View Full Version : Wood's getting expensive!

09-23-2008, 01:20 AM
This guy is on drugs!


You'd have to be even higher to pay that. Unreal.


bruce drake
09-23-2008, 04:56 AM
Actually, as these rifles get older and we have to resort to duplicating old stocks with panograph machines as the surplus stocks are depleted, you'll see prices like this. I recently restocked a good condition Commission Model 1888/05 made in 1891 with a panograph stock that nearly cost me $300 from the gunsmith and I provided the original for him to use for the copy! Thankfully, I was able to blue the rifle myself to save money but the results are spectacular considering its a 117 year old rifle.

That enfield's wood is actually in nice shape with plenty of figure and would probably take a great Linseed finish.

Will he get a buyer right now for that wood. Probably not, but a few years he probalby will.


09-23-2008, 09:17 AM
Yeah but SMLE stocks like that are selling for $100 from GPC!

09-23-2008, 10:53 AM
If they would sell for that I would buy a duplicating machine. The problem isn't the machine but "good wood" have you priced walnut, popular, oak, ect.? not a pretty sight, and most I have seen would have been rejected a few years back.