PM
1800 pounds would have been a great score but freight would have killed it for me. Lead and Firewood, the less you move them the better. I wish you the best, even leadfree.

This is the last day of the Rotometals Sale "labor18" is the code for those looking for lead.

09-03-2018, 12:15 PM
kryogen, come back and visit. You have a really great group of friends here, but we understand the need to take care of family first and commend you for your diligence.

09-03-2018, 02:26 PM
Just sold all my stash of lead today, 1800 pounds. I was quite surprised.

With 2 kids and the business, I don't even have time to shoot anymore, and even less for casting.
Trudeau is on it's way to ban all handguns and semi autos in canada anyway, so it's not looking like casting is going to have a use when I retire anyway.

Thanks everyone for all the info, it was a nice adventure and I really enjoyed hoarding WW, smelting ingots, casting, trying lubes, loads, hi tek, pc, etc etc.
I feel a little sad leaving all this behind, but I just don't have time anymore for that.

no.the turd isn't goin to do that.it would be political suicide. the number of rpal'ers is increasing everyday. more poeple,even those pot heads who voted for this piece of trash are on their way to kick him out in the next generals. he's a true piece of garbage,even in his own party some would gladly punch him in the throat. he's done,that's it.

however, if you don't have any time left to shoot anymore, getting rid of all that stuff make sens. it,s not like you can't get back to it later when free time will get back to you, ; kids deploying their own wings,and retirement in sight. good luck with your projects and the family.

09-04-2018, 05:52 PM
It doesn't matter if you don't like what Trump says. It only matters what he does,,, and so far he's doing pretty good.

I'm not a fan of Trump and didn't support him during the last election but did vote for him as the alternative should make any sane person shudder. I will say this, though. He has been very good especially on the judicial nominations and watching the Progressives lose their minds on a daily basis is entertaining to say the least. It sure brought them out of the woodwork and stop hiding their true intentions so for that alone Trump has done a great service. No more hiding of the people that want to destroy our country behind empty, obtuse rhetoric with the Press's true colors coming out front and center.

They only can succeed in the dark ! And Trump is the Suns biggest competitor.

Rule #1 Liberals Screw up everything they touch.
Rule #2 Whatever they accuse you of, they are already doing.
Rule #3 Liberals will lie about anything, no matter how insignificant.
Rule #4 If all else fails, they call you a Racist!

These rules are why they can only succeed in the dark.

None of these rules are even debatable.

They are obvious to anyone with a brain. Just watch TV.


09-11-2018, 08:58 AM
Underground, quietly.
It's where we'll rendezvous if it ever gets as bad as Canada or Kalifornia.
Give it up? Never.
Just wish I had time for it more than a couple of times a year.
I thought retirement would give me the time, but geewillikers... it has not.
More work and more projects than ever STILL keep me from casting, loading, and pulling triggers.
I was shooting shotgun loads from 2004 at this year's dove opener, trying to rotate stock.
Used the last of my 2002 pheasant loads last year which proved to be a bit excessive for dove inside of 40 yards
Underground, quietly... see you there.