View Full Version : Cammind device

08-26-2018, 12:05 PM
At a BPCR match on Saturday I'd gotten my OAL just a little too long and had difficulty "thumbing" the rounds into the chamber. One of the other shooters loaned me a brass device to cam the rounds into position. It was a brass oval with a pins on either side that caught the edge of the frame on my high wall. There was a cut out in the center so the primer wasn't touched in the process. And an aluminum handle. You inserted the cartridge, put the device in the receiver so the pins engaged the back edge of the receiver, and pushed the handle down. The front of the cam rotated up and the cartridge was pushed into the chamber slick as a whistle.

Anybody know what this is called? I didn't take a picture (dumb me) so I'd like to see if I could find one on-line so I cam make one.

(definitely made loading easier but didn't help my score any)
Well, the title is supposed to be CAMMING device, but I can't spell.

08-26-2018, 12:39 PM
Like these?


08-26-2018, 12:45 PM
Wow! That is slick.

08-26-2018, 05:55 PM
You nailed it, marlinman93. The one I was loaned looked a little different and was made of brass but served the same function.

Now I have a name.

Too bad it's not back-orderable, but maybe a search will come up with another.

It was slick, Tatume. I came home from the match and tested each cartridge from the loading session. They averaged 2.963 ±0.002 inches. Half of them wouldn't go into the breech without a LOT of thumb pressure close to "Hand me the hammer". I reduced the OAL to 2.945 ±0.03 inches and thumbing them in was easy.

08-26-2018, 06:02 PM

country gent
08-26-2018, 09:19 PM
I have made them in several styles depending on action type. A lot more force there than most think there is if you jam ot in with this and it dosnt go then it can be a real chore pushing it out. Lexan can be used and is quite durable. 1/4" thick I used 2 pieces one on each side of the handle for the cams and finish the handle just under those surfaces for the primer relief groove. pin and glue together.

On some rifles ( Hepburns) a pin thru a piece of round stock with a flat will do the job. a piece of round stock for a handle.

One gentleman at the local matches uses one to seat all his loads every shot. HIs is straight handled since he dosnt use a scope.

A template can be cut from card board to use in fitting the assist tool. leave it large and trim to where it fits and pushes then use this to lay out the lexan or aluminum.

08-27-2018, 12:32 PM
Some guns (not all) shoot more accurately when the bullets are seated into the rifling in this method. Just be sure it's the bullet seating, and not improper case length causing the resistance. I've seen guys cam a case in thinking the bullet was pushing into the rifling, when in fact the case was slightly long. After firing they couldn't extract the case and had to use a wiping rod to knock it out.
I simply don't shoot mine touching the rifling that firmly. If it wont seat easily with thumb pressure I put it back in the ammo box.

08-27-2018, 03:33 PM
Steve Rhoades (Arizona sharp shooters) made the best cam device I have used. He even made one with a bent handle for scopes. Someone on the Shiloh site was going to make copies.

08-27-2018, 06:07 PM
Kokomokid, I ran across the reference to Steve Rhoades and the Arizona Sharp Shooters. I knew a Steve Rhoades who lived in Phoenix, but I don't know if they are the same. I've also tried finding a web site for the Arizona Sharp Shooters without success. Found a thread a few months old that said a new one was going to be put up, but I haven't found it.

08-27-2018, 06:34 PM
Kokomokid, I ran across the reference to Steve Rhoades and the Arizona Sharp Shooters. I knew a Steve Rhoades who lived in Phoenix, but I don't know if they are the same. I've also tried finding a web site for the Arizona Sharp Shooters without success. Found a thread a few months old that said a new one was going to be put up, but I haven't found it.

Sadly Steve has left the range but appears that SSShooter on the Shiloh site from Jersey shore is now making a copy of his seating tool. I keep mine in my line box just in case.