View Full Version : A reclaimed shot question?

08-22-2018, 09:45 PM
Does anyone know if shot made in the 40's or 50's was normally harder than todays shot? Anyway, here is the story.

Some of you may have seen my smelting pictures from a few weeks ago when I helped a buddy melt about 400# of reclaimed shot. I'm a little unsure of the exact story but, this was supposably shot back in WW11 or at least in the 40's on an airfield. Air Base, airfield, airport, tarmac, something? Then it was reclaimed sometime in the 50's by some bullseye shooters that were on the shooting team at that time. It stayed in a guys storeroom up until now, 2018. There is no way of knowing how or if it was sorted. When we got it, it was in a 20mm ammo can and a couple of 50 caliber cans. It was heavily oxidized but looked consistent and about size 7-1/2. Two weeks after we melted it I tested an ingot and got 3 very consistent hardness readings of 22 bhn. I'll be sending off a sample to test but the hardness surprised me. Thats about right for linotype. What do you think?

Dusty Bannister
08-22-2018, 10:54 PM
Did you force the cooling of the ingot molds?

08-22-2018, 11:12 PM
No, they were air cooled. Good question though and something I should have included.