View Full Version : anniversary present from wife

white eagle
08-27-2018, 07:02 PM
We are celebrating 35 years of marriage today and my wife bless
her heart bought me a Mathews Triax compound bow for the occasion
just her being here is a blessing enough she had just gone through brain surgery
to remove a tumor so to have her on the mend is present enough but I will put
the bow to good use and think of her when I look at it :-D

08-27-2018, 09:39 PM
You’re a lucky man

08-28-2018, 07:26 AM
white eagle, you truly have a gem.....but I suspect that she thinks she has a gem as well. Congrats brother and spoil her rotten! Paul

08-28-2018, 08:21 AM
Congratulations to both of you!

08-28-2018, 09:11 AM
You're blessed in many ways. Congrats on the 35 years of matrimony. Enjoy the bow and hopefully you'll have luck with it

08-28-2018, 10:24 AM
white eagle,

Sounds to us as that you found a real PEACH 35 years ago.

CONGRADS to you both.

Darla & tex

08-28-2018, 10:25 AM
Congrats! Very lucky

08-28-2018, 01:04 PM
Yes, Congratulations to both of you. Really glad she's doing well.

Lloyd Smale
08-30-2018, 06:58 AM
how do you like it so far? Very cool present! My old Mathews is about 10 years old now and im thinking of replacing it. I mostly hunt with a crossbow these days but still love to shoot my compound.

white eagle
08-30-2018, 05:13 PM
super fast and scary accurate
best bow I have ever had in my hands
my old Mathew bow is very old too.

Lloyd Smale
08-31-2018, 06:06 AM
it amazes me though the years with every new bow how much they improve. Youd think something a simple as a compound box would be hard to improve on to much. But they seem to find a way to step up the game every couple years.
super fast and scary accurate
best bow I have ever had in my hands
my old Mathew bow is very old too.