View Full Version : Hunting season is getting close

Lead pot
08-28-2018, 11:16 AM
When I was a Kid of 11 back in the early 50's putting food on the table was tough for my Mother. One day she came home from work with a J.C Higgins .22 rifle and two boxes .22 Hiawatha shorts and she said go see Spike at the gun shop and he will teach you how to shoot. I put the rifle over the handle bars of my bike and peddled it 4 miles to town and saw Spike. Spike was a old man I thought he was 100 :) when I walked in the door and saw him :) He said well Son before we start we will have to drink a Spikes special. Out came a jar of cream and orange juice and poured it in a glass, well the cream curdled like cottage cheese. I looked at it and looked up at old Spike and back at the glass and Spike said go and down it, it's good, I did and from that day I spent a lot of time with Spike at his shop helping him and listened to his stories of his past when he was my age with his Grampa and Dad. His grampa was a hide hunter.
Ole Spike got me started with black powder.
Well I put a lot of rabbits on the table and here is one of the way Mom fixed them.

Take two or three rabbits, and cut them to pieces, and put them in a stew-pan, with three ounces of butter; then season them with pepper and salt, a nutmeg, a little thyme and sweet marjoram, a little lemon-peel grated, and let these be close covered, and stew them gently till they are tender, in half a pint of veal broth, with an onion; then strain off the liquor, and beat three Egg yolks with some cream: then put some of the broth by degrees to the eggs and cream, keeping them stirring, left they curdle. You may put to it some parsley, boiled tender, and shred small; then toss them up thick, adding some mushrooms; and serve them hot, with a garnish of sliced lemon and red beet

A lot of Mom's recipes are written in German and a little tough to translate the old German script.


08-28-2018, 11:38 AM
Yes fall is in the air this morning; apples dropping; grapes about ready. got the the bow targets out yesterday.
Hunting and cooking is also major part of our family heritage; getting together to can venison and make sausage. The thanksgiving morning deer drives. Thank you for sharing your story!

It wasn’t all that long ago that hunting put every bit of meat on my young family table; 2008,9 and 10’were rough years for a young husband and father fresh out of the military trying to make a living in the construction trades; or any trade for that matter. Big and small game hunting; fishing and crayfish traps gave us a lot of nutritious protein.

08-28-2018, 10:16 PM
Growing up in KY in the 60s i used to rabbit and quail hunt with a friend. We taught ourselves how to hunt because our dads were busy working. My friend (Lewis) had a next door neighbor who had brought a German wife home sometime after WWII. Mrs. Lanning raised and butchered all their meat, mostly fowl and rabbits. Lewis and i worked a deal with her, we drop off what we shot and she would clean them and gives us back half. Great deal for young fellows who hadn't been shown how to process wild game. One time she gave us something she cooked. I knew then why Fred married her.


08-29-2018, 09:31 AM
Since we raise rabbits I'm going to try that recipie.
Fall is definitely in the air. Fresh snow we can see from the house and last night was in the low 40's.
Tomatoes are just starting to ripen:(